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Aint No Fun Part IV

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  • Is turn still with Aeroprinz?


    • I played turn 139 and sent it two days ago.
      I haven't received any turn or reply since then.


      • Originally posted by Keygen
        I played turn 139 and sent it two days ago.
        I haven't received any turn or reply since then.
        I thought you were nexted? Which one should I play?
        Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition.
        - Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992


        • One from Birdman obviously. Did you received two?


          • If you have two turns then play the most recent.


            • Turn 140 > Keygen

              Game is terribly slow lately.


              • Turn 141 > Keygen


                • Mayan leader,

                  Is there a chance to negotiate peace with the Japanese? I am not sure if the whole story is limited to small and periodic skirmishes or there are plans on your behalf for the total destruction of the Japanese. If the latter I must tell you that I and I beleive the rest of the world leaders do not see it with good eye and you should reconsider your plans. Since the war started for an advance I am willing to give you another one, just name it in the name of peace. I will research it and give it to you as soon as I have it.

                  Turn 141 to Aeroprinz.


                  • Turn 142 > Keygen

                    We the Mayans were always peaceful nation and we did not start this unnecessary war. Japanese absolutely unprovoked start stealing our technologies, destroying our property and ridicule us when asking compensation.
                    We are prepared for peace any time, but we still demand compensation. After compensation will be delivered, we'll immediately stopped all hostilities!
                    Compensation is still as stated long time ago:
                    Any technology we don't owe + 10.000 gold for espionage activities,
                    10.000 gold for property destroyed.
                    These are our terms and are not negotiable.


                    • Respected Mayan leader, when saying "any technology" you mean 1 technology I have that you don't have, plus 20.000 gold? If that's the case then we might come to an agreement. I will contact the Japanese to discuss it and will notify you as soon as possible. I will only have to ask you to return any Japanese city you may have captured. You will have an answer before you receive next turn. If not hold the turn and contact me.

                      Turn 142 to Aeroprinz.


                      • Originally posted by Kralj Matjaz
                        Turn 142 > Keygen

                        We the Mayans were always peaceful nation and we did not start this unnecessary war. Japanese absolutely unprovoked start stealing our technologies, destroying our property and ridicule us when asking compensation.
                        We are prepared for peace any time, but we still demand compensation. After compensation will be delivered, we'll immediately stopped all hostilities!
                        Compensation is still as stated long time ago:
                        Any technology we don't owe + 10.000 gold for espionage activities,
                        10.000 gold for property destroyed.
                        These are our terms and are not negotiable.
                        It is true that the Japanese stole an advance, unprovoked, from the Mayans. The agent who committed this act of espionage has been punished(wet noodle beating) and he promised to never do it again, cross his heart hope to die. The only property destroyed was 1 listening post, which was after the Mayans declared all-out war on the Japanese. I don't have nearly that much gold, especially since the Mayans have pirated about 20 Japanese trade routes, crippling the Japanese economy. I will work to rebuild, but all that I can offer the Mayans at this point is 5000 gold, plus a promise to deliver the rest in the future. That is, unless another nation would like to loan the Japanese some $$$? I don't know that I have an advance that the Mayans don't, but if that is the case, I will certainly gift an advance for restitution. Mayan leader, do you accept this?

                        -Emperor David of the Japanese Empire
                        Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition.
                        - Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992


                        • I will contribute a share of gold myself - free of charge - to come closer to the demanded sum.

                          Still waiting for an asnwer...


                          • Peace please - even the poor irish might find a little gold at the bottom of our kitty.
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • No answer from Stojan and no turn...


                              • I don't have a turn.

                                Mayans are glad, that all who benefit in past will help Japanese. Here is the final deal. As soon as we receive first half (10.000) gold, and all willing can sent their sum separately, peace will be between Mayans and Japanese. We then expect remaining 10.000 in following 10 turns and technology by your choice in 15 turns.
                                After fulfilment of our humble demands, permanent peace will be called.

