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Demosthenes Semi Acc Turn Posts

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  • #76
    Turn 9 ==> Demosthenes


    • #77
      Turn 9 ==> Sophix

      The Welsh Empire continues to expand. Our knowledge knows no bounds.


      Sorry guys, but I'm going to be unavailable from Monday April 3rd until Sunday April 9th. I'm going home to see my girlfriend and get a well deserved break.

      Do you want to set me to AI or shall I ask Hexagonia if he can play my turns?



      • #78
        Turn 9 to Caligula.

        The relentless climb of the power and stature of the Inca knows no bounds!

        Oh Blessed indeed are the fair lands bequeathed to us by the Noble Demosthenes.


        • #79
          ***Diplomatic Communique***

          Emperor Caligula of the Romans is becoming increasingly agitated about the continuing build up of incan power which is now twice that of it's nearest competitor... How the incan leader manages to achieve this is a mystery - his lands must truly be as bountiful as he claims!

          Emperor Caligula can only surmise that this massive jump in power must therefore be due to a build up of military forces (as suggested in the power graph thread...) and has reluctantly ordered the implementation of a viable defensive strategy, (namely defensive walls etc...)obviously the Romans are a peacefaring Empire and had no need of the trappings of war - this has caused unrest and anxiety in the minds of Rome's peace loving citizens...

          Emperor Caligula still views chief jon of the incans as a peaceful neighbour...

          HOWEVER - Emperor Caligula will view any agressive incursions into Roman territory by incan units as a precursor to invasion, these will be dealt with accordingly! The incan government does have the cartographical advantage of having a 'fix' on the old Roman settlement of Caesarea - I can only assume the incans are North of that point... Broadly speaking Emperor Caligula does not want to see an incan unit level with or any where South or East of Caesarea this is a desert of no material value which we should henceforth view as a 'buffer' zone between our lands...

          Emperor Caligula would appreciate a 'gift' of the incans maps to put his mind at ease - this would also mend the distrust instilled by 400 years of crude beastial insults levelled at certain members of the Roman high senate. Indeed, such an act of goodwill would erase all those distasteful memories and herald a new dawn between our Civilisations! Surely one as powerful as the incan ruler would find it effortless to be so magnanamous...

          Failing that Emperor Caligula requests that Demosthenes acts as a go between and 'UC' monitor and that the incans and the Welsh exchange maps to lay to rest any suspicion about any military build up...


          Peace to all!


          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • #80
            Official Inca Reply.

            The number and composition of the Inca Army is a matter of no concern to our Roman neighbours. Whilst it is true that we have adopted a policy of prudence and made certain that all of our Cities are well garrisoned we can assure all others that we seek only peace, love and harmony between all peoples.

            We are intending to send a small detachment from our mounted brigade on a goodwill visit to Caeserea, and it's environs, for the purposes of cartographical research but nothing else!

            Had Noble Caligula chosen to exchange such information with us we might have felt secure enough not to have maintained a high state of readiness or waste money upon swords and spears when our Cities need trading places and our fields need to be tilled.

            When we receive a fair exchange of Maps all will be revealed to our equestrian neighbour but not before. Let us learn to trust one another and share our knowledge of the World and it's arts and sciences.

            Be assured dear Romans that we love you and are deeply sorry for the neglected state of your womenfolk. We can help you if you will let us. I will order the despatch of some of my finest young warriors to solve your population crisis if you wish.

            I think that should be gift enough for any man.

            Chief Jon


            • #81
              Turn 9--> Sophanthro

              The Assyrians watch carefully as their Roman neighbors to the north trade verbal spars with the Incan people.

              Of the Incans only legends are known, but it is whispered by those passing through our lands that they have used their vast power to lay waste to the Chancas, the Quechua, and the kingdom of Chimú. As a peace-loving people, we can only hope that they do not have further expansionist plans into the lands of the other peoples of this world, and can one day be known to us as our friends.

              And it is our great hope that the mutual mistrust between the great Caligula and the mighty Chief Jon can resolved in a civilized manner worthy of two such powerful heads of state.


              • #82
                ***Official Communique to chief jon of the incas***

                So you openly admit that your army is on a WAR FOOTING and that you have WELL GARRISONED your cities without any threat to your borders!!! YOU are the one who has been most cruelly goading the Roman People with your offensive rhetoric which we Romans have merely tried to turn the other cheek and get on with a programme of building Aqueducts for sanitation, Granaries for Food storage and Marketplaces for commerce - for the common good of the people...

                Never once have we threatened you in any way - surely we would welcome a map exchange with you if we were agressive as we would know exactly where to strike... You, with your large Battle ready army are the ones who covet this - which of us is of the more suspicious disposition!!?

                Your thinly veiled threats, your promise to violate my borders with your mounted brigade DESPITE my warning and your naked and insulting threat in 'promising' to despatch some of your finest Warriors to my lands expose you for the arrogant megalomaniac you truly are!!!

                Let the World bear witness to your ADMISSION OF GUILT and condemn it now!!!

                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • #83
                  Caligula, dear and trusted neighbour, hear now the words of Chief Jon.

                  I love you, not perhaps as passionatly as Incitatus, and your people. We bear you no ill-will and would not seek to harm any of the other peoples of this World.

                  Our land is bountiful and we are blessed with Ivory and Jade aplenty so that our commerce should flourish. Our young women have fruitful loins and beget us many fine sons and it is with sadness that I must instruct them in the ways of war. Should trust and an agreed border be set between us then be assured that my nervousness would be assuaged.

                  If you should object to an Inca scouting party then you can easily solve the problem by a perfectly civilised exchange of Maps. I do not look for war but my people have found a land of richness and fertility and we are surely the envy of such pitiful creatures as the 'hunter-gatherers' of Wales. I have to look toward the protection of my people and though we have ample defensive formations you find but few Legions or Knights.

                  Chief Jon
                  Friend of the Roman People.


                  • #84
                    Turn 10 ==> Demosthenes

                    The Pharaoh is puzzled by the rumours of military might of the Incans, the great leader of Egypt would like to caution the Nations of the world concerning the disadvantageous nature of bloodshed, when there is still free land a plenty.

                    Egypt also anounce that they would like to endorse Hexagonian to act as regent while the Demosthenes is gone, as they know him to be a wise ruler, and in Cairo's estimation a far better choice than his competitor for regent, AI.


                    • #85
                      Turn 10 ==> Jon

                      The so-called 'hunter-gatherers' of Wales are happy in their environment. Without the sinful temptation of lust that overwhelms our Incan brothers we have been able to discipline our minds in the peaceful settings of our island.

                      Proof of this can be found when one looks at our wealth of knowledge. We far surpass that of our lustful neighbours and henceforth call that such acts be soley within wedlock.

                      Gratiutous lust and fornication leads to a numbing of the mind, and ultimately to Hell.
                      [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited April 01, 2000).]


                      • #86
                        Unfortunately I cannot persuade Hex to take on both this game and Swissy's Acc. And at my present stage the AI would probably do less damage to this game than the other.

                        Therefore, unless anybody knows of a neutral who would be willing to play my turns for a week, I guess that with great trepidation, I'll have to hand over to the AI.
                        [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited April 01, 2000).]


                        • #87
                          chief jon of the incas...

                          You continue to belittle and mock me through your lies of 'love' and 'friendship'...

                          I will NOT exchange maps with you and if any incan units are detected passing through the desert buffer zone* previously stipulated, this will be treated as an act of WAR!

                          *Be advised that I will be looking to my NE borders, as that is the only direction Horsemen can approach Caesarea without the aid of WARSHIPS!

                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #88
                            I take it chief jon now understands my viewpoint and that this will be an end to this matter...

                            Turn 10 --> Rick

                            Emperor Caligula wishes Demosthenes a safe and bountiful trip!

                            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                            • #89
                              Turn 10--> Sophanthro

                              The Assyrians are about to join the
                              world in the flurry of procreation.
                              The midwives of Assyria have been
                              put through a special endurance
                              training program to prepare them for
                              the grueling days ahead for them.

                              The expectant mothers have
                              apparantly all chosen to name their
                              male babies after their King as a
                              sign of loyalty and gratitude,
                              although the husbands have been
                              known to remark darkly about the
                              "coincidence" that so many of the
                              children have a marked resemblance
                              to the King.

                              The Kingdom of Assyria wishes
                              Demosthenes a good trip and sends
                              their wishes that his lands may be
                              even more bountiful upon his return,


                              • #90
                                Turn 11 ==> Demosthenes, your still around right?

                                I have also sent an AIed turn to Jon.

                                Egypt has also made contact with a leader, Shavlor, who has offered to play Demos's turns until Thursday. Egypt is waiting for a reply from Wales, before giving the file to Shav as Shav and Demos are at war in all the other games they are playing against each other in. If no reply is heard by the end of tonight I will hand the turn over to Shavlor.
                                [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited April 02, 2000).]

