Turn 49 to Maestro.
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turn post for: Gigantic game
turn 50 -> Pin
on the home front, barbarians have been spotted north of our frontier town of Yes, it's still a hut...also news for our Roman friends. the assyrians appear to have lots of troops wandering around their lands. probably left all their cities open to attack...knowing how bad the AI is.
Turn 50 to Maestro.
At a casual glance at the world power graph it appears that the English are falling behind other nations.
A warning to all other nations: Do not be fooled into thinking that the English are weak or can in any way be taken advantage of! 'Krash' the mighty leader wishes to make it clear to all would be marauders that the power graph is a misleading source of information. Our great leaders strategy may seem to make us a weaker power but this is in fact not the case, as anyone attempting to take advantage of our friendly disposition will find out to their cost. Our strategy is more long term than most and will eventually prove to be the right course to take, as we will emerge victorious in this world.
Note well! No quarter will be given to any individual or nation who, in the opinion of our wonderful leader is acting in a threatening manner to any part of the English empire, or indeed attempting to prevent our expansion.
Esteemed leader of the English,
By your own words, it would seem that the only logical course of action for any nation that wants to survuive your ruthless and meglomanic aspirations, is to attack you now, at a time that your plans have not yet come to fruition.
Be carefull with your words if you do not want to suffer the wrath of peace-loving non-aggressive expansionist nations, such as the Australians. Even we can be made to "fight for peace" if our hand is forced...
The American empire is growing steadily, quietly, peacefully. Competing with the Romans only for first place on the power graph.
(They do look much better when you are on top)
By the way, much respect to the Romans for how they built Chichen Itza.
turn 50 -> Martockveni vidi PWNED!
Oh worthy leader of the Australian hoards....
I am sad that you feel so threatened by our earlier decleration. It was not intended to be intimidating, only to serve as a warning to any who might feel that the English could be easy pickings.
I would like to reiterate the point that the English are a peaceful race who do not desire to go to war with any nation. It does not alter the fact that we will fight ferociously to the last man, if it proves necersary, in order to protect our people, culture and all that we believe in.
I fear that the Australians are not as peace loving as us if they feel the need to attack, after what was after all merely a cautionary warning. Perhaps Stavros and his people are just looking for an excuse to shatter the peace?
As the world leading power we announce that we will protect any nation hit by an unprovoked attack... As i hear rumours of an hostile declaration vs our good english friends. Our high commander of our mighty army have decided to protect english suverenity for the time beeing. As they might become a valuable trade partner in the future.veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
turn 50 -> Pin
the barbarians have been soundly defeated by the Forces of the Huts...now we have so slaves for our city to help it expand. also in the news, assyrian forces have been spotted retreating from their border to move closer to their towns. me thinks a possible roman invasion fleet has been spotted.
[This message has been edited by Martock (edited September 25, 2000).]
As the world leading power we announce that we will protect any nation hit by an unprovoked attack... As i hear rumours of an hostile declaration vs our good english friends. Our high commander of our mighty army have decided to protect english suverenity for the time beeing. As they might become a valuable trade partner in the future.veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
As the world leading power we announce that we will protect any nation hit by an unprovoked attack... As i hear rumours of an hostile declaration vs our good english friends. Our high commander of our mighty army have decided to protect english suverenity for the time beeing. As they might become a valuable trade partner in the future.veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
As the world leading power we announce that we will protect any nation hit by an unprovoked attack... As i hear rumours of an hostile declaration vs our good english friends. Our high commander of our mighty army have decided to protect english suverenity for the time beeing. As they might become a valuable trade partner in the future.veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
As the world leading power we announce that we will protect any nation hit by an unprovoked attack... As i hear rumours of an hostile declaration vs our good english friends. Our high commander of our mighty army have decided to protect english suverenity for the time beeing. As they might become a valuable trade partner in the future.veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133
As the world leading power we announce that we will protect any nation hit by an unprovoked attack... As i hear rumours of an hostile declaration vs our good english friends. Our high commander of our mighty army have decided to protect english suverenity for the time beeing. As they might become a valuable trade partner in the future.veni, vidi, vici
icq #51862133