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  • QC5 Turn 50 to Quinns. The rabbit-a-thon continues

    BC6 Turn 48 to TuiTwat This is the second most pathetic game i've ever played! Hopefully, with my first Trireme FINALLY getting out of the docks, perhaps i can find some more fertile land than this hell-hole i call home

    At least BirdFace is as pathetic as me


    • Ricketyclick - 62
      Birdman - 18
      Chad - 17
      Last edited by berXpert; October 28, 2002, 00:14.


      • Ricketyclick - 63
        Chad - 18


        • Originally posted by Lung
          QC5 Turn 50 to Quinns. The rabbit-a-thon continues
          My my.... There is no end to the whining from down under. What's the matter Lung? Things not going like you wanted? Poor baby! And now, there is an excuse already... "Wah Wah Quinns used the Rabbit-a-thon against me.... Wah wah wah! That's why I am losing ... wah wah ... "


          • ... ... you use that strategy against me too, that's why I lose

            Birdman - 19 Theocracy in 4 Bird still lead the powergraph (3rd place)


            • Originally posted by berXpert
              ... ... you use that strategy against me too, that's why I lose
              Well, at least you did not cry when you lost!!

              So many theories here -- But of course! CTP allows thousands of different strategies.


              • Originally posted by quinns

                Challenge and Challenge Ladder are two threads talking about the same thing -- One vs. One PBEM. The Ladder shows the results, where the PBEM Challenge thread discusses the game progress.

                Internet Rankings are the "on-line" game discussion and rankings, and PBEM Rankings are the "more than two" player PBEM games.
                thank you quinns. that was a little more insightful that berXpert's explanation.
                nevermind, berXpert
                Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                • some day i gotta ask you what the rabbit-a-thon strategy is...
                  hm.. might as well be today. so ?
                  rabbit strategy i heard before, but 'a-thon' i cant understand
                  Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                  O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                  • "a-thon" is a suffix from "Mar-athon", as in the very long 26 mile foot race. Lung added it to "rabbit" to imply it was a never ending rabbit strategy that I'm using against him ... GET IT?


                    • Originally posted by quinns
                      "a-thon" is a suffix from "Mar-athon", as in the very long 26 mile foot race. Lung added it to "rabbit" to imply it was a never ending rabbit strategy that I'm using against him ... GET IT?
                      I C

                      26 miles ?
                      dont you americans ever get tired of your very own measurements (inch, pound, mile, yard, ...) ?
                      i mean 1 yard is not even a whole number of inches, is it ?
                      and an american mile is not even the same as an english mile, right ?
                      well, as you prefer
                      Last edited by Mathemagician; October 28, 2002, 19:03.
                      Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                      O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                      • Originally posted by Mathemagician

                        I C

                        26 miles ?
                        dont you americans ever get tired of your very own measurements (inch, pound, mile, yard, ...) ?
                        i mean 1 yard is not even a whole number of inches, is it ?
                        and an american mile is not even the same as an english mile, right ?
                        well, as you prefer
                        I got sick of the English system 40 years ago... and 30 and 20 and 10. The point is, we have to understand both Metric and English systems here. Most of our existing construction here is measured in inches and feet. All existing calculations are in square feet, board feet, yards, cubic feet, gallons, etc. All of our lumber is cut in 2x4's, 4x8's, (inches that is), etc. We tried to make the conversion to metric decades ago, but we are still here in English mostly. It is not easy to convert and the industries and people are not very willing. So for all it's worth, you Euro's can speak multiple languages, but for some strange reason many of you can't speak multiple measuring systems!! WE IN THE UNITED STATES CAN!! (but we only know one language )

                        SO THAT IS 42.2 KILOMETERS! IS THAT BETTER!!!


                        • Originally posted by Mathemagician
                          thank you quinns. that was a little more insightful that berXpert's explanation.
                          nevermind, berXpert
                          I'm spanish speaker so I'm very bad making english explanations, sorry about that... but I'm trying my best... maybe some day I can write in english as good as I do in spanish.


                          • well, quinns.
                            i'd rather speak a hundred languages and have only one measure system than the other way around
                            that doesnt mean im not impressed by your multi-structural way of thinking.

                            thanks for the explanation though
                            Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                            O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                            • Originally posted by berXpert

                              I'm spanish speaker so I'm very bad making english explanations, sorry about that... but I'm trying my best... maybe some day I can write in english as good as I do in spanish.
                              didnt mean to insult you, berXpert.
                              btw, is that YOU on your picture ?

                              err... still not meaning to insult you.
                              Baal: "You dare mock me ?"
                              O'Neill: "Baal, c'mon, you should know ... Of course I dare mock you."


                              • Originally posted by Mathemagician

                                didnt mean to insult you, berXpert.
                                btw, is that YOU on your picture ?

                                err... still not meaning to insult you.

                                That's about all I can say.
                                I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

                                Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...

