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    US - day 19 - turn 23(0 as 1) - 1.2 turns per day

    Slamps - day 14 - turn 11 - .8 turns per day

    Monkey 1 - day 30 - turn 18 - .6 turns per day

    Monkey 2 - day 25 - turn 15 - .6 turns per day

    Dutch - day 8 - turn 2 - .25 turns per day

    With 575 turns comprising a game(correct me if I am wrong), the games will take approximately the following amount of time to complete(at their present rate)

    US - 479 days(1.3 yrs)
    Slamps - 719 days(2 yrs)
    Monkey 1 & 2 - 958 days(2.6 yrs)
    Dutch - 2,300 days(6.3 yrs)

    Keep up the good work US game!!!

  • #2
    I'm pretty sure the games won't last the full 575 turns. In the games I played against the AI I have always been able to complete the ALP before the year 3000 AD.


    • #3
      In Dutcheese pbem, we have more than 10 city on turn 1, so i think the game will finish before 4000 AC !!!!
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


      • #4
        Ten cities or not, the way its going, it looks like its going to be ten years before its finished.
        [This message has been edited by DON (edited October 04, 1999).]


        • #5
          What's the latest stats Blue Max? I'm barracking for my Monkey PBEM games... GO ONKEY 1, GO MONKEY 2, GO!, GO!, GO!...YAY!!

          I wouldn't be surprised if my games are at the bottom of the table after the recent slow down...
          Monkey I am proud to be!
          Trim the sails and roam the sea!
          Trim the sails and roam the sea!


          • #6
            US - day 30 - turn 33 - 1.1 turns per day
            Slamp - day 25 - turn 18 - 0.8 turn per day
            Monkey 1 - day 41 - turn 18 - 0.5 turn per day
            Monkey 2 - day 37 - turn 15 - 0.5 turn per day
            Dutch - day 19 - turn 3 - 0.2 turn per day
            Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


            • #7
              US - day 40 - turn 43 - 1.08 turns per day
              Slamp - day 35 - turn 26 - 0.74 turn per day
              Monkey 2 - day 47 - turn 24 - 0.51 turn per day
              Accelerate - day 4 - turn 24 (start at 23) - 0.5 turn per day
              Monkey 1 - day 51 - turn 24 - 0.47 turn per day
              Dutch - day 29 - turn 6 - 0.21 turn per day
              Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


              • #8
                US - day 60 - turn 57 - 0.95 turns per day
                Slamp - day 55 - turn 32 - 0.58 turn per day
                Accelerate - day 24 - turn 35 (start at 23) - 0.5 turn per day
                Monkey 2 - day 67 - turn 31 - 0.46 turn per day
                Monkey 1 - day 71 - turn 31 - 0.44 turn per day
                Semi Accelerate - day 17 - turn 6 - 0.35 turn per day
                Dutch - day 49 - turn 10 - 0.20 turn per day
                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                • #9
                  US - day 70 - turn 61 - 0.87 turn per day
                  Slamp - day 65 - turn 40 - 0.62 turn per day
                  Monkey 1 - day 81 - turn 36 - 0.44 turn per day
                  Swissy's Accelerate #1 - day 34 - turn 38 (start at 23) - 0.44 turn per day
                  Monkey 2 - day 77 - turn 33 - 0.43 turn per day
                  Semi Accelerate - day 27 - turn 11 - 0.41 turn per day
                  Swissy's accelerate #2 - day 9 - turn 37 (start at 34) - 0.33 turn per day
                  Dutcheese - day 59 - turn 12 - 0.20 turn per day
                  Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                  • #10

                    GamesDayTurn #Turn per dayLast 10 days
                    Monkey 191400.440.40
                    Monkey 287360.410.30
                    Swissy's Accelerate #14440 (start at 23)0.390.20
                    Semi Accelerate37140.380.30
                    Swissy's accelerate #21940 (start at 34)0.320.30

                    [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 13, 1999).]
                    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                    • #11
                      double post
                      [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 01, 1999).]
                      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                      • #12
                        Well, Im not interested in ending Duthcesse Game because my target is not to finish but the fun... And in Dutchesse its great because we have some diplomatic intrigues and it is starting to be not so boring like in other game where the game is limited only to play the turn fast. The PBEM game is a diplo game and we should try to create something more then a game...
                        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                        • #13
                          Diplomatics intrigues are interesting but if the game don't update it will become boring.
                          [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 13, 1999).]
                          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                          • #14

                            GamesDayTurn #Turn per dayLast 10 days
                            Monkey 1101460.460.60
                            Monkey 297410.420.50
                            Swissy's Accelerate #15443 (start at 23)0.370.30
                            Semi Accelerate47170.360.30
                            Swissy's accelerate #22942 (start at 34)0.280.20

                            Updated december 11th 1999
                            [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 13, 1999).]
                            Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                            • #15
                              I updated stats for 1st december, because i saw some errors. I hope this time it's ok.
                              [This message has been edited by slamp (edited December 13, 1999).]
                              Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM

