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Dutcheese PBEM Part 3

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  • #91
    Turn 30 sent to Ed

    Ed, why are you building a wonder which is already obsolete ????

    One turn in one day !!!!! Keep on !
    [This message has been edited by Klair (edited January 14, 2000).]


    • #92

      I'm enjoy to announce to the world that Canadian (Don) and Slav-French Union (Klair) signed a border. The map was send to President Ed.
      I hope this treaty would show to english that a solution is possible between us.


      Klair, co head of SFU


      • #93
        OH CRAP!
        I didn't read your message Klair until AFTER I took my turn. Thanks for the warning about the wonder, I'm going to change next turn. It was a thing that I set up a while back and just haven't checked on it. I guess I forgot I was even building it. Thanks again!

        Turn to Don.
        I will post the Canadian/SFU border in the MAP ROOM later today.
        CIV pbem "play-by-play"


        • #94
          We are happy to see that there is some progress being made in the Norwich crises. The Canadian people are anxiously awaiting word from the SFU on the latest developments. The normally cynical people of Canada have renewed faith in politicians and they have been shown that, yes people in power do display some sense from time to time.

          Doug McKenzie
          Head of Foreign Affairs

          Mr Ed could you please resend the turn.
          [This message has been edited by DON (edited January 14, 2000).]


          • #95
            We are very pleased to have worked out a border arrangement with the French. Negotiations went very well and we hope peace will be mutually desired.

            At this very momment we are approaching a Mayan city with a diplomat and hopefully mediation for an alliance will be one of the things disscused in the Mayan/Canadian peace summit.

            Bob McKenzie
            Chief Negotiater in the French/Canadian border agreement.

            Turn to Luk

            [This message has been edited by DON (edited January 14, 2000).]
            [This message has been edited by DON (edited January 14, 2000).]


            • #96
              The Statement of SC

              The Slav Confederate Goverment will agree to the Slamp proposition but this proposition needs changes:
              1)The area - Neuatral and Non-building City should be united and named the Neutral Area.
              2)In this area there shouldnt be build any city.
              3)Without agree of England and SFU any units will not enter to this area

              This is our proposition and we will agree to this. We think that it is the last chance to the compromise and if Fanatic, Nationalistic Goverment of England refuse it - it would be the sign that they want Norwich to be Slav and renamed as Novoisibirsk as our minor nationalistic groups wants.

              Head of SC and cohead of SFU,
              Luk Castle
              "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


              • #97
                We agree to SFU's latest proposal.


                • #98
                  Luk, did you play your turn ?
                  I receive nothing yet.
                  Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                  • #99
                    I sent it, but if you dont recived I send you one more time
                    "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                    • turn 30 sent to Jon
                      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                      • Turn 31 to Frazer.

                        Irish Official Statement.

                        The Holy Father would like to inform his friends that he is in a position to aid them in their quest for spiritual and temporal enlightenment. His Holiness anticipates a suitable donation being made to the 'poor of the Parish' so that he might better be able to aid the least fortunate of his flock.

                        A fond farewell was given to the intrepid mariners of the Holy See as they embarked upon a goodwill visit to the fair English city of Norwich and thence onward to the lands of the legendary French. It is to be hoped that the government of France is as eager to meet with Irish legates as the people of Ireland are to receive French emissaries. If the welcome our mission is given is as warm as we hope we look forward to travelling onward to Moscow and meeting our good friend Luk in the flesh for the first time. We would appreciate notice being given if the establishment of an embassy is regarded as unwelcome by France though the Holy Father would be near reduced to tears by such a rejection. In light of our past cordial relations with the Slavic leadership and people we trust that there will be no barriers put up by them.


                        • Turn 31 ==> Klair

                          Jon Locke recent book has stirred the soul of King Sophanthro as he started voting preceding. " I realized that England must have a new government, and I will relinquish the Crown, to whoever is endorsed by the people". Due to his overwhelming popularity Lord Sophanthro has gained a heavy lead in the polls.

                          The transformation is facing heavy resistance the from the countries nobles. They fail to see the transformation as wise step for England, but think selfishly of there own waning power.


                          • Turn 31 sent to Ed


                            • I'm happy to see that English has accepted border proposal near Norwich.
                              I ask english prime minister to accept a french diplomat in Norwich.


                              Klair co head of SFU
                              [This message has been edited by Klair (edited January 16, 2000).]


                              • turn sent to Don
                                sorry to say no update on my site today as planned. I got a new sound card and spent some time with family.

                                I'm pleased to see the Norwich deal is about final.
                                Civ PBEM

