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Dutcheese PBEM Part 3

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  • #31
    I passed the turn on to next around noon (EST) today.

    I recieved the maps and hope to have them posted tonight in a special edition Dutcheese News. I just got home from work, so it's going to be a while before I can get to it. I might have to do it tomorrow morning before work.



    • #32
      Turn 25 to luk


      • #33
        Turn 25 to Jon
        Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


        • #34
          The Statement of SC

          The Slav Confederate will never leave the Slav people who lives in West Penisula. This territory belongs to our Slavonic Nations. We want to cooperate with English who have the right to Norwich but we will never agree that this city and area belongs only to England and that they have there full sovereignty. The National Interests of SFU will not let the England to grow the city on our continent without our cooperation and the knowledge that Norwich in futher will not be the spy-city or warport where the English units can attack us. We will never stand on the position that we will have nothing to say about the Norwich matters. And any mediator or the group of countries will never be decided what is Slav what is not. It is in the matter of Slavs and their allies French. Because it is our continent not English. English have their own continent and they have to know that on our continent they have not fully right to decide about their city.

          The Pope Jean Paul II excommuniced the anti-pope Jon and said that Irish Church is the protestant Church and every man who is Jonnist is a heretic. They will go to hell if they not change their fate to the real Christianity (Catholic).
          "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


          • #35
            Papal Proclaimation

            It is with regret that we read the words of Dictator Castle.

            Ireland has been drawn into a conflict that it never desired but would have been stripped of all integrity had it declined to support it's ally. We have sought to be peacemakers but it is now obvious that Mr Castle lies under the spell of the French and cannot see reason any longer. There is no desire for compromise on the part of the Slavs and their only aim is to seek a shoddy excuse to bring forth war upon the English.

            Mr Castle's lofty ideals of an INC now stand lain bare as hypocracy. Ireland does not recognise SFU claims of sovereignty over the 'Norwich' Peninsula and will aid it's friends in their time of need.

            The statements issued by Mr Castle have done nothing for Ireland's internal stability. We are a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural land where all are free to practice their own forms of worship. However the Slavic migrants that we welcomed to our shores have been inflamed by these warlike speeches of Mr Castle and have embarked upon yet another series of riots and destruction. The major culprits have been arrested and shall be deported but two stand accused of capital crimes and we insist that the SF deals with these men properly.

            We appeal to you to step back from the abyss of war that is about to engulf us.


            • #36
              hey guys. If anyone tried it today. I have the map with border proposals drawn up on the site now for everyone to see. I put it up last night but miss spelled the link on my site. Thanks to Don for pointing that out. It's fixed now.
              Tomorrow afternoon/evening I'll be posting the Slavic reply and anything else that happens in the next day. The German people are almost ready to release their opinion.



              • #37
                HH Pope Jon

                Having seen the proposed SFU border we declare in advance that it is unacceptable and will not be recognised by the HIE as it impinges upon our territorial waters.

                The SF seem determined to bring this conflict home to my people. I will not sit idly by and watch my people terrified by an Imperialist interloper.


                • #38
                  Turn 26 to Frazer


                  • #39
                    Turn 26 to Sophanthro


                    • #40
                      The Statement of SC

                      The speak of hateness will not be tolerated by the Slavonic Goverment. We have never insulted anybody, but Jon with his imperialistic speech goes to far. First - Luk Castle is not a dictator - he is the Head. Second the borders respect Irish Borders. Third - see it one more time. The Norwich could be the real problem to our Security in futher. England can build the war-city which will be scaring our people. So we must have the control at least at the amount of war units there. IT IS OUR CONTINENT NOT ENGLISH. We have there almost 30 cities (all) you have one. We have no right to decide about your continent but you should have not the fully right to decide on our continent. We speak one more time - we DO NOT want the war but we want that what is ours.

                      The Sophanotoro manipulates Lord Trial because it is the true that Lord Trial didnt agree with me that Norwich i the colony but he agree to my vision of borders with full soverignity of the Norwich Area. The problem was that we thought that we should have the vote in the decision about Norwich. Lord Trial didnt want to agree on it. BUT HE AGREED TO THE BORDERS. Sophantoro who speak in nationalistic, hateness language with his uncompromissional poture is seaking the war.

                      The Slav Confederate is multinational country with many Slavonic Cultures. We have 10 Nations which have equal rights in the country, and we have the Latin and Bizantine civilization lives together in peace and Irish Nationalists will not be teaching us the lessons of international living. The acts of "Slav" Vandals are inspired by the Secret Services of Ireland and we will not stand if the good name of SC will be destroying anymore. We are treating all the nations good on our territory because Slavs loves peace and dislikes war.
                      "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                      • #41
                        Sorry Luck I have never agreed to the borders. You can read my statement again in the past thread in which I said that once you (SFU) had agreed to the river banks for Norwich that I've belived that an agreement could still be reached. That was based on the fact that the poposal we have sent was your first proposal plust the river banks. I'D NEVER agreed with your second proposal as a matter of fact, if you remember correctly I've removed myself from borders talks when you issued it along with a military threat.

                        *** Sorry guys I don't have time for role playing embelishment, just wanted to leave this point clear ****


                        • #42
                          Turn 26 ==> Klair

                          An Open letter from Lord Sophanthro

                          We have turned our fate in the matter of Norwich over to INC. I ask you how can this be nationalism? It is not nationalism which makes us ask for the territory, we feel is rightly ours. We our asking for control of this land. So the people of Norwich can be free to decide thier own fate. What kind of freedom is it to live in a desert city, constantly being watched by Slav agents? This is not freedom.

                          I would also like to caution the Leaders of World to not believe Luk, his comments concerning the honorable Lord Trial have been shown to be nothing but insidious lies. He constantly says the lands are his but every reason he has given have been weak and proven wrong. I am not saying the Luk is a bad leader to his own people, just take a truck load of salt with everything he says.

                          Luk Castle constantly says that if allowed to expand, England would be a military threat on the continent. Our expansion would allow the penisula of Norwich to be independent and nothing more, it would be far from a threat. I would like to point out that, the entire territory we desire is desert how can a nation build a military city in desert terrain. There is very little growth potential as well as a relatively small amount of production.

                          I have stated this before but I will state it again, Luk believes right is might, and his only claim to the penisula of Norwich, is that the SFU has a greater military presence nearby.

                          Lord Sophanthro
                          King of the Realm of England

                          [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited January 07, 2000).]


                          • #43
                            Turn 26 to Edgar

                            Lord Sophrano: If there is very little growth potential as well as a relatively small amount of production, why do you want to extend here ? But everyone known that deserts are very good military (and spy)training camp :-(

                            [This message has been edited by Klair (edited January 07, 2000).]


                            • #44
                              The Canadian goverment has reviewed the maps and proposals by the English and SFU and has submitted a vote to President Ed.

                              At this moment the SFU and the Canadian nation are engaged in border negoations for the French/Canadian border. Hopefully we will come to an agreement and further improve our relations.

                              Turn 26 to Luk


                              • #45
                                The Statement of SC

                                "Pehaps the situation is still hopefull. We stand by our last offer, which was basically your previous offer with the addition of the river banks, to which Norwich depends for survival. We are not even requesting the full east wing of the city of Norwich since it is not crucial for the city survivability." - it is the words of Lord Trial in one of his meesgae to me. If you disagree with me - you are the lier.
                                See Sophantaro and do what Lord Trial wanted to do. It is my last statement I will not be repeating my words because I see that your Nationalistic Fanatism is to heavy.

                                The INC didnt choose the General Secretary and President Ed is not the leader of INC and it is his own initiative. The secret voting is unacceptable. Are we a masonery or what???? If the countries have the honour they should state the opinion publicly. If not We will not be treating this "voting" serious.
                                "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939

