It appears not only has Solver lost his sense of humor but has decided to take the fun out it for the rest of us.
I STRONGLY protest your calling my simple pictures which are non offensive and in tune with the thread spam. More over it is offensive for you to add words to my threads with the intent to embarass, dicredit, single me out, worse still make it appear as if I posted something I did not. Clearly that is against the rules of conduct here and ask why you have this right that for the rest of us would be an auto ban... This is clearly abuse of power and a complaint will be issued.
If you feel the need to be childish I would suggest you go to the kiddies forum a few doors down Solver.
Now either delete what you call spam not that it is any of your business provided I follow the rules what I post. But DO NOT CHANGE MY THREADS delete them report them but do not reword them in an obvious mis-use of power.
Now show me where in the rules "you" have the right Solver to completely change someones post to something they did not post with the intent to discredit them. Now show me solver in the rules where you have the right to proclaim anything as "spam" then reword it not delete it.
It was in fun and followed the humor of the thread...Now repost what I posted, delete them and prove to me you have this "god" like right.
I STRONGLY protest your calling my simple pictures which are non offensive and in tune with the thread spam. More over it is offensive for you to add words to my threads with the intent to embarass, dicredit, single me out, worse still make it appear as if I posted something I did not. Clearly that is against the rules of conduct here and ask why you have this right that for the rest of us would be an auto ban... This is clearly abuse of power and a complaint will be issued.
If you feel the need to be childish I would suggest you go to the kiddies forum a few doors down Solver.
Now either delete what you call spam not that it is any of your business provided I follow the rules what I post. But DO NOT CHANGE MY THREADS delete them report them but do not reword them in an obvious mis-use of power.
Now show me where in the rules "you" have the right Solver to completely change someones post to something they did not post with the intent to discredit them. Now show me solver in the rules where you have the right to proclaim anything as "spam" then reword it not delete it.
It was in fun and followed the humor of the thread...Now repost what I posted, delete them and prove to me you have this "god" like right.
![I said do it!!](