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Dutcheese 5

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  • #46
    Turn 62 ==> Klair


    • #47
      turn to Don.

      The German government is extemely happy to see that peace may still be had by the Irish and Mayans.


      • #48
        Turn 62 to Jon
        Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


        • #49
          I forgot to say that I accepted Irish map and I saw that Irish left. That's good news so Mayans decide to not eat the heart of their enemys
          [This message has been edited by slamp (edited April 17, 2000).]
          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


          • #50
            Turn 63 to Frazer.

            Noble Slamp, The Mayans still yet remain at a heightened state of alert. I hope this will change very soon.

            Ireland expresses her sincerest gratitude to her Slavic and English friends for their help in this matter. The unasked for aid of the French is also welcomed and will not be forgotten.

            Taosoich Jon, IFS


            • #51
              I've not recived the turn yet.

              Jon can you please resend.



              • #52
                Sorry Frazer, I sent it to your old email address.

                Turn resent.


                • #53
                  Turn 63 ==> Klair


                  • #54
                    Turn 63 sent to Ed.

                    I'll be away for Easter, from this evening to
                    next tuesday. If needed, send my turn to Luk
                    [This message has been edited by Klair (edited April 20, 2000).]


                    • #55
                      Turn 63 to Jon
                      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                      • #56
                        Turn 64 to Frazer.


                        • #57
                          The Moscow Times #12

                          Slav Population exceedes 1 milion
                          Slav Minister of Internal Affairs said yesterday: "We have reached the magical number of one million of Slav people. We could be very proud of this". "We are the most progressive nation in this matter. We will be soon the largest nation in the world!" - said G. Jawlinski, PM of SC. "Im very happy to see growing Slavia, but we have many problems to solve" - said Luk, Head of SC. The opposition leader A. Kwasniewki said "There are more people byt the quality of life is smaller then in last years". Next day will be from now the day of Mother and will be free from work

                          Report from past year approved
                          The Sobor approve the report of Goverment from last year. Prime Minister said that we exceeded the 1 milion of people and we have more, and more gold per turn and production and effectivness of Rations is very high. Opposition says that Foreign policy is very bad, and Goverment is doing all things to get bad with Ireland and England which should be our allies.
                          The votes:
                          Voting: 455
                          For: 304
                          Against: 150
                          Without opinion: 1

                          2 squadrons of Aircraft will be soon builded
                          The Parliament approved the decision that obligates Goverment to start constructing two units of Aircrafts. Goverment considers another strenghten of National Military Forces, but until now we have no information about details. Head, President, and Prime Minister of Slavia met yesterday to maje the decision about National Security. The meeting was secret.

                          The Norwich Conflict
                          England must pay 1000G to Slavia for compensation of building settler and loss of 10000 of people to this build - said G. Jawlinski yesterday - Head of SC Luk Castle agreed on this proposition and from now it is the official statement of SC. Until English will not do it we will still be thinking that the Norwich Agreement is not valid. Minister of Internal Affairs said that new city will not have the Norwich name but Novoisibirsk
                          "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                          • #58

                            After heated debate England has ratified the ammendments to the Norwich Accord. It appeared that the ammendments would be rejected, as the Head of communist party urged his members to vote against them. But with support of Chairman Sophanthro and pro Slavic communists, as well as the Federal party, the acts passed the House. And were immediately signed by the Chairman.


                            • #59
                              turn to Don

                              President Ed of Germany announced today that after serious debates in Congress and weeks of damaging riots, Germany will be reverting back to a Theocracy, leaving the current Democracy to the history books. This process will take some time for the new Theocracy to take full control. In a speech later he said, "I believe that Germany took on a Democracy, an advanced idea, while we were too young. Instead of rocket the nation to greatness, we crashed to the ground. For several years, I have implemented changes to help improve the quality of life in Germany, but the changes are hard and slow. The change back to Theocracy will help Germans regain control of their cities and perhaps Democracy will be tried when we have matured as a Civilization."

                              Civ PBEM "play-by-play"
                              *sorry for no updates lately guys, I've been pretty busy with family and work. I'm going to try and get a good one in on Monday/ promises.


                              • #60
                                Klair's Turn 64 ==> Luk

                                Chairman Sophanthro has promised a cleaning up of the buerocracy of the treasury prompted by thier recent failure to alocate the gold to Slavia. The treasurers report that the gold is thier and ready to be shipped to Slavia, but they failed to do so. The chairman promises Slavia they will have thier Gold next turn.

                                Chairman Sophanthro also ushered in the Modern Age it is believed that we are the first country to enter the modern age.

