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What is the "Rabbit Strateagy"?
Ok, I believe I know, it was mentioned, perhaps in the tricks and Exploits thread (Closed..Thanks to the Wonderful Moderator putting that Fire out!! )
Basically, I believe its where you pretty much build SETTLERS,Setlers Settlers and of course..MORE SETTLERS!! pretty much concentrating on claiming territory then infrastructure.
This has been used on me and by me, if this is what I am understanding, successful, unless the other person is building a quick strike mode, (i.e. Knights and or Calvary)
It has some definite advantages!!
TrollHi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
Right Troll. The one I use is Settler, Warrior, Settler, Settler -- for all your cities except for trade centers -- until you get to 40 cities under Theocracy. You should get to 40 cities [with a one settler start] at about turn 70 to 120 (depending upon your starting terrain). Stop building settlers and switch to granaries (then aquaducts, then mills) once you get to about 25 cities so you don't exceed 40 settlers/cities. This works pretty good on most maps and gives you a good starting civilization. You need the warrior in the mix to fend off Barbarians and give some scouting and early warning of any quick strike attempts. Just my thoughts -- It has worked well for me, but I'm sure there is a counter for it.
This was from Quinn's..a post in the now defunct and Dead "Tricks & Exploits"debacle...
Birdman -- You must use what you call the "rabbit" strategy in your games or you will continue to get throttled by the top players. The "rabbit" strategy is not "a" strategy, it is a basic necessity. Don't do it, and you will get killed. Haven't berXpert and I shown you that yet?
I really think what is being referred to here is what i eluded to in my previous post!
Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
In old Civ2 terminology, it was called ICS, or "Infinite City Sleaze". Apparently Civ3 has tried to eradicate it, so the "rabbit strategy" is probably more apt
And yes, i've already accused Quinns of doing just that, to which he replied "so what?!" I guess i better get my .22 out
Originally posted by quinns
. See above Troll. Thanks for quoting me! I'm sure someone has a counter-attack for this strategy, but so far the best counter-attack I have seen is to use the "rabbit" strategy back against on the rabbiteer!
so at least we KNOW there is a known cure!!
NO..not surrender!!..
I meant counter Rabbit!!
TrollHi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
Well, I beleive that cities is the key to win.
The more the better but building cities during Genetic or Diamond Age might not be beneficial after all because they won't have the time to grow big enough to get the most out of them. The only exeption might be space but only if they are built fast and few.
I am trying a new strategy based on the above where if successful you can have 50-70 cities in the mid-modern age or at the end of modern age the most according to terrain and under the condition that there is much space to support that amount of cities and the land is not awful.
With the use of infrastructure it might be possible by the end of Diamond Age your smallest city being 8-10 size, expept from space cities if any.
How about having 50-70 cities between 20 and 8 size?
I see now. When I first heard it metioned, I was thinking of some island hopping campaign to eleminate your opponentI always thought of it as some REALLY happy citizens getting their groove on
And yes it is a nessecity. More cities = more gold and science, more production and units, more... I learn this some years back during the gameleague hay days.
Counter? Is it a land or sea map? Land, use slavers and samari together. The slaver to help population growth, and the samuri in case the settler has an escort. You also may want to use samari, knights, and calvary to hunt down those small outpost. If its a sea map, best thing I can think of is to have units on every island to, at least, expel those settler back to where they came.So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"
I tend to use the rabbit strategy too, but no where near as riggid as mentioned. If you only build settlers till you get to 40 cities. Your gonna get whipped on tec. So you obviously need a city or 2 big enough to build caravans.
it is not too hard allso to have 70 cities before modern, where you build settlers in all but 4 or 5 cities till you reach 40 cities and 30 settlers and then switching to democracy as soon as possible. (you can have 80 cities in demo) I then go straight for commy or electricity and then commy. Getting demo and 50 cities early makes your tec go very fast and commy well before your opponent, which means the game is all but won.
Originally posted by Paulno1
I tend to use the rabbit strategy too, but no where near as riggid as mentioned. If you only build settlers till you get to 40 cities. Your gonna get whipped on tec. So you obviously need a city or 2 big enough to build caravans.
it is not too hard allso to have 70 cities before modern, where you build settlers in all but 4 or 5 cities till you reach 40 cities and 30 settlers and then switching to democracy as soon as possible. (you can have 80 cities in demo) I then go straight for commy or electricity and then commy. Getting demo and 50 cities early makes your tec go very fast and commy well before your opponent, which means the game is all but won.
Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
Originally posted by Paulno1
I tend to use the rabbit strategy too, but no where near as riggid as mentioned. If you only build settlers till you get to 40 cities. Your gonna get whipped on tec. So you obviously need a city or 2 big enough to build caravans.
Small maps? Yes, that takes a somewhat different strategy, but it is still possible to use the "rabbit" with small maps. Berxpert has a tendancy to forego his military at the expense of science in all his games. (I think he has changed this a bit now, though.)