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Star Dreamers

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  • Star Dreamers

    On their respective Islands, three leaders of Nomadic peoples stared heaven-ward, Stars lay thick like a Jewelled carpet promising rich reward for the man that could climb the highest mountain and pluck them like apples from a tree heavily laden with fruit. The flash of a shooting star briefly illuminated the darkness..... A powerful portent to all three...

    We must put aside our nomadic ways they cried, settle this fair land and claim this land and the stars as our own.....

    The three leaders Each instructed 5 trusted deputies to set out and claim this land and harvest its bounty and strike down all that stands in their way......

    The Competitors

    Chibideme : Dan-Sama of The Japanese
    Flameflash : Flameflash of the Native Americans
    Guillaume : Guillaume of the French

    24 Hour rule applies
    Moderator in the event of dispute, to recieve x9 rated turns gavrushka ,

    Rated Game

    Map Huge
    Large Islands
    Roving Bands
    Pollution on
    NO AIs
    No Exclusions

    Good luck everyone (note Guillaume is away for a few days - so turn will stall a while)
    He's back after a fashion...

  • #2
    Haha, I didn't realize this started. I mightnot be able to keep up with the 24 hour rule too well until June, alright...but I'll try my best. I'll try to do the turn later tonight, I can't right now.

    Make sure you gie us a warning before we're supposed to send it to you, otherwise we might mess up (I probably will, after awhile)


    • #3
      The 24 hour rule is a guideline, not really a rule... And not an issue if you take 2 days or even 3 occassionally- If the turn rate is less than a turn a week, people just lose interest, that is why it was set.

      Whenever you get a turn that ends in a 9 (starting at 19) just send a copy of your turn to me - OR better still if Guillaume when sending you turn x9 cc's a copy to me that is better still...

      The only thing I ask is that everyone posts here whenever they play a turn so I can monitor game speed, and can nudge players that may have forgotten to play turn.
      He's back after a fashion...


      • #4
        Looking at the heavens, the Japanese knew what they must do.

        We'll build an empire! they exclaimed bravely, And dominate those heavens above us!

        They buckled down, and built te first city in the world, Kyoto.

        OOC: Turn 0 to Flameflash


        • #5
          Turn recieved, subbing to thread, and turn about to be sent...

          FlameFlash smiles at his new empire and people, hoping that he will be a wise and just leader to his brave, fellow nomads.
          I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

          Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


          • #6

            The Japanese go to work in the fields, nourishing their fair city. But now they look to the ocean, and wonder what lies across it...

            Are we truely alone on this world? Are there any more like us? The wondered aloud, but went on with their work.

            High above, Dan-sama, revered as a near god in there society, watched down over his people. He hoped that soon, soon he could spread his empire across the land and sea, and eventually into the heavens itself. He would conquer his foes, and support, even protect his allies. Time would soon tell the fate of the empire.


            Can we win by Scientific Victory in this game? And how big are the islands, by the way?


            • #7

              Hopefully bloodlust is off... but if it's not I suppose it could be an unspoken rule since there are only three of us... Gav, what is the setting?

              And Gav, did you purposefully give Native Americans beavers, or was that an accident?
              I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

              Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


              • #8

                I have alot of beavers too---And is it too late to make this game a rated game?

                BTW: I'm going to copy all the IC's to a file, so when we're done we can all read how the game went. So everybody IC!!


                • #9

                  Beaver for all! We live in a liberated society.... Okay the game is BLOODlust....

                  Yes the game is rated Chibideme
                  He's back after a fashion...


                  • #10

                    Bloodlust huh? Now this will get interesting with only three players... can we win by alien victory as well?

                    I didn't mean it like that!
                    I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                    Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                    • #11
                      erm .... I don't THINK the game was bloodlust - I can't remember....
                      He's back after a fashion...


                      • #12
                        heh... oh well... as long as the alien victory option is available I'll just aim for that and defend myself... for the most part
                        I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                        Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                        • #13
                          I hope you don't- it could get boring, so we might have to atack you later on in the game (good strategy though)

                          And, haha, what if we can't win by Alien Victory? You'll be geared for defense and be ready to conquered if Guill or I go for military.

                          Well, whatever- this is my first time playing, so I want it to be as great (conflicting, you know, all of those) as possible!


                          • #14
                            I think Alien Victory is always on... though we will just have to see how the game unfolds... I may take on any type of strategy on this one... though I'm pretty sure it will be anything but boring.
                            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


                            • #15
                              is there anyway to turn Alin victory off in the real game? I find it kindof cheap in the Deity mode- The AI iswalking around with Plasmaticas when you're getting tanks...which is kindof cheap, and they'll build an Alien in a space colony, and you can't attack them.

                              And then you can't continue the game... I want the game to go on indefinatly sometimes, and it doesn't.

