Since I've started making CTP maps, I've decided that the original Civ_str.txt is too limited for empires to operate on really huge maps, so I've decided to expand the lists. I saw a string on this earlier, but I can't find it now. I'm assuming it's possible to just extend the lists, and I've already expaned the city names up to 60 names, for the Romans, Greeks, Japanese, and Egyptians. Some civs will be alot more difficult to expand, ie. Canada and the United States will easily have more names than a civ like Kwa-Zulu... However I'm going attempt to expand all the lists. I'd like some help in researching specific Civs for names. I'm a pretty good geographer, but it would be nice for those who know a country to help me in their areas of expertise. Let me know if your interested.
-Eric "Hassan"
-Eric "Hassan"