HEY C_MATRIX up for a game? Come to think of it I do not see you joining up here? How come HOTSHOT? This list has some of the best the best GAMMERS in the world where are you? YOU seem to think you have the FUZZZZZZZZZZZZZ lets see it.
Come on HOTSHOT play some online games... I bet you do not have the moxy and or the ability to play US here...
I am ready I am obviously below your ability or time to play an online game right now...How about tomorrow? The next day? Tell you what HOTSHOT you pick the time, believe me I do not need two more gammers to equailize the odds. NOPE HOTSHOT just you and me heh... Anytime you feel you are ready...
Ok lets hear your excuse....
There left you some space to whine out.
Come on HOTSHOT play some online games... I bet you do not have the moxy and or the ability to play US here...
I am ready I am obviously below your ability or time to play an online game right now...How about tomorrow? The next day? Tell you what HOTSHOT you pick the time, believe me I do not need two more gammers to equailize the odds. NOPE HOTSHOT just you and me heh... Anytime you feel you are ready...
Ok lets hear your excuse....
There left you some space to whine out.
