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turn post for: Gigantic game

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  • The roman leader accept the appology and will look upon the english nation as brothers. We offer our wealthy rich of trade goods to you disposal... You got any spare caravans the roman people will feed them on their way to their destination....

    btw nice post!
    veni, vidi, vici
    icq #51862133


    • Turn 44 --> Pin

      ahh...the assyrians have exchanged a map of their lands with someone can truly appreciate how screwed i was in the inital deployment...heh the mean time the Hut Empire has dispatched an ambassador to the Assyrian Kingdom to set up a diplomatic hut and treaty.
      hopefully he'll be allowed to establish such a hut in the fine Assyrian capitol.


      • EXTRA!!!!!!
        WE ARE AT WAR

        After numerouse rumours during the day about an unprovoked Assyrian attack, the joint staff made a official statement:

        Today at 0600 we landed a warrior near an Assyrian city(name not given for security reasons). This was only a friendly unit made for exploration of the wast land beyond. When he was commanded to land on the beach, we did have no indications that this land was inhabited! Just moment later heavy attacks from within the citywalls were mounted towards this unit who fought with great courage, but at last had to give in to the big oppostions. From the ship our sailors have made a report of the battle, but becouse of the wind the sailors were unable to give any aid to the lost unit. They reported that the Assyrians were cowards who slaugthere the last group of men who tried to surrender.

        As we are the leading world power we can not tolerate such behavior towards our empire. Therefor measures will be taken to take away the Assyrian army of its fighting power and take away its resoucre foundation. We will not tolerate any other nations involvment in this, and anyone trying to pass any aid trough to the Assyrians will be regarded as hostile. This means any units found inside what we regard as Assyrian borders will be anhilated.

        it is also reported a state of emergency in the roman capitol, as units are hastly shiped to the sea cities were transports are waiting to transport the units to the battlefield.

        turn to stavros this morning
        veni, vidi, vici
        icq #51862133


        • Turn 44 to Maestro!

          The English are shocked and distressed to learn that their friends the Romans have gone to war with a civilisation that is unknown to us. We hope that this conflict will be brought to a swift and peaceful conclusion.

          The English are delighted to be friends with our neighbours, the Romans. I hope that we will indeed soon be in a position to trade with you.

          Krash! Leader of the English people!


          • turn 44 -> Martock
            veni vidi PWNED!


            • turn 45 already received i see...hmm...war...well to the romans i say this, good luck but don't go to far our you'll end up in my nest of the vipers...i think though, i'd ask questions first and if u didn't leave, then shoot...

              as for my assyrian neighbors, be assured that i have no intention of creating a second front for you to have to contend with. provided of course that you don't send any more slavers my way.


              • For the record: the assyrian(computer) attacked me.

                turn ---> Stavros

                As the Roman joint staff made conversations with the other departments about our recent war vs the Assyrian colony. They decided to postpone our retaliations, due to the fact that the science departments are repoprting of breaktroughs that will heavily strengthen our mighty forces fighting capabilities. There is rumour about a testing of a substance that makes things explode. Nothing is yet confirmed. By the end of this millienium we are hoping to have the small Assyrian colony begging at our knees.
                veni, vidi, vici
                icq #51862133


                • Turn 45 to Maestro


                  • turn 45 -> Martock
                    veni vidi PWNED!


                    • turn 46 --> Pin

                      so the assyrians are a PC player...wasn't aware of that...i'll have to start a build up immeditately...
                      though now that i hear someone is onto discovering gunpowder...makes me feel rather uneasy with my lands...


                      • turn 46 ---> Stavros
                        veni, vidi, vici
                        icq #51862133


                        • turn 46 ---> Stavros

                          just for the record still a few turns....

                          nothing new from the assyrian - roman front no battles... there have been reported of some slavers boarding ships in the roman harbors...
                          veni, vidi, vici
                          icq #51862133


                          • Turn -> Krash

                            Well it seems that the political environment is warming up. Good to see a few resource draining disagreements popping up


                            • Turn 46 to Maestro.

                              English are delighted to report that a new government has been formed.

                              Long live the English Republic!
                              [This message has been edited by Krash (edited September 17, 2000).]


                              • turn 46 -> Martock
                                veni vidi PWNED!

