Here is an interesting problem: How are you going to prevent the PBEM players from viewing their enemy's positions? I have only tried the email version once or twice, but I noticed that if I opened the email I am suppose to send to an opponent, I could enter and review his position without anyone else knowing. There is a HUGE cheat potential when playing with this option. Has this problem been solved? Also, what is stopping someone from making a copy of the saved game and opening it with an editor to review? Playing online solves this problem for the most part.
Here is an interesting problem: How are you going to prevent the PBEM players from viewing their enemy's positions? I have only tried the email version once or twice, but I noticed that if I opened the email I am suppose to send to an opponent, I could enter and review his position without anyone else knowing. There is a HUGE cheat potential when playing with this option. Has this problem been solved? Also, what is stopping someone from making a copy of the saved game and opening it with an editor to review? Playing online solves this problem for the most part.