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The Dutcheese revival thread

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  • #76
    A Mayan diplomat established an embassy on Viking country and is going to german country. He will arrive
    in less than 10 turns. There is a lot of forest
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


    • #77
      King Thor, if you want to follow turns rate, take a look on but it's only about turns. All diplomacy is here and if you read nothing actually it means that all civilizations are in peace.

      Luk's has turn 109 and I'm waiting
      [This message has been edited by slamp (edited October 17, 2000).]
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


      • #78
        Turn 110 to Frazer.

        I think this is far too slow still.

        If we cannot manage at least three Turns a week, REGULARLY, then I am not interested in playing.

        24hrs is OK for most Games when all you are doing is giving a bit of latitude to someone who is normally prompt but I reckon here we should have a 12hr limit.

        It just becomes a bore otherwise.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #79
          Exactly, 24h is a maximum limit. I'm ok with 12h rule.

          The most important is to send an email each time you play a turn, actualy the only one who is not sending email each time is Luk, so please Luk send an email to each time you play a turn so we will know if you're late or if I'm late.

          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


          • #80
            I agree with Jon and Slamp and think that 12 hr rule would be beneficial; and also that we should send an email to when ever we play, I don't know why Luk doesn't.

            The most important thing however is that we enforce the time limit rule, and perform an end turn if the player fails to play thier turn it really isn't that big a deal if you lose a turn.
            Sophanthro was deleted


            • #81
              i also support 12 hour rule. Once before I tried to blame Luk for slowing the game, he snapped back at me, so this time i will say nothing.

              But i'm curious. Has Klair been taking Luk's turns or has he taken them himself?


              please send e-mails with turns also, so we can all see how fast the turns are moving without logging onto board.


              • #82
                Ed, I received turn 105, 106, 107, 108 and 109 from Klair and turn 106 and 109 from Luk. Each time I tried to play turn from Luk.
                [This message has been edited by slamp (edited October 18, 2000).]
                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                • #83
                  I hate the 12 hour rule as it will apply to me more than anyone in this game. The main slow spot in this game is between Slamp and I. I like the way I was doing it, sending the game to Klair. She plays it and sends it to Slamp, he can sit on it and if he doesn't get a turn from Luk within reason then he passes it to Jon. Now if Slamp and Klair don't mind this than that's the way I would like to continue to do it.
                  It seemed to be working. Now if you want to do the 12 hour thing than fine with me, I think you can start now with Frazer as his time is up.


                  • #84
                    I sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day and I work for 8 hours day plus the time it takes me to travel to work. I don't have time to play games in the morning between sleep and work, and beside that I have a life.

                    That means there is up to 18 hours in working a day when I am unable to play a turn.

                    I don't think there is anything unusual in this.

                    Unless you are all unemployed or sit at work all day playing games how do you imagine the 12 hour rule can work.

                    The main problem with the 24-hour rule is still the reluctance to enforce it. If you make sure the turn following you is played within that time and if not pass it on without hesitation then the game will keep moving. The main problem with Luk is that, for whatever reason, he is still not using the group e-mail address so it’s hard to tell if he has played or not.


                    • #85
                      I am in the same position as you Frazer but I think you are missing the point I was trying to make.

                      24hrs is the normal time rule in PBEM, when any rule is in place, but it is really only ever a 'Maximum' Time not an accepted 'Normal' Time. I get my Turn from Slamp and pass to you, we all live in Europe and, I think, all have jobs and lives outside of computer games but it is very unusual that I won't log on at least once in the evening just to check my email. It takes about 2-3 minutes, in peace time, to play a single Turn and anyone who is unprepared to put that little amount of effort into a Game is obviously not very interested in it. Using the 24hr Rule to effectively 'punish' someone out of a Game is totally outside it's spirit.

                      It is much more difficult for Don,Ed and Sophix because of the different timezones but I do not recall any complaints being made about their speed of play! It is really only a matter of courtesy to the other Players that you should play your Turn, and post notification, as quickly as possible and let everyone else know if you are going to be delayed.

                      It is a vicious circle for the slower the Game gets the less interested you get so the slower you play your Turn so the slower the Game gets!
                      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                      - Anon


                      • #86
                        I agreed to the 12 hr because being that Im a college student I usually have a break in the afternoon between classes and work, and I check my mail in the morning because my classes don't start until 11. But I can see that some people don't have this luxury.

                        So what I propose is that we keep it at a 24 hr rule but if some players are consistantly lagging in play then they will be set them on a probationary 12 hr limit. Also if a player is skipped twice (once?) in a row, their turn will be immediately ended (or sent to the Sub they have lined up), until they say that they are back (by sending a email to

                        Is all of that to complex?

                        No offense but I think Luk should be put on the probationary 12 hr limit. In Frazer's case I don't think the 12 hr limit should be applied because he tend to play consistantly, it's just that he tends to get the turn late at night (BST), and is unable to play his turn until the next day in the early evening(BST); and I don't expect ppl to schedule around a game.
                        Sophanthro was deleted


                        • #87
                          The same rule for all players, not 12h for Luk and 24h for others.
                          Most players prefer 24h rules. OK not problem for me. But we need to apply 24h limit. So my proposal is:
                          - time h: player A send turn x to player B
                          - time h+18: if player B don't play turn x in less than 18h, then player A should send an email to informing player B that players are waiting for him.
                          - time h+18: If player A knows that he will not be on line at time h+24, player A could end player B turn's x and send it to player C asking him to wait 6 hours more.
                          - time h+24: if player B still did not play his turn, then player A must end player B turn's and send it to player C
                          - time h+24: player C could play turn he received from player A (or player B)

                          Typically when I received Luk's turn from Klair I wait few hours more and asked Luk by ICQ if he will be able to send me his turn.
                          [This message has been edited by slamp (edited October 19, 2000).]
                          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                          • #88
                            Future pollution problem ???

                            I analyse pollution graphics and I see that we will go to a big pollution problem if Irish continue like this. So I ask Irish to control their production.
                            Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                            • #89
                              The prescence of a Fleet of French Warships in Sovereign Irish waters is an affront. As a gesture of goodwill we have given the French fleet an escort and chosen not to expel her ambassador.

                              Those ships will have left Irish waters next Turn or they will be the cause of a serious diplomatic incident!

                              Chairman Jon,
                              PDR Ireland.
                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon


                              • #90
                                That the World's second Superpower should make demands of the smallest and weakest of all nations is a disgrace!

                                Ireland is a backward and undeveloped country but she still counts! To some of you 'Global Deforestation' might be an issue but Ireland never had any Forests in the first place.

                                We shall carry on regardless of the criticism of any fat-cat capitalist who would have us slow our Production, in the name of ecology, whilst they continue to oppress the prolerteriat.

                                Chairman Jon.
                                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                                - Anon

