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The Medieval Pack II Beta: The Gathering

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  • #61
    Guys, you are going to have to keep up with this thread. Most of these things you are reporting have already been covered here.
    The sound files glitch is new, and I will try and look into it. Everything else you guys have listed since my last post is covered either by me or Locutus above here, or in the readmes.
    A-Cat, I have not tested loading old games, but I feel sure that you activated the Med mod with modswapper, then opened the old original game. You just have to use modswapper to switch back to the original game, and the problems should go away. Note that you will have to load up a version from before you installed modswapper, or things will get messed up.


    • #62

      What about prob. in Win2000, I can't start the game with the mod only the orginal CTP2


      • #63

        I don't know if it makes a difference, but Windows 2000 is business oriented, I have Windows ME and I don't have a problem.



        • #64
          Game runs fine till I get ship of the line and cannons, if I click any city that can build ship of the lines, i get "cannot find file upup117.tga" but i can MOVE ships aruond that have been built...cannons give me the SAME error but when i try to move them.


          • #65
            1 other thing, I went from having 50 fryman militas, to 2 muskteteer (and NOT growing) when I got the new tech, in other words my militas stopped spawning = (


            • #66

              I saw that earlier someone had a problem with a slc error. I read into it and I think it had to do with using more then 6 Players. SO I had been using 6, but today, after I built the Stone Henge I got a slc Err0r statin "In object MM2_TryMilitia, variables 'MM2_TryMilitia#tmpLoc' and 'noname' are different types." Ok I thought that had to do with using more then 6 players. I did notice that the Babarians had captured several cities of another civilization, could that cause the program to think of them as a 7th Civilization?


              [This message has been edited by HRuquet (edited March 18, 2001).]


              • #67
                I am having the same trouble as preacherman + HRuquet,

                "In object MM2_TryMilitia, variables 'MM2_TryMilitia#tmpLoc' and 'noname' are different types."

                For this message started when I loaded my savegame


                • #68

                  Originally posted by Locutus on 03-16-2001 05:13 AM
                  Quick note for everyone who's been having those annoying TryMilitia and similar problems: set DebugSLIC to No in ctp2_program\ctp\userprofile.txt and your problems should disappear like snow for the sun.

                  This is how you correct the TryMilitia and Noname problems.

                  I checked out the problem with the cannon picture, and somehow the pic's name got changed from UPUP117L to UPUP117C between my personal files and the zip files. I will include the corrected pic in the next text update. In the meantime, everyone needs to go into the default\gamedata\graphics\pictures folder and re-name the pic to UPUP117L.

                  In other news, I have made some slight adjustments to the advances chart so that Mechanical Power, which enables Siege Engines, is not available immediately after Geometry, which enables Catapults. Thanks for pointing out this oversight.

                  The pauses that occur whenever you get an advance or a unit from a hut are still present, though I am not sure why. I guess it has to do with the fact that we added so many of each to the game. This pause is annoying, but it goes away once all of the huts have been explored in the early stages of the game, and I guess we will just have to get used to it.


                  • #69
                    Here's something I haven't seen mentioned. When I reach 8 units per city, a message window pops up:

                    "We cannot afford to support so many military units, sir. If you end your turn now, our military leaders will be forced to disband units. Would you like to end your turn?" Options here are "Yes", "No", and "Don't show this message again".

                    The first time it happened I disbanded one unit and it just popped up again next turn (even though I hadn't gained a unit)! So then I clicked "Yes", and to my surprise no units were disbanded. Any idea what's going on here? I couldn't find any window that shows a "too many military units" statistic, so is this even a problem? It's easy enough to click the "Don't Bother Me" button, but I just want to be sure that's an acceptable solution. The message goes away when I build a new city, so there's definitely some kind of "units per city" issue here.
                    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                    • #70
                      Im in 2200, with fighetrs, tanks and 32 pop city...and they still all look like castle citys? Is this a bug or did I miss a key advance to make em change?

                      Virtual democracy in a


                      • #71
                        And ive just found a MAJOR problem with the late game...there are too many city improvements, and they are too gold just shot down to negative with vr amusement parks and research grinded to a HALT (96 turns for conservation....)

                        that and my citys still look like castles hehe


                        • #72
                          None of my citys have bazaars, and can't build...that is probally the reason why, also it appears mega mines come before (or can come) advanced mines.

                          Why am I the only one with bug reports on late game? hehe everyone else is early

                          Maybe its cause I don't have this "30 second pause" I keep hearing about?


                          • #73
                            The pause is happening in my mod too - it might have to do with the militia code.
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #74
                              Hi all, especially Wes and other medomodemakers.

                              I finally had time to test the beta(the 15th march version). I do have AMD K6-2 300Mhz. AI_TOTAL_TIME_SLICE is set to 75000. And I have to say that maybe some of these subjects are covered elsewhere.

                              So... where should I began(I have many things written to the paper ).

                              Computer stucking:
                              In 3610BC computer stucked first time. I hit the enter key to end my turn. AI player colors starts to blink below the year(this is normal, I just can not figure out the better explanation, sorry). After 4 or 5 ai -players computer stucked(I did not get seconds this time (maybe this was over half minute?)). Finally stucking ended and game continued. Next time in 3220BC. Stucking again. This time it lasted about 25 seconds. There were no other stuckings from AI -players in this game. But ruins. When I wound ruins and there were money there were no stucking. When I wound new advances there were about 10 seconds stuck. And new troops gave me about 20 seconds stuck. So maybe AI -players' stuckings come from the ruins(I know, I know, someone said this before) but the AI -stuck seconds does not match with my ruins stucking seconds.

                              In about 1780BC I had only one city. My troops were discovering other places and were coming back home. There were one barbarian fortified 2 squares from my cityborder(9 squares in city this time). Why was that barbarian unit there? Sitting stupidly

                              In 610AD I got map from russians. And woohoo!! There were at least 3 barbarian cities(2 of them were close together and the third were far away). And About half of the map were still black. So this says to me that barbarians are much much better than they used to be. Good.

                              I only got militia(spearmen) to my capitol. After that when I discovered or captured new cities there were no militias Bug???

                              And when I discovered the tegnology that gives me phalanx, I suppose that this teghnology obsoletes spearmen and my only spearmen militia disappeared!!! I did not get more militias. Sad.

                              Odd map:
                              I usually play with minimized map. I changed one time a map with AI-player(orange) at the "beginning" of the game. In 205BC I checked the map and woohoo that was odd. I had one city far far away visible(9 squares) and other place there were a little bigger place visible but there were no city. I can not figure out how I or orange player did got map of those areas. Those areas were only little mappieces and arounbd them there were only black squares. ODD!

                              I played to the 650AD. Aren't the technologies too much military technologies? I mean that I only have built bazaar, courthouse, aqueduct, waht was that ancient food silo. And maybe few other. But it seems that usually All I can build is troops because there is no meaningful buildings available. I know that this depends from what technologies I have discovered but I am not much below others in technology. I would like to have allmost all the time more buildings available to build so that I do not have to build more and more troops. But this was my first medmod game so it might be that this "no buildings available" happened only to me and only in this game. "No buildings available" happened mostly around 600AD. Not much before(of course there were few times few turns when I had only troops available to build).

                              In 305AD I was walking to Ai -city Paris. And there were ruins in 3 squares from the paris. The AI could not be so stupid that he had not discovered that?!?!? In 305AD and 3 sqares from capital. There were money in ruins so that was not a bad ruins.

                              Stupid Orange:
                              Orange had Populist Zealot(can someone tell me what that does mean?!?!) personality. First of all. First we lived together without argues. Then he discovered slaver and had built one noble. He first took one slave from me. I saw the noble coming. When the noble was next to my city he packed noble and slaver to the same unit(what was the word of many units in pack ? ). There were number two visible next to noble so I knew there were the slaver too. Then he declared war and took other slave. And after that I killed those troops. So we had the war.

                              I was the last in military power. I was little poorer than this orange guy. I took troops(2 archer, 2 spearmen and 2 swordmen) and walked to his city. I won. I don't remember were there troops in his 1st city. Next city were his capital. I walked there too and there were 6 or something troops in defence. I beated those too.

                              I waited few(means over 20) turns and decided to walk to his next city. First I had noble that walked next to his city. And stayed there about 7 turns. So why didn't he killed the noble? I took my troops there in 7 turns and I marched to the city. EMPTY! No troops there! And I gave him a warnig(in form of noble) 7 turns before. Stupidity again!

                              By the way there is a picture of fort next to my cities' name when I have troops in that city. Should I see same kind of picture in enemies city? I do not remember. But I hope I should not see that(and I did not see that picture in this city I just got and no picture in next city too).

                              Ok. 2 cities left. First one was just established because it was level 1 vity. No troops there. That is ok if that really were just estalbished. And the last city. I gave him again a warning in form of noble My noble was next to that city 3 turns. Why didn't he kill the noble??? After 3 turens my troops arrived and there were 2 archers against my troops. I took the city.

                              I never saw any of his(except noble and slaver) troops attacking against me. So why did he declare war?!?! Stupidity.

                              This orange player seemed a lot as an old ctp2 player. No any kind of superior artificial intelligence here. Of course some AI's can be stupid This was the first I saw in my first medmod game.

                              So I had many thigs here... I hope this helps even a little wes or dale or someone to improve mod.



                              • #75
                                Hi Y'all

                                Been a while since my last post, tried to play a game to the end for once, I never ever built one kraken until now...they rule

                                Anyways....I've always been a little hesitant to install the MedMod since everyone is having so many probs with it.
                                But now it's beta and all the glitches should be out I thought well lets try it if it's so damn good !

                                So I started with 8 civ, very hard en huge map....not that huge actually but still.....

                                First thing I noticed by the way in my installation process is that it overwrites a picture file of the original.....AND NOW ALL MY CITIES HAVE TURNED INTO CASTLES.....I'M IN 2368 AD with castles......

                                This same picture I have when I start a medmod game.... NO militia errors thank god !
                                The library sucks....what the hell does temple of karnak do...library not working kinda sucks sometimes if you want to know what something is !
                                But anyways....Why does it take my city 74 TURNS to build a settler and 56 turns to discover.
                                Don't think that I don't have patience but THIS to be honoust.... I quit after 20 turns...It's going slow that it's not fun anymore.
                                In a normal game it takes about 15 turns for a settler !

                                Ok your right I don't have patience I KNOW I KNOW ..... but I'm a very busy person who can't play for three days straight !

                                Well that's my impression so far...If you tell me how to make the library work maybe I can help !
                                I'll try to play beyond 20 turns soon !

                                But all in all it's great mod....beautifull units and a lot of them can't wait to be able to build them....will take me at least three years

                                Well, gotta go...see ya soon !

