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Alternative ai

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  • John, thanks. You got me all embarrased now.

    As to your research question:
    The research bug is unfortunately inherited into the diplo script due to the fact it's internal to CTP2.EXE. This is the same for the advance-for-gold bug. Sorry folks.

    Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

    Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


    • It is me or am I just a really evil person. No matter when I ask for an exchange of even the basics (ie maps) the AI say nope, not going to happen. If I'm the big guy, or the guy in dead last (which is lengthening in each game with frenzy and diplomod) they're not interested. The one thing that is great now is that when I say leave and give them a little something they'll leave and not come back for at least 10 turns, which is more than enough to beef up security. The other thing I noticed occurs only when the AI has a city right on my border is they are much more willing to give that city (but no other one) to keep the peace, even if I'm not strong just have maybe 3 units in the vicinity. This has never happened to me. I'd like to finish (yea it seems like and essay to me) with a hearty congrats to Dale... this has so improved the game and made it that much tougher even on Impossible or as my game now says DEITY That was like the first thing that I did, heck with the game, I want the old familiar titles I love this mod and combine it with frenzy and activision doesn't hold a candle to you guys... nice job.

      Rich - one day they'll give me their maps again, one day


      • It is me or am I just a really evil person. No matter when I ask for an exchange of even the basics (ie maps) the AI say nope, not going to happen. If I'm the big guy, or the guy in dead last (which is lengthening in each game with frenzy and diplomod) they're not interested. The one thing that is great now is that when I say leave and give them a little something they'll leave and not come back for at least 10 turns, which is more than enough to beef up security. The other thing I noticed occurs only when the AI has a city right on my border is they are much more willing to give that city (but no other one) to keep the peace, even if I'm not strong just have maybe 3 units in the vicinity. This has never happened to me. I'd like to finish (yea it seems like and essay to me) with a hearty congrats to Dale... this has so improved the game and made it that much tougher even on Impossible or as my game now says DEITY That was like the first thing that I did, heck with the game, I want the old familiar titles I love this mod and combine it with frenzy and activision doesn't hold a candle to you guys... nice job.

        Rich - one day they'll give me their maps again, one day


        • Not had that problem at all. Installed diplofrenzy half-way through a game though. Perhaps that may give you a lead?

          Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
          Nostalgia isn't what it used to be


          • Not had that problem at all. Installed diplofrenzy half-way through a game though. Perhaps that may give you a lead?

            Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
            Nostalgia isn't what it used to be


            • Have you tried a jigsaw puzzle? It's been a while since any of those fought back and gave me a bit of a challenge.

              Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
              Nostalgia isn't what it used to be


              • Have you tried a jigsaw puzzle? It's been a while since any of those fought back and gave me a bit of a challenge.

                Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
                Nostalgia isn't what it used to be


                • Have you tried a jigsaw puzzle? It's been a while since any of those fought back and gave me a bit of a challenge.

                  Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
                  Nostalgia isn't what it used to be


                  • thanks it is done i d/l the ai diplomacy mod too. Why do they give away so much citys lol!!!! needs to be fixed


                    • thanks it is done i d/l the ai diplomacy mod too. Why do they give away so much citys lol!!!! needs to be fixed


                      • Rich thanks, but I'm gunna be even more evil than you.

                        V3.2 (which I'll send across now) will make it a little harder to get their maps. I've always thought it was too easy for a human player to get maps from an AI, even in previous civ-type games. Now there's only a 1% chance you'll get it.


                        BTW, how on earth did ya change the title to DEITY? I WANT IT!

                        Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                        Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                        • Rich thanks, but I'm gunna be even more evil than you.

                          V3.2 (which I'll send across now) will make it a little harder to get their maps. I've always thought it was too easy for a human player to get maps from an AI, even in previous civ-type games. Now there's only a 1% chance you'll get it.


                          BTW, how on earth did ya change the title to DEITY? I WANT IT!

                          Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                          Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                          • Anyone else still looking at improving the AI without SLIC? I've gotten a much smarter AI without using SLIC to this point but there are still some quirky things it does that confuse me. In particular how does it set its strategies. If we can control the intelligence of strategy picking by the AI, the game actually does seem to work. I have the AI using diplomacy fairly well. I've seen countless wars between the civs where cities change hands repeatedly. I've even been attacked by large multiple stacks. But I have also seen a civ that is losing a war with another civ, not move the over 70 units that it has just sitting around. I also had a stack worn down by multiple stacks, then just when i was surrounded and too weak to survive another attack, it offers a cease fire. Talk about no killer instinct.

                            I'd like to have a place where people could list specific changes to files and their specific results, much like the post about increasing time in the const.txt. You definitely see better decisions by the AI later in the game, but not too much difference early.

                            Decreased unit costs has a HUGE impact on the AI's ability to wage war. Before reducing costs (25-33%), i rarely saw AI stacks of more than 6. Now I see stacks of 10-12 running all over the place. Since the AI uses the matching criteria to determine whether to attack, the smaller stacks rarely had the firepower necessary to attack entrenched armies. With the larger stacks, they attack more frequently and entrench alot less which also promotes more combat. But again, if you run around with 12-unit stacks, they probably dont have a mixure of units that will make them strong enough to attack you.

                            I also increased movement factors slightly. The AI tends to think only about this specific turn. The farther it can move in that turn, the more options it will consider.

                            Always, i hope ya'll get the gist of what I'm asking, so if you have a specific change, plus post it under this thread.

                            History is written by the victor.


                            • As you guys pursue your various mods, keep in mind that the ultimate potential of CTP2 is still totally unknown. Those of us who poke around in the bowels of the ancient civ2 engine are still finding new ways to tweak the game. As an example, recent discoveries include:

                              1) Barbarian Wrath: A setting which creates Barbarian Hordes of between 80 and 100 units.
                              2) Amphibious units: A setting which allows units to travel on both land and sea.
                              3) Giga-maps: Maps 3 times larger than the supposed "upper limit".
                              4) Simultaneous Multiplayer: A setting which transforms Civ2 from turn-based to simultaneous move.
                              5) Life after Death: Events which allow two units to engage in combat, at the end of which neither unit is dead.

                              I could go on, but I think you get the point. Think big, think different, but above all never say never!

                              Note to John Barbarossa: Praising Einstein is OK, but one doesn't have to denigrate the work of Archimedes in the process.
                              To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                              From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                              • As you guys pursue your various mods, keep in mind that the ultimate potential of CTP2 is still totally unknown. Those of us who poke around in the bowels of the ancient civ2 engine are still finding new ways to tweak the game. As an example, recent discoveries include:

                                1) Barbarian Wrath: A setting which creates Barbarian Hordes of between 80 and 100 units.
                                2) Amphibious units: A setting which allows units to travel on both land and sea.
                                3) Giga-maps: Maps 3 times larger than the supposed "upper limit".
                                4) Simultaneous Multiplayer: A setting which transforms Civ2 from turn-based to simultaneous move.
                                5) Life after Death: Events which allow two units to engage in combat, at the end of which neither unit is dead.

                                I could go on, but I think you get the point. Think big, think different, but above all never say never!

                                Note to John Barbarossa: Praising Einstein is OK, but one doesn't have to denigrate the work of Archimedes in the process.
                                To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                                From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

