Creator please confirm whether you've received your turn from me.
No announcement yet.
Hanibal Turn Post
I sorry but I still don't have the file. So.. I verifing my e-mail [send mail with atachments ], but seems working ok. Once again ? If next resent will without resuts. You can Atach AI withoud I, I apologize all players for stay of play.
[This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited April 03, 2000).]
Well folks, I have a confession to make. Seems that this weekend's delay was entirely my fault. The address I was trying to send the email to was one letter off from what it should've been. I deeply apologize to one and all for the holdup.
Also, upon further reflection I've decided that perhaps my speech from Friday wasn't too long for posting after all. At least I hope it isn't.I've been looking around on the forums and found some pretty long posts. So without further ado, here it is:
"Friends and fellow citizens of Phoenicia, I stand before you today with a grander purpose than merely dedicating a new city and capitol. Today, with the founding of Baalbek the Phoenician people have officially reached the end of their wandering journey as a band of nomads. We begin instead, an even longer and more arduous journey toward a future made bright, not only for ourselves, but for all of humanity.
I wish to use this historic opportunity to announce the formation of the Phoenician League of Cities (PLC), and to state for the record, and for all to hear, the principles upon which it shall be founded.
The Phoenician people are a peaceable people. We do not seek fortune, fame, or glory through the use of arms against our neighbors. Conquest is not our way. Nor shall we resort to the use of subversive tactics unless forced to do so by the actions of our enemies. The PLC is dedicated to the twin principles of free trade and equality for all.
The Phoenician people believe that the peaceful pursuit of knowledge must be the cornerstone of any worthwhile endeavor. Therefore, with this in mind, I gladly announce that the PLC will be committing itself to a sustained program of scientific research. We do this, not for the petty purpose of material gain, but because we hope to thereby bring enlightenment and wisdom to both ourselves and the world around us.
However, only through the formation of a strong and vital economy can our people hope to fund such a noble scientific crusade. We understand that the key to a healthy economy is free and open trade. It is our belief that the practice of free commerce brings benefits to all that participate. Accordingly, I hereby pronounce that the PLC is opening its doors to all that would seek to trade with us in a spirit of peace. I take this action in the sincere hope, that as a result, prosperity may bless not only ourselves but also any trading partners we may develop.
I feel that a cautionary note is warranted at this point: Although science can be a powerful tool for the betterment of humanity it must not be made our master. When science is pursued without the guidance of wisdom, or when its practitioners become heedless of its possible consequences, it then becomes a threat to the safety and welfare of everyone. That is something that the Phoenician people simply cannot allow to happen.
This brings me to another core principle upon which the PLC will be founded; freedom of choice and equality of opportunity for all humankind. At our present state of development, this is sadly, more a dream than a reality. However, it is a dear and precious dream nonetheless. In these dangerous times in which we find ourselves, it is a regrettable necessity that I, as leader of my fellow citizens, take upon myself the burden of responsibility by applying a firm guiding hand on the rudder of state. Rest assured though, in due time I intend to allow the natural course of our people's destiny to emerge. I loudly proclaim, for the record, that when the proper time has come we will adopt a democratic system in which even the lowliest among us has the power to give voice to their concerns and beliefs. I feel confident that this is what my fellow citizens desire and they shall have it.
The Phoenician people, believing that the horrific institution of slavery is but a dying vestige of barbarism, stand firmly in opposition to anyone who would sink to the level of depravity inherent in making one person the slave of another. I wish to emphatically state that any slaver sighted by our military will be executed on the spot, without exception, regardless of its nationality or location. There shall be no compromise or equivocation on this policy. Should such an action result in war we will proudly do our duty in the cause of justice.
Lest any believe that our fervent wish for peace makes us vulnerable, know this; the PLC fully realizes that if we wish to live in peace we must always maintain our vigilance. We believe that peace comes as a result of strength, not in the absence of strength. Should anyone wish to test our resolve they do so at the risk of bringing ruin and desolation upon themselves.
My next words are for my fellow rulers of their respective empires: Join us. Join us in the pursuit of knowledge, free commerce, and equality for all people. Together let us face the future with confidence that the best ideals that humanity has to offer will prevail, not its baser instincts. The Phoenician people have long memories and we remember the actions of our friends and foes alike. I beseech you to aid us in freeing all of the people of the world from the shackles of ignorance and fear.
It is my most sincere belief that in days yet to come, however far away they may be, our people will work, love and play among the very heavens. With perseverance and dedication to the principles we affirm today, they will seek out new frontiers to civilize, carrying forward the bright torch of hope for all to see. Perhaps, when that day is at hand, we may perchance to meet someone whose abode lies among the stars. If we do, we will be able to point with pride at our accomplishments and be at ease that we have done not only what was our duty but also that which was right and just.
I thank you gentle citizens, for being here today, and for listening to what I had to say. Please take what I have said to heart and know that with your ever faithful support it shall come to pass."
[This message has been edited by Hanibal (edited April 03, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Hanibal (edited April 03, 2000).]
Turn 1 to Burchill
As a large group of nomads joined at the anual convention, they decided to settle down after centuries of wandering.
"Even though these lands aren't the best we could hope for I believe that we will pull through" the almighty tyrrant, Notuncommon, announced as the celebration of the erection of the first house where under way. The small community of Kyoto look forward to their new way of life in the forests around the river Chinpao.
"The whole is bigger than the part of it" - EuklidsRegards
I was approached by a junior minister of commerce bearing a rather strange looking rock which he says was found hidden among the very hills on which Baalbek now stands. He tells me that unlike most resources this one is very difficult to see because it blends in very well with it's surroundings.
I, of course replied, "So? It's a rock. Who cares?"
Then he proceeded to tell me that it has the most unusual property of being able to glow in the dark.
I, of course replied, "So? It's a rock that's a nightlight. Who cares?? We've got torches, and they're a heck'uva lot easier to carry by the dozen. Go away!"
Then he told me that it's worth 30 gold.
THAT got my attention. Now I've ordered all my peasants to go gather all the glowing rocks they can find. I think I'll call this rock uranium (sounds kinda catchy don'cha think?). Why a glow-rock would be worth 30 gold is beyond me. Some people will buy anything I suppose.
Meanwhile my new chief minister of commerce is taking a well-deserved two week vacation. He was looking a bit tired and I do believe that the stress of his new appointment is causing his hair to thin.
Turn 2---> Creator
[This message has been edited by Hanibal (edited April 08, 2000).]
I hate to do this but if I haven't seen any response from Krystof within the next few hours I'm going to have to put his race on AI and send the turn to the next player down the list.
When I originally sent out emails to everyone here asking them to join I made a special effort to emphasize how important it was that we each put in an effort to make our turns as quickly as possible. The first two rounds went slowly for a variety of reasons (some even my fault). But I expected it to be that way in the beginning. Now however, since we've apparently got the bugs shaken out of the mattress I had hoped we'd be able to establish some sort of reasonable pace.
I'd like to stress that I'm not blaming any one person for anything. People are always way too quick to put blame on someone and I want no part of that foolishness. But since I sent out turn 2 it's been several days without any contact of any kind. Since I began this game and invited everyone to join I feel it is my responsibility to ensure it goes forward so that all participating can get on with enjoying it. And that is just what I intend to do if I still haven't seen any response soon.
I'd also like to stress that if I'm forced to put anyone on AI it is not necessarily a permanent action. This is NOT punitive in any way. I'm merely trying to resume the game. If that person later shows up and wants back in I'll be happy to welcome him back with open arms.
I would appreciate feedback from all the players here on what they believe is the best policy to adopt in the future regarding such instances. I believe it's necessary to put down firm guidelines that are reasonable and fair and work to the advantage of everyone here.
Creator I'm not angry. I tried very hard to explain that what I was I was going to do wasn't because of anger but because not having heard anything from you and not knowing what was happening I felt I had no choice.
I'm glad to see that the situation has been resolved without having to take matters any farther and if you feel that I've unfairly attacked you I'm truly sorry. I said what I felt I needed to say given the circumstances and was prepared to do what I thought might need to be done. I'm very glad it turned out to be unnecessary.
So with all that said let's try to put this all behind us and get on with what we're all here for. To have fun!