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Swissy2 - Part IV

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  • Bok Bok Bokaaarrk!!!

    I have faith in my subs, and long term plans, but decisions are having to be made on a turn by turn basis. And as I will only be away for a maximum of 5 days, hopefully even back by Wednesday, I would much prefer to pause the game until then.

    This is by no means a reflection on any other player, but this game is the one I stand the best chance of winning out of all I'm in, and selfishly I want to be able to say I did it myself


    • Turn to Lung...

      Given certain threats, implied and otherwise that have come to the attention of Rome, it is regret that Rome feels it prudent to go to a war footing...

      Re Demos: You have Rome's blessing to be away for this time - it's not a case of trusting a sub, it's a case of not wanting to miss all the fun...!!!

      I totally relate to that and extend to him the same courtesy that he extended to me in another game...

      Good Luck with your move Demos!

      (I see that wisdom prevailed and that you're moving to London... )
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • Turn 196 ==> Sophix

        Egyptian troops begin to litter the battlefield as Welsh bombardment claims more lives. What a sad waste, and with more Egyptian souls naiively heading towards Welsh cities the world over, the result can only be that of death.

        But fear not, for these so-called 'Comrades' have given their souls away to their impure leader, and have themselves in doing so, become impure.

        It is the charge of the Fatherland to purify these unfortunate souls, and purge their spirit, only then will they understand the true supremacy of the Welsh, and be at peace with the world.


        • Turn 196 ==> Mobius

          The brave Egyptians who lost thier lives today were honored in Cairo. It is an emotional loss but nothing more; as thier number was replaced three-fold, on this turn alone.
          Sophanthro was deleted


          • It is with great sorrow that the Romans watch the events unfold around them...

            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • Turn 197 to Demosthenes 13 hours ago.


              • Turn 197 ==> Sophix

                The Egyptian Campaign of Terror is still pushing on, regardless on the loss of life they sustain. It is perhaps a reflection upon the nature of the Egyptian race, that their stupidity makes them so impure. Brothers of the Fatherland, we must show these impure Egyptian what it is to be the superior race, and assimilate them.


                • Egypt's communications are very faulty at the moment.

                  Power your mail with the ZX engine, hah. Are they joking? Anyways my zxmail account is to put it kindly a pain in the ass . So please send my turns to


                  I'm sending an email to everyone on my ctp list. Mail might get thru to my zxmail account, but sending mail there is like playing russian roulette.

                  Oh one last thing I will be unable to play my turns from Nov 22 - Nov 28. I'll be looking for subs; and Christmas break is looking sketchy but that's way to far away to say anything for sure. Im not sure if I look for a sub in this game or not.
                  Sophanthro was deleted


                  • Turn 198 ==> Sophix

                    Sorry guys, we've hit a small problem with the house moving, and so I've got to shoot down to London for a couple of days to sort it out, especially as we're supposed to be moving on Sunday November 12th. I hope to be back by this Tuesday.

                    I hope you understand that moving house is more important right now than my hobby, and I apologise at the short notice, but there's nothing I can do about that though I'm afraid.

                    I've asked my turn to be opened and ended in other games, as I've not had time to bring any subs onboard, but this particular game is a little more intense than the others.

                    I'm sure Sophix would love me to come back to a civ minus a couple of cities but I happen to feel a little differently :razz:

                    Once again my apologies. All being well we shall be moving next weekend, and after that all systems should return to normal, no more absenteeism

                    Hope you all understand.



                    • Rome wishes to report with regret that she has come under attack by elements of the Welsh army...

                      These have been beaten back and a counterattack has been ordered!

                      Rome is now at a state of WAR with Cardiff!

                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Greetings from Steve Waugh the Legendary to the Japanese

                        Turn 199 to Demosthenes 10 hours ago.


                        • Turn 199 ==> Sophix

                          Terrible news reaches Cardiff today. Two of our Northern Frontier cities have been lost. Rome once again shows her true colours in sneaking a Welsh city under her belt. It has happened before, and we took it back, we shall do the same again.

                          As for the Japanese, I feel their time on this world will be short, especially as they are now caught between Roman cities.

                          All along we have been too wrapped up in the Egyptian affairs, which have led to little thus far, perhaps Mobius would prefer it if I changed my stance somewhat....

                          Man did I ever pick the wrong time to travel! Sheesh!
                          Anyway I'm back now, so send me the turn as per normal.

                          The move is still on, we go on sunday, so consider me 'unavailable to play' from Sunday till Monday, hopefully then I shall be around for some time.


                          • No turn recieved
                            Sophanthro was deleted


                            • Turn resent


                              • Turn to Mobius

                                Another City Franchised and more to come.

                                Chitzen Itza. hmm.
                                Sophanthro was deleted

