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Starting Semi Accelerated PBEM game.

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  • Starting Semi Accelerated PBEM game.

    The rules have changed check my next post in this topic for rules as they now stand.
    The game will run off a slightly modified version of Dutcheese's Quick start PBEM.
    I have modified it so that you don't start with reniassance techonolgies, but start with only 10 basic technologies;
    1000 public works,
    1000 gold
    5 of dutcheese's super settlers, who when they found, create cities with population =3, and the cities contain a phalanx.
    4 weakened knights, with improved movement (not as improved as in Dutcheeses Quick start.)
    ???Do you want to keep Dutcheese's boat???
    Could prove handy if you get stuck on an Island.

    Unfortunately due to CTP's lack of scenarios support in PBEM games, you'll have to replace, 4 text files; (I of course will email these to you; there barely different from Dutcheese's) and just as with Dutcheese's modification; you'll have to replace these with the original if you want to play any real time multiplayer (I checked it on LAN)

    I'll be playing as Sophix of the Assyrians

    any one else in?

    looking for about 6 players.

    Modified Slic Credit Goes to Shavlor, of course major kudos to Dutcheese.


    P.S. wasn't thinking when a selected the Icon for the topic. Oh Well

    "Rule by the Wise, for the Wise, Of the Wise, over the plebs."

    [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited October 18, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited October 19, 1999).]
    [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited October 19, 1999).]

  • #2
    I'm In. Email at
    I want Romans. Leader name Shavlor.
    Oh and I really don't like the boat but whatever is fine.


    • #3
      Count me in as the Australians.


      • #4
        The Rules Have changed

        Thanks to some feedback, The Units are the same as in Dutcheese's mod. The differences are as follows
        Starting Gold 1000
        Starting PW 1000
        Starting Techs 10
        Starting Units
        5 settlers (when they found a city It will grow to 3 pop and contain a Phalanx)
        1 Knight
        and a boat

        All of these modifications require no changes to the text files if your running Dutcheese's Mod, In fact you don't need any files from me (unless you want to host(start) a game using these modifications, Then you'll need my Scenario will be downloadable soon. I'll post when it is.) For noiw email me and email you a copy.

        If you don't have Dutcheese's Scenario Pack 7, you'll have to download it.

        So far we have 4 players
        Sophix (myself) as the Assyrian
        Shavlor as the Romans
        Jon as the Australians
        Hexagonia has a slot reserved; but I haven't thought through the scheduling yet, so whether it will fit your time constaints I'm unsure.

        So were still looking for 2 more players.



        • #5
          You can download the Scenario Now at




          • #6
            I'm up for it. Demosthenes of the Welsh if you please.



            • #7
              If the schedule works, then I'm the Mayans (you took the Assyrians!)
              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


              • #8
                First off
                Hexagonia I've thought through the schedule and I can definitely have your turns fall on Tuesday, Thursday, And Saturday. These means the game should involve 2-3 turns per player a week. If thats cool with all involved.

                I would recommend to every one that they download the scenario, so that they can formulate a strategy for the accelerated game. In my opinion the first three turns are by far the most important in the game.

                Next the question of map size, I was thinking a huge map with the 6 players, this is big enough to allow for expansion, but small enough to allow for bickering over land, which is oh so fun

                Any thoughts on map features in general?
                Do we want any AIs
                Any other suggestions.

                I'll email you all when we have six players.

                We need one more player.



                • #9
                  I'll play. I have to download and install the scenario but could be ready by Friday.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sophanthro on 10-19-1999 06:36 PM
                    Thanks to some feedback, The Units are the same as in Dutcheese's mod. The differences are as follows
                    Starting Gold 1000
                    Starting PW 1000
                    Starting Techs 10
                    Starting Units
                    5 settlers (when they found a city It will grow to 3 pop and contain a Phalanx)

                    Some advices:
                    Increase Gold from 1000 to 5000. Because cities with 3 pop and any buildind inside revolt often (difficulty: deity)
                    If you want a fast game, increase PW from 1000 to 4000 so each cities grow faster and you could apply a real strategy instead of try to have cities with no revolt inside.

                    Slamp who plays in Dutcheese scenario
                    PS: Don't count me in. I have no time to play a new pbem, sorry
                    [This message has been edited by slamp (edited October 22, 1999).]
                    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                    • #11
                      Okay we now have 6 players so the game is ready to roll.

                      We start as soon as we get consensus on certain issues.

                      I'm sending an email to all signed up players.

                      Slamp made some very good points do we want to increase PW and Gold Im thinking Yes. You don't have to download anything further if we do increase the starting Values. But I'll put the modified Scenario up, so you can get an Idea of which one is better.

                      I'm leaning toward changing it. Any opinions.



                      • #12
                        Help I have Dutcheese's Scenario Pack Version 6.x, but not 7. I checked out the download section and couldn't find it. Can someone help me out here!

                        Damn newbbies!!!


                        • #13
                          Fire Red Ram you can get the Dutcheese Scenario Pack 7 at Sid Games
                 in the CTP section



                          • #14
                            You can now download the quick start scenario with increased Gold and PW


                            Thats all for now
                            If your signed up for please checkyour Email.



                            • #15
                              Emphasis on sea/islands - since the AI doesn't use naval units too well, it would be a challenge to play a game with that setup.

                              AI - if you can get the setup to have 1 AI per human, then use that, but I don't think you can have more than 8 civs in an email game. Otherwise no AI opponents.

                              Those are my preferences, but I am open to anything at this point.
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

