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Medieval Pack II v1.1: A Call to Arms

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bluevoss
    I think city expansion should be handled just like other tiles. You can chose to let your city sprawl (add more tiles) and chose how you want to to sprawl.
    Suburbs as tile improvements to reduce overpopulation.
    Good idea, I think.

    But on the other hand this would lead to an absolutely planned city expansion. A little bit of unpredictability in the behaviour of the own people can be very nice ('Please don't build your suburb onto the mega mine! Nooo!' ).


    • #17
      Re: City Walls Bug?

      Originally posted by StarGazer
      I have started two games of version 1.1 of MM2, and in both games, after I had gotten the Stone Working Advance, the option to build City Walls did NOT appear on my cities' Build menu. Other options, e.g., Shrine, Granary, Capitol, did appear, however, when I got the Advances required to build them.

      Have any of you experienced this problem?

      If not, then I guess I had better uninstall CTP2 and go through the whole process of reinstalling everything (after Wes puts up his modification to version 1.1).
      "Glad" to see I ain't the only one with the problem :/
      I'm having major problems with improvements
      First, I tried my old game, just to notice that in some cities, I could not build a damn thing! Tons of cities were out of quenes just like that. I did a feeble attempt just to see if 1.1 was the cause. I installed an old update from June. Well, all buildings came back... I did get tons of funny error messages and stuff. I installed 1.1 again, and the buildings were gone again :/

      So... I started a new game, thought maybe it didn't work with reload slic. Well, some coastal cities could build harbors, some couldn't. Some cities could build granaries, some couldn't. And these were freshly built cities. So... out of frustration (game was going so good ) I re-installed CTP II, added all the stuff again.
      Started a new game in good spirit again. Checked the building options each time I researched a new building. Well, granaries were there, shrines were there. Discovered masonry, city walls were in all cities building options. (yeey). Started building.. few turns later... BOOM! Each city which was building city walls... quene empty

      Hope this helps anyway

      ps. Could not insert citywalls again into the quene, since they were nowhere to be seen. And the city did not finish it. (just to be totally clear )

      pps. Can someone send me the update before 1.1, think it would be July 18th update. Send to:


      • #18
        I was wondering if it was possible to have the Med Mod installed and the Apolyton Mod installed at the same time?

        If so, which should I unzip in to appropriate first, assuming that some files get overwritten in each case?

        Were they designed to act independently; so that they may both exist within the CTP file structure with no harm being done to either?

        Thanks for the answers. I'm new to "mods", and I don't want to screw things up too badly.


        • #19
          I've been having the same problems getting city walls to work in med mod v 1.1 as well...I also cannot build academies, aqueducts and universities...which makes it rather pointless in continuing I'm going to shelve med mod until I can find out how to resolve this error.

          That being said, I would like to congratulate WesW on a job well done...from the few hours I have played medmodII, I can tell he has performed alot of work on this project. I especially enjoy
          the new units and the addition of the militia concept. Like most, I had only played CTPII once (on the hardest level) and decided to shelve the game when I won that game without ever being attacked by the enemy AI's even once. That was very disheartening. So, as can be surmised, I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon this site and found this lively little
          community of mod makers - I've never played a mod before, but from what I've downloaded and seen from playing medmodII and
          the Apolyon Pack, there is much to commend the individual and communal efforts of all involved. I was pleasantly surprised to lose my first MedMod game within 20 minutes - I didn't expect the barbarian AI to be so aggresive. That's when I knew that this wasn't the same Call to Power AI that I had so casually dismissed months before. Kudos and thanks to everyone involved!

          Still, it doesn't make sense to play the game if I can't build
          aqueducts and science improvements. If I can get the MedmodII up and working properly, it will be one helluva game, and well worth a donation, as discussed in other threads!


          • #20
            Disappearing Build Lists

            Just wanted to add my experience with adding v1.1. After updating the files, I reloaded slic and continued a game I had already in progress. Many of my cities that were building sewer systems suddenly had them disappear from their build queue. In fact, almost everything disappeared from my build (building) list. I could see oil refineries and infrastructure, but little else. In one recently defeated city, I was desparately trying to build an aquaduct but when I would click on the "add" button, it would disappear. It didn't show up on the build queue nor was it completed. Strangely, I think all the units stayed in the unit build list as well as all the wonders available at that time. Only the building build list was funky Luckily, I had saved the old text download and reinstalled it so that I could keep playing one of the best CTP games I have ever played...Thanks Wes et al.

            One last question...I had been hesitant in installing the update due to the "random" change in AI diplomacy that was added. Does this mean that an ally or friend could conceivably wake up one turn and decide that they will hate your civ for no apparent reason? Perhaps, I'm just not understanding Dale's changes...
            "...the aim of most scientists is to know more and more about less and less, and to describe what it is they know in terms of such precision as to be virtually incomprehensible to their colleagues, let alone the general public."


            • #21
              ToonGoon & anyone else:
              The diplomacy "randomness" I implemented seems to be a bit confussed with a few players. Here's the low-down.

              The AI has 6 different diplomatic stances it could have to someone:
              - AI_SUCKUP
              - AI_NORMAL
              - AI_WARMONGER
              - HUMAN_SUCKUP
              - HUMAN_NORMAL
              - HUMAN_WARMONGER

              Before the latest update, the AI was initialised with a diplomatic stance at the start of the game based on the leader's personality. This diplomatic stance would stay with the civ for the whole game. Not too realistic. To change that, Wes and I put in this random swapping so the AI will change diplomatic stances during a game (on average about 150 turns). So with AI to AI diplomatic stances they will swap between the three AI stances. And similarly with AI to Human between the three Human stances.

              However, (to address the concern) this is not a quick effect. The stances settings have been balanced so that the effect of an AI going from NORMAL to WARMONGER is noticed over many turns. Basically, Wes and I wanted to model the realistic effect of changing society attitudes to foreigners and dynesty changes.

              Hope that helps in the explanation.


              • #22
                re:city wall bug

                I started a new game and saw that I can only build granaries shrines and harbors in coastal cities even though I have the techs to build the other buildings. I reloaded an old game in the mid information age, i got weird messages so i reloaded slic and could only build food silos in my cities. I thinhk this has to do with the fact that the population boom slic is not there, but there is mention of it in mm2_scen_str.txt it says something like building germ theory and building immunization.

                Does anyone know why the militia units don't upgrade when you discover a new militia unit advance, or increase when the city border change.


                • #23
                  Building queues

                  Apparantly I messed up Wouter's slc file a week or so ago when I made some changes to the buildings. I deleted some of the slic code since it was no longer needed. I checked what I knew to check, and the game loaded correctly, so I figured that everything was fine.
                  When I out-commented Chris and Wouter's files, the game started working correctly again, and Chris' file has not been altered in weeks, so it must be something that I did.

                  I have finished re-working the building text, and I am happy with the way things are now, so as soon as Wouter can correct the file and get it back to me I will post the patch/update.

                  Cube, you need to go by the description in the Triggers readme regarding the militia code. The stuff you found in Wouter's slc file is the way the militia code was originally designed to work. There was a bug with saved games, however, and we had to scrap that system for the current simplified code.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by bigfree1
                    I was wondering if it was possible to have the Med Mod installed and the Apolyton Mod installed at the same time?

                    If so, which should I unzip in to appropriate first, assuming that some files get overwritten in each case?

                    Were they designed to act independently; so that they may both exist within the CTP file structure with no harm being done to either?

                    Thanks for the answers. I'm new to "mods", and I don't want to screw things up too badly.
                    Anyone have any answers?


                    • #25
                      RE:apolyton pack and med mod 2 together

                      Yes you can have both med mod and the apolyton pack installed together, they have different prefixes mm2 is for med mod and the apolyton pack has aprefix, but i forgot what it is. you switch between them by using modswapper.

                      I was thinking of downloading craddle to use in the early game, then switch over to med mod once the changes from cradle end, is this possible? If so how is it done and are there any problems.

                      I have been playing a new game with v1.1 until I found out i could only build granaries and shrines, but the Wes told us how to fix it and i did. I have been getting a message about pollution that said something like pollution is to high and a pollution disaster is imminent. I was wondering if anyone is getting this message and what's causing it. I copied the wouter slc file from the July 18 zip file but not the chris slc file. could this be it?


                      • #26
                        Re: Attacking

                        Originally posted by StarGazer
                        All the above refers to MM2 games played in versions earlier than the new 1.1. Haven't been able yet to play a 1.1 version beyond Turn 111. Hope this helps.
                        Yes, my faith to MM2 and CTP2 is returned

                        Maybe my computer is too lame(300MHz AMD K6-2) and thats why AI has always been so stupid and boring in my games? I have increased(doubled) those AI_TIME_SLICE settings as said in Wes's textfile. But maybe that addition was too little??? Has anyone tested this?


                        • #27
                          Hey all, I'm back!
                          I've been pretty busy with work lately so haven't had time to post or anything. Although as a graduate assistant I don't have a formal work schedule, I do have to get something done now and then but I tend to wait 'til the last possible minute.

                          I think I've figured out why people were having trouble building city improvements in version 1.1. There was a line missing from Wouter's wonder code. I put it back in and emailed the file back to Wes. Hopefully that'll do the trick.

                          Originally posted by WesW
                          Cube, you need to go by the description in the Triggers readme regarding the militia code. The stuff you found in Wouter's slc file is the way the militia code was originally designed to work. There was a bug with saved games, however, and we had to scrap that system for the current simplified code.
                          Yeah, I've been wondering about that. What exactly is the bug? Tonight I wrote some code to implement those missing features and it seemed to work out ok, except I didn't do anything with taking away militias when the city shrinks. I could save the game and load it again and the militias were still there, if that's what the problem is.

                          btw, does anyone know what the BuildOnlyOne flag in the units.txt means? I've noticed a lot of units in Med Mod have it. Only the three settler types used it in the Activision release. Just curious.
                          "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                          • #28
                            In the basic game, most units, once they are at the top of the build queue, stay there until replaced, ie. the city keeps churning them out over and over again. The OnlyBuildOne flag means that the city will build one, and then notify you, and take it out of the build queue, like a building.
                            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                            • #29
                              Re: City Walls Bug?

                              Originally posted by StarGazer
                              I have started two games of version 1.1 of MM2, and in both games, after I had gotten the Stone Working Advance, the option to build City Walls did NOT appear on my cities' Build menu. Other options, e.g., Shrine, Granary, Capitol, did appear, however, when I got the Advances required to build them.

                              Have any of you experienced this problem?
                              Yes, I've gotten this all 3 times I've played. The behavior I see is that I do get the city wall and auqaduct and I can add them to the build queue. At this point, the entry disappears from both the build queue and the selection queue. Very strange indeed. I usually become very flustered at this point and abort the game.

                              Hmmm, looking at the previous posts, I find that once again I have posted 15 minutes too late. I'll reload my shotgun for the other foot....


                              • #30
                                Modswapper and MedMod version number

                                I apologize if this is a redundant question.

                                I believe I've applied the latest updates from Wes (v1.1, 7/30, actually downloaded on 8/1) and run ModSwapper to apply it.

                                But when I run Modswapper, the choice for MedMod II reads
                                The Medieval Pack II v1.0: A Call to Arms
                                Do I truly have version 1.1? Is there some other way to tell from within the game, or do I need to peruse the .txt files in the ctp_data folder?

                                Thanks for any help.


