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Semi Acc Part IV

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  • Turn 108 to Demosthenes.

    His Divinity visited Melbourne today to Bless the new Holy Monument constructed there in his honour. The sight of their Saint caused many to faint with joy at the honour being done them!

    He declaimed, 'The new Holy Shrine of The London Exchange will be place of pilgrimage for many years to come for those seeking to cast aside base aspirations toward Earthly Wealth and instead follow the path to Sprirtual enrichment in my name'. He called upon his worshippers to merely kneel in his prescence rather than lie flat upon the ground as many had chosen to do. Such humility and self-effacement are of course typical of His Purity but still caused such joy as to be unbearable to many of the congregation.

    Upon return to Sydney The Sinless One was moved to consider matter's temporal. Weeping, he praised the courage of The Salvation Army in enduring the loss of an entire Regiment of Musketeers, as well as suffering many wounded, in the liberation of Sirmium. Having endured such dreadful losses in fending off 'The Beast' he questioned whether his beloved Ally, Demosthenes, intended to save further Australian suffering by freeing Neopolis from It's foul clutches or if this onerous task would also have to be undertaken by his disciples?

    In answer to Lord Sophix's questions regarding the sordid matter of Lines of Demarkation he answered, 'Australia has never sought territorial gain from this dreadful conflict and anything that has fallen within her control as a result has been purely incidental. Once Neopolis has been saved from Bestial oppression Australia will regard her Crusade as over as she is certain that the remaining Eastern outposts of Sin should be within the power of her beloved Allies to salve. The only question of relevance to Australia is to whom the task of purging Neopolis should fall'.

    Love to All.
    St Jon the Munificent.


    • Turn 108 ==> Tom Red

      Noble St Jon, the Welsh also feel as you do, and feel that once Neapolis has been removed from Roman abuse then our objectives have been met.

      We presently have eight regiments fortified outside Neapolis, with more following close behind. We do not want to seem presumptuous but with the issue of border arrangements, Neapolis poses a solution.

      If Neapolis falls to Welsh liberation then Australia and Wales would have a natural border of the mountain range. Assyria would then be free to do as it sees fit with the entire South-Eastern peninsula, and move around the coast via Jerusalem if required.


      • Turn 108/109 -> Sophix
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • Turn 109 ==> Shavlor

          The Assyrian strike force moved north to Jerusalem. Advanced scouts reported that the city should be relatively easy to take.
          [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited June 11, 2000).]


          • Wrong Turn received, should be 109 not 108. Please check and resend.


            • Where's the Turn Shavlor?


              • Jon I guess I sent you turn 109 to a old address
                I send it again to your adress
                if this doesn't work please email me


                • Turn 109 ==> Tom Red

                  A catastrophic loss of life occured at Neapolis, to both forces. The battle was fought hard, with Roman cannons proving that their aim is ever increasing, taking out a regiment of Welsh pikemen before they could get near to the city.

                  After breaking through the cities minimal defences, the city walls being left in tatters from previous fighting, the Welsh forces were set upon by a surprising large force of Roman Troops, more than was anticipated.

                  The Roman forces swarmed the Welsh troops, their cannon tearing through the ranks of welsh Pikemen and Musketeers alike. But Welsh cannon were quickly brought to bear, and the Roman troops were gradually reduced through cannon shot and pikes.

                  After the city was contained, the Emperors Palace was sieged, but TAFKAB was nowhere to be seen. Welsh flags were raised and the liberated citizens cheered their saviours.

                  Demosthenes was said to be overjoyed at the outcome of this decisive battle, with the capture of the Roman Capitol, yet dismayed at the disappearance of TAFKAB.

                  Welsh objectives on their pilgrimage have been achieved, and we hear the repeated calls for peace from Noble St Jon. Bearing this in mind, especially with TAFKAB's repeated evasion of capture, the Welsh believe that it may well be the time to look for more peaceful relations with the Romans, despite their leader's barbaric ways.


                  • Turn 109 to Demos.

                    Why do my beloved children fight amongst themselves? Please Maya and Welsh see that the Australian way is the right way! Had the World followed my teachings not one drop of innocent blood would have been spilled and my very own people forced to undergo the gravest of suffering to restore peace.

                    Pax Vobiscum
                    St Jon, The World's True Friend.


                    • turn ==>hexagonia


                      • Turn 109/110 -> Sophix

                        The question is whether Shavlor would be willing to accept peace, and if the other nations are also willing to extend the same offer to him.

                        Would St Jon, he of 'peaceful intent', be the first to extend the olive branch. The world waits and watches...
                        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                        • Turn 110 --> Jon

                          Will Shavlor accept peace?
                          What with my only my latest 3 cities still occupied by me?
                          No NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Shavlor with rather die.
                          But seriously please kill me off I have three small cities left and this game isn't as intresting to me as it once was.


                          • Turn 110 to Demos.

                            Oh pitiful 'Beast' wouldst that I could put you out of your miserable existance! I recognise that though you be an affront to civilised man that your sufferings should end. I believe not in the torture of dumb animals and clemency indeed should be shown but it lies outside of my power to ordain.

                            Australia is a poor and backward nation which has given to the last of it's strength in our Crusade to purge your soul and lead you to salvation. Our young men lie dead or wounded, our fields are untilled and our coffers are drained to the very last! Let those with might yet remaining send forth their youth to cleanse the World of you!

                            A cause for deep concern within my Cloisters has arisen. Several, more Worldly wise, of my Disciples have informed me that others may wage War for base profit rather than to salve humanity. Such ideas were beyond me but they assure me that this terrible practise does take place and that some may have embarked upon the 'Crusade' for other than purely altruistic motives. It was suggested that maybe some were even guilty of the sin of jeolousy and sought only to aquire the lands and cities of the 'Beast' for their own use.

                            Please, my children, tell me that such vile thoughts have not entered into your hearts.

                            Love unto All.
                            St Jon, Love in Human Form.


                            • Other Nations need not concerned themselves with mercifully ending the beast's existance. Assyria has taken this task upon themselves, and will remove the remaining cities as soon as our army finds them. We also invite the Native Americans to take whatever cities they feel lie close to thier own nation.


                              • Turn 110 ==> Tom Red

                                Sophix, I agree with your idea about the Natives of the North. Perhaps the Tribes of America could be persuaded to join in the holy crusade, as they are the only nation not to have taken on the duty to rid the world of 'The Beast' of Rome.

                                What say you Chief Tom Red?
                                [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited June 17, 2000).]
                                [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited June 17, 2000).]

