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Demosthenes Semi Acc Part II

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  • (double post)

    [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited August 17, 2000).]


    • Turn 92 ==> Demosthenes

      We apoligize to King Rick for rough voyage that his envoy had in reaching Egypt. I knew my mail account was acting stupid, but I didn't know it was refusing messages. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

      We are glad that Mobius has pulled his troops from our tower allowing it to reah completion. And hope this signifies the end of the dark ages between our nations.


      • Turn 92 ==> Mobius

        It is with great regret today that the peace loving people of Wales have caught a spy on their soil. There is no possible excuse, Wales is a soveriegn island, a spy cannot simply get lost and find itself on the island of Wales, it must have been delivered, and therefore constitutes as a deliberate act of war.

        So how should we react to such a breach of trust and security? With great earnest, the comrades of Wales decided to make an example of the defiler of virgin Welsh soil, and he was executed, without foreign notification, early this morning.

        A long time coming, some of you may say, but then Communists have never had much love for Fascists.

        Wales is now in a state of war! Down with the Fascists of Rome!


        • Turn 92--> Sophanthro

          Change is in the air. The people have toppled our theocratic government, and a state of anarchy now exists. I write this from a villa on an tropical island that shall remain un-named for security purposes.

          As rumours of meetings between Assyrian and Welsh workers abound, I work behind the scenes to create an orderly transition into a new form of government. This should be completed at any moment...

          King Rick in temporary exile


          • turn 93 ==> Demosthenes

            Cairo is saddened by the recent turn of events between Cardiff and Rome but is not surprised. The Pharaoh also expressed the hope that the nations could peacefully reconcile.

            Hmm the are the Forums going really slow for everyone else?


            • Rome itself is saddened by the execution of our government operative...

              They had been sent to the island of Wales with the intention of finding out the truth behind the infamous 'Paria Summit' episode...

              Later, the Roman government felt it necessary to monitor the revolution Wales experienced and then the pollution levels put out by Wales' Communist government...

              The fact that this particular operative has been carrying out his activities for hundreds of years wihout any disruption to Wales should have shown his peaceful nature - instead he has become the victim of a cynical knee-jerk reaction by a paranoid government!

              This act of WAR will not be tolerated by Rome!

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • Turn 93 ==> Mobius

                Caligula, there is nothing to tolerate. You violated Welsh territory on a covert mission.

                The Welsh national security will be upheld, regardless of cost.

                Comrades across the world unite! Down with the Fascists!


                • Rome was in no way aggressive to Wales and merely felt it prudent to protect her interests in light of significant anti Roman feeling engendered by the Paria Summit episode...

                  Rome has never been intentionally warlike without provocation and has ended all skirmishes once she has felt the danger to be over - instead of mercilessly punching home any advantages...

                  How can you exhort your 'comrades' to commit war against a nation that has committed no crime save defend herself!!?

                  Do not try to manipulate others into sharing your folly - that of attacking a peaceful nation...


                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • Turn 93--> Sophanthro

                    News from Assyria:

                    Tonight we have adopted a rather unique government:
                    The Communist Monarchy.

                    In a smoke-filled room, a deal has been hammered out whereby the people of Assyria all have complete equality, except for their King, who will be more equal. Thus, I will rule Assyria with complete and unchallenged authority.

                    Thereby allowing Assyria to enjoy the increased productive capability that will ensure a cappucino maker in every home, while still avoiding the long boring party meetings.

                    Not a single person who attended the meeting can be found who is willing to say that they disagree with this new goverment, so it is hereby declared unanamous!

                    Long Live the Benevolent Stewardship for (but not by) the People!

                    In my first public statement since accepting this new position, I wish to say that Assyria is hopeful that our friends in Wales and Rome can resolve their problems without further strife, and we will monitor further developments closely.

                    King/Chairman Rick


                    • Turn 94 ==> Demmosthenes (last night)

                      Congratulations to Chairman Rick, on the recent reformation of his government, and may it bring his people much wealth and prosperity.


                      • Turn 94 ==> Mobius

                        Remove your black and red Fascists from my territory, or they will surely die! Even as we speak, Kalashnikov's are being disributed to all Welsh comrades, cease from your path of war Caligula, or we shall be forced to do unspeakable horrors to you and your 'people'.


                        • The Imperator notes that with the emergence of the Assyrian Communist party that World pollution will be tipped into a precipitous descent!

                          While at War, it is proving difficult for Rome to honour her pollution commitments - indeed two recycling plants have been put on indefinite hold!

                          Rome also notes another Egyptian Machine Gunner lost in the mountains and hopes he finds his way home safely...

                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • Turn 94--> Sophanthro

                            What is that grey cloud of noxious fumes hanging over Assyria that stings the eyes and leaves a sooty residue on the cattle? Who is responsible for this travesty that peels the red paint from my Lamborghini? What? It's coming from our own cities? Hmmm...Ok,Ok, I'll do something about this...

                            King Rick the soiled


                            • Turn 95 ==> Mobius


                              This is your last chance. Remove your troops, or I shall have them killed.

                              Must you persist on this course of action? Surely you realise that strike at one comrade is to strike at all comrades?


                              • MY last chance!!?

                                Kill my troops and I'll finish off your Tanks - your call...

                                As for ending this war - I believe you were the one who started it, Rome is the victimised party here. I have given the others no reason to attack me, why would they do such an underhand and callous thing!?

                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

