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Monkey's PBEM 2 part 2

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  • hey lung here's steve's email. as for this turn being played in 24 hours don't count on it...I havent got my turn from steve yet.

    At least I hope this is the right one, I've got a couple of email addresses under his name and I've forgotten which one is his current one. Hey Steve if you are reading this can you give us a big thumbs up?
    Monkey I am proud to be!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!


    • turn 43 to steve


      • Monkey, i meant yesterday's turn. Check out the postings. I _thought_ i received turns for the same game on consecutive days:-)


        • monkey, at least that is the adress i send the turns to.


          • Hi everyone, I'm sorry to say that Monkey News will be a little late this week.

            BTW thanks Zaph for confirming Steve's email.
            Monkey I am proud to be!
            Trim the sails and roam the sea!
            Trim the sails and roam the sea!


            • Steve seems to have gone AWOL. Do we apply the 24 hour rule and attach an AI to him? Every day that nothing happens in this game is another day we have to play on the wrong side of 2002

              Do it, Zaphod, do it now!


              • Stupid bloody slow postings. It made me double-post. I HATE that!
                [This message has been edited by Lung (edited December 15, 1999).]


                • Ok I'll make a new thread for the Monkey games when the number of posts reaches 150. How about that? That way I don't have too many of my threads lying in the forum.

                  And as for setting Steve to an AI I guess I'll leave Zaphod with the call. Just remember to send Steve and email.

                  I get the feeling some people are not happy with being set to an AI at all. I've been participating in a civ2 PBEM game and the host for that game has a novel approach for solving the late turns problem.

                  A person(player A) playing the turn sends the game out to two other players, the player(player B) after him and the player after the player he sends to(player C). If player B goes missing then player C plays player B's turn and his own turn and send the game onwards. The only disadvantage of this method is that you get to know where your opponent is. This has been done in my civ2 PBEM game because there is no AI attachment in civ2. Anyway I'll bring it up in a future email or the next Monkey News.
                  Monkey I am proud to be!
                  Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                  Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                  • I have a better idea (i always do ).

                    How about having a neutral player for each game i.e. someone from a different pbem game? They can play anyone's turn, so if you have a nominated neutral player, instead of attaching an AI to them, you simply send the turn to the neutral player, who forwards it on as per usual. This way you don't have your settlers building cities in polar mountains because of some goddamned ruby.

                    I'm not in Monkey1, so Monkey, if you're after a neutral player for AI turns, i volunteer Also. i promise not to inadvertently destroy Don's civ!


                    • Wow..He actually came up with a good idea.


                      • turn 4? to monkey,
                        sorry i slept so long

                        btw, will the most of you spend christmas at your computer? i myself will leave on dec 23 to my family, where i have no internet-access for a bit more than a week. i know that means becoming an ai. but if this should happen to become a game with more ais than actual players for the christmas time, i would suggest to give a pause to the game instead


                        • Zaph, i hope you sent an email to Steve already.

                          Yeah it looks like I'll be spending Christmas by myself this year since I won't be going home for the first time. Luckily I've got my all my computer games and my home business to keep me company... I think. BTW I just noticed the christmas smilies... I usually surf with my graphics turned off but once in a while I switch on the graphics.... very nice touch Markos

                          Anyway I think I'll bring up an email to inform players on what they want to do for the christmas season and who will be present still to play. That way maybe we could implement Lung's idea (that will depend on how many players are available) or come up with other arrangements. I would also like to add that this was NOT the first good idea Lung has come up with... his first good idea was obviously picking a fight with the Canadian Beaver from Hell!!!!

                          Almost forgot... turn 44 to Blue Max
                          [This message has been edited by Monkey (edited December 17, 1999).]
                          [This message has been edited by Monkey (edited December 17, 1999).]
                          Monkey I am proud to be!
                          Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                          Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                          • I want to play over christmas, as i will actually have more time than usual. Swissy is a good sport, so maybe he would play reserve? I can't see any reason why he can't play multiple turns unless the civs he's playing run into each other, in which case he just sets the latter to AI and tries again next turn (he may not have that conflict in the next turn).

                            Is Steve set to AI? He should be, as he is incapacitated internet-wise at the moment. Perhaps Swissy should play for Steve from his next turn on, assuming of course that he is prepared to do so. We can give him others as the need arises

                            Oh, and merry christmas too, dudes!


                            • I should be able to play my turns over the holidays.

                              Turn 44 to Lung


                              • Hi all,

                                I have a player who is interested in joining either one of my Monkey Games. Now I'm being democratic and asking everyone here whether they would like an extra player on board.

                                Also I know that Confuzer has been set to an AI and right now I'm just assuming that he has dropped out and doesn't want to play any more. Does anyone know if he plays in any other PBEM games and can you confirm with me that he definitely will not be taking his spot anymore? If he's not playing anymore then I will be reassigning that spot.
                                [This message has been edited by Monkey (edited December 17, 1999).]
                                Monkey I am proud to be!
                                Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                                Trim the sails and roam the sea!

