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Dutcheese PBEM Part 3

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  • #16
    Irish Post (Extracts)

    Fury erupted at the Conference of Cardinals at the public statement issued by the Slavic Dictator Luk Castle that he believed Ireland was seeking War. The Pontiff was exhorted to issue a stern rebuff to the belligerent and inflammatory stance taken by the Slavic Federation. Brother Superior Torquemada, Internal Security, announced that measures had put in place to intern all Slavic nationals and those of Slavic descent to prevent an outbreak of terrorist activities.

    Problems with civil disorder were also reported with armed Slavic and French gangs assaulting innocent Irish civilians in both Dublin and Waterford. Security chiefs reported that whilst in Dublin these problems had been dealt with relatively peacefully with minimal casualties and the arrest of some thirty Slavic agitators the same could not be said of Waterford. There no less than a dozen innocent Irish citizens lost their lives to brutal, largely French, attacks. A shortage of manpower meant that Cardinal Mephistopholes, Bishop of Waterford, was forced to permit the use of firearms and unfortuately no arrests were made, though the bodies of those responsible will be shipped back to France for burial as a gesture of goodwill.

    His Holiness Pope Jon urged calm upon both his flock and the respective parties in this dispute. He said 'I will not permit any form of discriminatory action against those of Slavic descent nor any issuance of anti-Slav propoganda. Mr Castle is a most reasonable man and I am sure a friend of the Irish people. He cannot be held responsible for the actions of a few extremists and can be assured that the worst fate, regardless of crime, that any Slav agitator will face is repatriation being sure that Slavic justice will suitably deal with wrongdoers when presented with the evidence.'

    When questioned as to his opinion of French policies and leadership the Pontiff was less forthright and declined to comment. It is understood that he has privatly expressed deep diquiet over the sanity of their present leader Klair though this remains unconfirmed.

    After being addressed by the Pontiff the Conference agreed, reluctantly, to endorse his offer to act as mediator in the Anglo/Union dispute as he assured them that however unstable the French leadership he knew that in Mr Castle he had a man he could do business with.

    In his final statement to the Conference Pope Jon expressed his unequivical support for his English friends and allies. He said 'Whatever may come to pass should no compromise be found then, however regretable, the Papacy will issue a call to arms in support of our English brothers. This would be a defeat for all that the Holy Irish Empire holds dear, especialy as it would mean conflict with Mr Castle whom I regard as my very own brother, but Ireland will never allow unbridled greed and aggression to profit. I appeal to Mr Castle to bring pressure to bear upon his confederate and try to get her to see reason.'


    • #17
      Mayans news:

      A border agreement was sign between Canadians and Mayans.

      A border agreement was sign between Irish and Mayans.

      Slamp, head of Mayans, want to say to all countries that Mayans will not accept inside the borders any units, including ships and diplomats without asking permission first.
      [This message has been edited by slamp (edited January 02, 2000).]
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


      • #18
        The Statement of SC Goverment
        The Goverment of SC wants to resolve this situation in the peacfull way. We think that our peace treaty with Ireland won't be broken. We do not broke this because we have honour and when we sign something we will do excatcly what we sign. Ireland sign that they will not attack us. If they do this all treaties with this nations will be unworthy.

        We will react immidiatly to the Slavonic vandals who killed people in Ireland. That acts will be judged and they will definitly go to the jail. All the acts of terrorism will be treated equally. We want to cooperate with Ireland in the security of our nations. Every Slav who attack Irish will be treated equally as the bandit and will be judged.

        Polish Leader of Church Pope Jean Paul II immidiatly reacted when he heard that Jon is naming himself - the Pope. If this situation will be repeating our Pope will excommunice the Jon. He could be only the Primate because the leader of Church cannot be the politic. The Polsih Catholics are shocked and they say that Jon is anti-Pope and he must abdicate. The Polish catholics is famous that they are most conservative and strong.
        "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


        • #19
          The central fact of Slav/French argument is that the English city on the continent is only a colony, but it's founding dates back to before recorded history. English historians are unsure if it's founding was during the rule of Becky, before her rule, or during the time of turburlence. "the only thing that is known concerning the city is that its founding predates the rule of the Honorable Lord Trial" Stated John Domesday, chief historian of Cambridge. He went on to note that the land in dispute is miles from any French/Slav city; stating that it would take at least eight turns for one of thier settlers to reach the border that Lord Sophanthro has proposed.

          Lord Sophanthro who recently made moves to join INC, stated, " I'll we ask is that, this issue be submitted before INC, and if the majority of countries find the city to be a colony; we will stand down. Before we ask the nations to consider this, we would like INC to call an election; to appoint a leader to preside over the hearings. So now we ask the Slav/French are they willing to do the same?"

          Lord Sophanthro recieved heavy Flak from the countries nobility, who believe INC is dominated by the Slav/French Union. "If INC is not composed of all of the Nations of the World, then we will withdraw our offer for mediation, and ask that it be submitted to a fair and impartial mediator, we recommend Lord Ed of the German's if he will accept the responsibility."

          "Luk Castle constantly has said that with Lord Trial, England would have agreed we are only colonists. Upon his resignation Lord Trial stated that to agree with the present SFU proposal would be downfall of the English people" Stated the former Secretary of State.

          "This talk of peace is only hindering us", an angry Admiral of the English Navy stormed, " The English Navy is ready, to reak havoc on the shores, of SFU territory, and these delays are only allowing them, to strengthen thier harbors." Fortunately the Military party does not wield alot of support, but recent polls have seen their support climbing at an unprecedented rate."

          [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited January 02, 2000).]


          • #20
            turn 24 sent to Jon
            Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


            • #21
              Turn 25 to Frazer.


              • #22
                The threat of war seemed to be diverted today, as Sophanthro ordered his troops to stand down. "We have agreed not to expand until the Issue is brought before INC." Lord Sophanthro stated today, "Our conditions for that INC be composed of all nations, stay relevent, but will not expand near Norwich, until the time that INC, is ready to hear our case." Sophanthro continued by urging all nations to join INC.


                • #23
                  A statement from the Canadian goverment.

                  We would like to get all the facts before we make a decision on who's doing what. We also feel that a neutral mediator should be appointed to resolve this situation. The Canadian goverment feels that every nation has the right to grow and not be automatically be labled an aggressor when they feel the need to build another city.


                  • #24
                    Hi all,

                    I want to make an announce to you first. This game is very interesting, but a little too slow for me. Moreover I want to play a pbem using Apolyton pack (and Awesome AI).
                    That's why I write a scenario for Apolyton pack using ideas from Dutcheese mod. I look for 3 or 4 players to begin a game soon, probably next weekend. If you are interesting please post on Apolyton Quickstart Pbem.

                    [This message has been edited by slamp (edited January 03, 2000).]
                    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                    • #25
                      From Whielshire this is BBC News Extra Report....

                      In a stouding break of news, we were able to get a statement from our former Prime Minister Lord Trial III about the French-Slav border conflict.

                      "... The reason that brought me forth out of my retirement for this statement was the declaration from Luk Castle from the slavs that I had accepted their claims of Norwich been a colony. This is a plain Lie!
                      When I passed the goverment unto Lord Sophanthro I left a detailed history of propositions and maps and how things stood. He is perfectly aware of all the history of the incident.

                      They now try to downplay it like it never happened. I also has saw in the news that there is a misconception about the real issue and lands involved, and maybe the British goverment should make it public the negociation talks, of lack of there is."

                      "...I see that even our most dearly friends the Irish think the problem is just the river banks in Norwich and saddly and must say it is not it anymore. The original proposal form the French-Slavs included so very needed land that Englad has mapped and occupied from immemorial times. It was less than what we have hoped for but with the exception of the river banks it was acceptable. That's the british proposal we stand for. Inexplicably once the French-Slav received our reasonable offer they came back claimming all the land and declaring Norwich a colony.
                      This is an ultrage, as an Englishman I'ld be offended if Lord Sophanthro ever accept such imposition, but also as an Englishman I'll abide by his decision.
                      The French-Slav Union thinks they can bully England out of their lands because they stand together, they obviously don't know or understand the power of England's resolution in defending their rights."

                      "I urge the British goverment to make those maps avilable for all goverments with the history of them as a means for their judgement and an Englishman I'll support Lord Sophanthro for peace or for the worst. That's all that I have to declare, Thank you!"

                      As we see this sick lord, once an imponent figure return to privacy of his country home, we can't wonder why he calls for a press statement and gets involved again in state matters; only one answer is possible, he fears to be misjudged by history as he sees foreign leaders misquote his statements.

                      From Whielshire this BBC News EXTRA ....


                      • #26
                        Official Statement of the H.I.E.

                        His Holiness was invited to a Summit in Moscow yesterday evening and instead of the usual polite diplomatic norms was instead treated to battery of abuse. His personal honour was called into question as was that of the entire Irish nation. The deliberate insulting of a fellow head of state is only calculated to inflame an already delicate situation.

                        The Holy Irish Empire has, and intends to honour, a treaty of non-aggression with the Slavs but has no such agreement with the French. The HIE also has at no time recognised the SFU and considers it to be entirely seperate from any independently negotiated agreement with the Slavs. Should the French, with or without Slavic aid, launch an unprovoked attack upon our friends and allies we shall respond. The SFU would do well to note that the Irish Navy is the most powerful in the known World and is at the disposal of our faithful ally in the transportation of reinforcements to defend her sovereign territory against ANY warlike act by any, and all, other nations.

                        As for the assertion that the Slavic Federation is the home of the Catholic Church Ireland can only laugh. 90% of the SF look toward the heretics of Byzantium and it's bearded Patriarchs and have no right to comment upon the 'true' faith.

                        Cardinal Mepistopholes
                        Public Information Department.


                        • #27
                          The Canadian goverment is willing to join the INC and particpate in negotations to bring a solution to the Slav/French/English conflict. How does one join this organization?

                          Once again I will state that the Canadian goverment knows very little of this situation and needs more information.

                          I think that we should have discussed this in the beginning. How does one nation lay claim the ownership of a particular tile(s) or lands. This is one of the things that could be discussed within the INC.


                          • #28
                            Turn 25 ==> Klair

                            We are sending the proposed borders and the issues to Ed to post on his site. If he is willing.


                            • #29
                              updated the Dutcheese part of the site with a new look today.


                              • #30
                                Turn 25 sent to Ed.

