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Swissy2 Turn Post(part 3)

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  • #61
    Sorry to inconvenience you all, but Australia has entered a new age of enlightenment - what we call the "age of reason". No more slavers, no more free trade routes, food, or military support

    Hail Steve Waugh the Legendary! For Australia now leads the world in virtuousness and niceness!!! Three cheers for Emperor Waugh!!!


    • #62
      Turn 130 --> Lung

      The once mighty Romans were not affected in the least by Lung's new advancement.


      • #63
        Turn 130 ==> Sophix

        The Welsh Peace Initiative:

        For some years now The WISE have been in the knowledge of a city called Tarentum. The Welsh government feel that this town, of Roman occupancy, should not be allowed to stay in the hands of Shavlor, a known aggressor of the Welsh people.

        The city is far too close to Welsh territory, and far too distant from Roman territory, that it can only be a staging post for further invasion.

        Soon to be arriving at Tarentum is a Welsh military scouting party. However, the Welsh people feel that this war has lasted long enough, and believe that the tyrant of Rome has seen that this path is a fruitless one.

        Unfortunately, the problem of Tarentum remains. Whilst the Welsh people are willing to forgive the sins of Rome, they are not allowed to forget whilst the tentacles of Rome reach out into Welsh territory.

        The WISE have therefore put forward three proposals to a solution, in order that peace can be attained:

        1) The disbanding of Tarentum within the space of a few turns, and withdrawal from Welsh territory by Roman forces.

        2) The occupation of Tarentum by the Egyptians, who already have a border nearby, and could act as a neutral buffer zone.

        3) The occupation of Tarentum by Welsh forces, with the aim of keeping the city as an early warning post against further Roman incursions.

        The Welsh objective is to remove a hostile city from close proximity from her borders, which any of the above proposals achieve.

        Once the Welsh objective has been achieved, we are willing to find a peaceful settlement with the Roman people.

        This peace settlement must be dependent upon four criteria:

        1) That both parties may freely establish Embassies with the other, without hindrance or interferance.

        2) That there is an immediate map exchange to enable the establishment of the fore-mentioned Embassies, and to ensure that there has been no further encroachment ot territory.

        3) That there is an immediate stand down of military personel to a level of peace, as to ensure no return to hostilities.

        The Welsh acknowledge that should both the objective and peace settlement be achieved, it will have been a huge gesture, both no only to us, but to the other nations in the world.

        Therefore as a gesture to the other nations of the world, the Welsh will give the same advance, chosen by Shavlor, to all nations. The advances that all three nations do not possess are:


        The Welsh also promise not to compete for any wonders that these three advances may give.


        The Welsh people are prepared to work towards peace, and we now pass the intitiative to the Roman people, and their leader Shavlor, with neutral mediation from the Egytpians.

        Demosthenes, Prince of Wales.


        • #64
          Sorry about the length of the post, I've mailed you all with the text, which you'll probably all read first, but this can be a point of reference.


          • #65
            Of course not! The Romans are primitive barbarians!! Have you discovered fire yet, Shav?

            Oh, and turn 131 to Demos a few hours ago.


            • #66
              Turn 131 --> Lung

              Fire? Oh bright light that hurt when touch. Yes yes we mighty Romans now know FIRE. We are making big long barrels that use fire and power to make big stones hit poor people.

              The Romans will not give up our city. We have as much right to the land as you, the Welsh. We found uninhabited land and build a city there. We will hold it if needs be.


              • #67
                Shavlor, you have until the next rotation to make your final decision. This war was your doing, and the Welsh have suffered at your hand.

                Now the Welsh have control, and we want peace, but peace upon our terms. Tarentum will not remain standing as a Roman city. You have my word on that.


                • #68
                  As a fair and impartial mediator, Egypt believes that the best solution would be for Rome to cede Tarentum to Egypt


                  • #69
                    Or how about ceding the city to General Hex?

                    Sorry, wrong universe - back to my dimension...
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #70
                      Oooh, that was wierd! A strange being resembling humans appeared before fading back to "the other world"

                      Steve Waugh the Legendary, influenced by his and other Australians' recent enlightenment, decrees that peace, by definition, cannot be conditional, therefore terms cannot be insisted upon the race with which you wish to engage peace. Peace should be immediate and unconditional. Enlightenment has made us understand the virtue of forgiveness. The Romans will surely pay for their sins in the afterlife.

                      You guys better get used to this holier-than-thou crap I discovered the Age of Reason and therefore it is my duty to be a moralistic pain-in-the-arse!

                      Oh, and turn 132 (?) to Demos.


                      • #71
                        Turn 132 ==> Sophix

                        Well then, I guess that settles it then. Sophix, do you want the city? If so, how soon can you take it? I won't wait long.

                        Just before the Welsh Peace Initiative was released, my actions had been described as benevolent. I thought that my bid for peace might solidify this belief.

                        I guess that I'm just going to have to show the other side of the Welsh.....


                        • #72
                 that a threat, Mr. Demosthenes? The "Australian Peace Force" is committed to defending Australia's sovereignty, but Steve Waugh considers any hostilities with extreme disappointment - especially from a leader whom has been exemplary since the beginning of time. Steve Waugh the Legendary deeply wishes this to continue.


                          • #73
                            Turn 123--> Lung

                            Wow I thought you were giving me one more turn to withdraw my city. If you are going to keep you word then I would like to take you up on you offer of peace. And would like it very much if you would grant us the knowledge of cannon making so that we can properly defend our cities.


                            • #74
                              I'm going away for a couple of days, but i'm not sure whether the turn is with me or not. Regardless, please send my turns to Don at for the next 48 hours


                              • #75
                                Turn 133 ==> Sophix

                                Shavlor, the original intent was to give you a number of turns that would enable you to withdraw and sell off any improvements from within the city. However, this was rejected immediately.

                                Therefore, the Welsh people were prepared to make an example of Tarentum, especially after the peace initiative was rejected out of hand. However, we now see that Shavlor has complied with the wishes of the Welsh people, and so we too will keep to our word.

                                We have stood down our military to a condition of at peace, we have offered the Romans the gift of cannon making as a gesture of goodwill, and have asked for an exchange of maps, in line with the articles set out in the peace initiative.

                                Although having already given Shavlor cannon making in exchange for peace, we will keep to our word of an advance, chosen by Shavlor, for all humanity. So Shavlor, will it be Banking, Medicine or Optics?

                                Let it be known that this was indeed a threat, and an aggressive stance, but the Age of Reason, that the wise Australians have bestowed upon us, has taught the Welsh that peace should be sought out, but not unconditionally, hence our somewhat aggressive tone.

                                I humbly apologise and look for forgiveness on this issue. In the event, no more blood has been shed, but this aggressiveness is not what the Welsh wish to be remembered for.

                                Shavlor, we hope that we can now start a new dialogue together, and put our differences behind us. A diplomat should be arriving at Rome in two turns.

