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Dutcheese 5

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  • #61
    I'm back
    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


    • #62
      I'm back too


      • #63
        I checked again my mailbox and I see that I received turn 64 from Luk on sunday 23th. May be Luk forgot to attach an AI to me. I will send a mail to Jon to ask him if he played turn 64.
        Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


        • #64
          Turn 64 to Jon
          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


          • #65
            Turn 65 to Frazer.

            Irish Press Release.

            Let Ireland be the first to congratulate the English upon their momentous achievement. Truly you stand as a beacon to all seekers after knowledge, we salute you.


            • #66
              Turn 65 to Ed


              • #67
                turn to Don. #65


                • #68
                  Turn 66 To Frazer


                  • #69
                    what's going on with this game? I just e-mailed Don to see who has turn.


                    • #70
                      Irish Diplomatic Communique.

                      Whilst the Free State wishes to express it's profound gratitude to the SFU for the placement of a Peace Monitoring Force in the Channel between Ireland and The Maya, including an unexpected French contingent, we have as yet seen no sight of the promised English contingent.

                      Noble Sophix, my old and trusted Ally, where is your Navy? We ask only that you send but a single Destroyer, surely a small enough contingent from so mighty a nation, not to wage war for us but to aid in it's prevention. The Slavic vessel was able to take up station within two turns of Honourable Luk's promise of assistance and the French not two turns thereafter. Of all nations we had expected to be able to look to for help in times of trouble it was England and yet no vessel has come. The distance is not great and as a Formal Ally of the IFS you need not fear any violation of Irish waters so plotting a course is no more than a matter of following the coastline. Where are you?

                      Taosoich Jon,
                      Irish Free State.


                      • #71
                        England dispatch the turn on the 29th of April, they are puzzled that no news has been reported since. Did the turn reach France intact?

                        In response to Ireland's Question we have a destroyer moving in the channel so far he has avoided city views as not to displace any Irish or Mayan fisherman. But the ship is there.


                        • #72
                          Turn 67 to Frazer


                          • #73
                            Turn 67 To Soph


                            • #74
                              i'm not too sure who has the turn right now. but the game seems to be at a solid stand still. I did recieve a message from Klair saying it was my turn, but no turn attached.

                              I have since sent two e-mails, requesting to attach the turn.
                              Now I see an e-mail saying Klair will be gone until Monday.

                              Let's all get it together, figure out where the game is and get it moving....


                              • #75
                                Turn 67 to Jon

                                Sorry for the delay
                                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM

