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Monkey 2 part 3

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  • The Lung is back. First Don, then the WORLD!!!;-)


    • I've sent turn 73 but Zaph I need you to set me to an AI for the next turn, thanks. When I get back my civ better still be there safe and whole!
      Monkey I am proud to be!
      Trim the sails and roam the sea!
      Trim the sails and roam the sea!


      • Turn 73 to Paul


        • Turn 73 to Zaphod


          • turn 74 to blue max


            • Yeah, my buttons often appear in german, too. Perhaps whoever it is has realised that they can't conquer us, so they've changed our language by stealth instead!

              Also - Monkey, it's about time another thread was created as this one is getting a bit long in the tooth.

              BTW - what happened to my settler? Don, what have you been up to while i was away? Swissy hasn't responded yet. He's not one of evil Don's spies, is he? Just you wait until i get space bombers. You're gonna get it, pal!!


              • Having all messages in German is starting to become a nuisance. How many Germans do we have in the game? And how do we get back to English?

                Blue Max -> Deveritt (74)


                • As far as I know Zaphod is our only German. I never really gave to much attention to the German messages because I can read German, but one possible solution would be if Zaphod replaced all his German string files with the English files. I think this should work. If Zaphod doesn't mind I could zip my English strings and mail them to Zaphod with his next turn so he can try it and see if it works.

                  Zaphod, please mail me or post here if you want me to mail you the English string files.


                  • Turn 74 to Paul


                    • sounds like a fine idea, paul

                      but on the other side: has anyone a russian ctp-version? can the english one display kyrillic symbols?


                      • Turn 74 to Zaphod with English string files. If everything works as it should work we will no longer get German messages.


                        • sorry, but you'll still get german messgs this time, because i was a bit in a hurry. if you like to have a pause though, i can resend my turn in fully english in about 12 hours or so.


                          • Turn 75 to Zaphod


                            • turn 76 to blue max, should be in english now, though i had rather funny, messgs, in english and german


                              • Some messages could still be in German because they were generated in your previous turn. I suggest you wait until your next turn and see if there are still German messages.

