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Demosthenes Semi Acc Part II

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  • #91
    To the nations of Wales and Egypt - both of you need only ask for the relevant information from the Roman Ministry of the Interior...

    Rome can only surmise both nations are becoming increasingly careless of international boundaries... You would both do well to remember that this behaviour does not go unpunished by Rome - which is why we warn the Egyptian SOL sailing due S towards the island city of Siscia to turn back - or face the consequences...!
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #92

      Turn 77 --> Sophanthro


      You were given a warning to move your pirate SOLs from our harbor, but you chose to ignore it. As a result, one of these trespassing SOLs has been sent to a watery grave this day.

      Any of your ships found tommorrow will meet a similar fate.

      Go back from whence you came or face the consequences!

      King Rick


      • #93
        Turn 78 ==> Jon

        Caligula, you will be pleased to note that Welsh merchant vessels have left Roman waters, but should you feel the need to bestow upon the Welsh people you're newly updated maps then hopefully my sailors will not stray where they are not supposed to.


        • #94
          The Egyptians pay yet again for their trespassing - Rome will not tolerate this state of affairs after specifically warning Egypt of the consequences last turn...

          Emperor Caligula indeed had a chuckle when probably the most powerful ship afloat was described as a 'merchant vessel'... The Imperator wonders whether Demos might tire of being a World Ruler and take up stand up comedy instead...?

          Suffice it to say that your ships have lately encroached in the vicinity of all my coastal cities - kindly make sure that they do not do it again! That includes remaining outside the new Roman colony of Sebbennytos...

          King Rick - Explosives if you may as reparations for the loss of Pax Romanicus, you can have Conservation into the bargain - on the understanding you carry out anti pollution measures when asked...

          Rome herself has become guilty of major pollution in striving to maintain her borders from those who would do her harm. We are now on an ambitious programme to cut our emissions - we will not look favourably to those who seek to greatly increase pollution in an already polluted World...

          ANY state desirous of Conservation need only ask and we will gift this advance in the spirit of greater environmental awareness...


          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • #95

            Turn 78 --> Sophanthro

            Nineveh shares the Emperor's concerns for the ecology of this planet, and gladly accepts Conservation as Assyria's part of the trade.

            As the world's second-worst offender, we want to avoid the flooding that could submerge coastal cities in all countries, so we will take steps to avoid this fate.

            We hope that all nations will join in this mutually beneficial action.

            King Rick the Green


            • #96
              So where back to war Mobius. Oh well this war will not be cheap. Our armies are ready for the assault and we meet you land or sea.

              [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited July 18, 2000).]


              • #97
                Turn 78 to Rome.


                • #98
                  What a bunch of low-down, evil, war-mongers you all are! I wish i was in this game and not that pathetic peace-loving tree-hugging neighbourly masquerading-as-a-human-world universe that is Swissy2

                  This is my kinda universe!!!


                  • #99
                    Turn 79 ==> Jon

                    Caligula, the Welsh request that this knowledge of Conservation be passed down to all nations, as all nations will suffer the effects of increased atmospheric pollution.


                    • It is with great pleasure that Emperor Caligula announces an Eco Alliance with Wales!

                      Hopefully this will serve to bring our two nations closer together during these testing times!

                      The Imperator wishes to show to the World that we do indeed have the World's best interests at heart... It is with this in mind that Caligula hopes that bloodshed between the Assyrians and Incas, and the Romans and Egyptians can be ended...


                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Turn 79 --> Sophanthro

                        A bad day for the Incan navy. Three more SOLs gone. One has to wonder if the Incans have any navy left at all...


                        • Turn 79 to Mobius.


                          • Turn to Mobius.

                            Yet more death. What a sad waste of men and materials.


                            • Rome reports that a further Egyptian city has been taken, and that the Egyptian Battleship outside Abusir has been dealt severe damage...

                              Rome is prepared to receive further ovetures for peace from Egypt - it is never too late to prevent bloodshed...!

                              Emperor Caligula, notes that our once stable neighbour the Welsh have suffered a communist revolution with alarm!!!

                              The ink is not even dry from the Eco Alliance signed with Wales, and yet even so soon they promise to pollute the World with the dreadful inefficiencies of the Communist industrial machine!

                              The Imperator watches his western coastline with great interest...
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • Turn 80 --> Sophanthro

                                The King of Assyria and the Barbarian Jon seem to agree on something after all: It is a terrible waste of men.

                                When this day you killed in cold blood our Diplomat who was merely standing innocently on the Assyrian mainland gazing at the waves, that is a terrible waste. Not to mention that it is the act of an outlaw nation.

                                When you annihilated every man, woman and child in the former city of Panama, a city built legally on Assyrian soil, that was a terrible waste. As well as the act of a war criminal.

                                And when you send your own civilians into harms way to build a city on the very site where you butchered the people of Panama, and use your people as human shields in a war-zone, that is also a terrible waste of human life. You must take responsibility for the loss of their lives this turn.

                                Today we have returned to the site of the former Panama, where on its ashes it will be rebuilt, taller and fairer than ever. So send your soldiers back from Assyrian soil, Jon of the Incans, unless you want to have a greater waste of human life on your conscience.

                                Oh, and when you sent your Destroyer today with the intent to bombard our soldiers, that WOULD have been a waste of Assyrian lives, but for the valour of the Captain of our 2 linked SOLs who sank it this turn. I guess I was mistaken in the last post...there still was an Incan navy.

                                King Rick

