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Lungmatch Tournament Update!!!

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  • Lungmatch Tournament Update!!!

    In important news, it seems that Lungmatch 4.2 has gone the way of the Al Quaeda into oblivion However, as Rick is still interested, he is still entitled to points already received. Do any other Lungmatch players have an objection to this? Please reply if you do, because your opinion on this is considered, as some of you may have your semi-final prospects jeopardised by this. Of course, Maestro and Sophix will not be disqualified either, but they have insufficient points to contest semi-final positions.

    So, assuming there aren't howls of protest, Rick shall be considered, and his fastest victory shall weigh heavily in semi-final considerations, particularly as the round 2 matches have already advanced beyond the benchmark.

    Please see the Official Lungmatch website for the current table. Please note that, contrary to the listed tournament standings, Rick, Meastro, Solver, Arthur and Sophix has played twice for the points shown. I will update this page tonight.

    This would leave Swissy, Rick and Lung as certainties, BirdMan as likely, and Keygen, Max Webster, Demosthenes (Faded Glory?) and Mobius battling out the remaining positions. With just Lm1.2 and LM3.2 to be finished, the semi-finals are starting to take shape, with the outcome of these matches crucial for deciding who makes the next stage. Swissy has one starting position sealed, with BirdMan and perhaps Demosthenes (Faded Glory?) the only threat to Lung for the other, as Max Webster is already destined to be behind Lung on countback, even if he wins 1.2.

    Lastly, i'd like to say how glad i am to see this tournament finally approach the latter stages of the tournament, with the serious business soon to begin

    Please post any comments you have here
    Last edited by Lung; February 27, 2002, 20:43.

  • #2
    As someone who had LM thrust upon him, by a absent Demosthenes. I has no objections to Rickster coming in (as long as it doesnt threaten my glory )

    Also, let me get this straight!

    So wait, do I make the semi-finals even if I lose LM 3.2?

    Or is it the winner of 3.2!

    Confused FG


    • #3
      Originally posted by faded glory
      Confused FG
      That's almost tautology

      Either you didn't look at the website, or your maths is atrocious! From where you stand, if you lose LM3.2, you are certainly out of the tournament. If you win, you are most certainly in! If you come second, i give you about 40% chance of making it That is largely determined by who actually beats you i.e. if Mobius wins, you Mobius and BirdMan each end up on two points. As the first countback criteria is wins, you would lose to both by failing to win a match. If BirdBrain wins, you would beat Mobius on points, who would come stone motherless last with no points

      If you come second, there are two variables - Max Webster and Mobius. Either will automatically make the semis with a win in their current matches. Therefore, if both win, you and Keygen are out. If both lose - you, Max Webster, and Keygen will battle it out for the two remaining positions via countback based on who lasted the longest in a game. If Max Webster wins but Mobius doesn't, you and Keygen battle it out, and if Mobius wins and Max doesn't - you, Max, and Keygen battle it out for the one remaining position. Simple, really!!

      Hopefully it won't come to a countback on turns, as i'll have to go back into distant records and try and find out when the round 1 matches finished

      Oh yes, Rick does affect you, as you must win LM3.2 to finish ahead of him.


      • #4
        As Lungmatches 1.2 and 3.2 draw to their inevitable conclusions, it is time once again to speculate on the semi-finals.

        Swissy, who is destined to finish as the number one qualifier, has agreed to play in the semi-finals Max Webster has fallen on his sword, so Lung finishes a close second, also on four points with two wins, but Don's doggedness (the dog! ) has relegated Lung by virtue of refusing to die in time for Lung to claim his rightful position at number 1

        Rick, despite failing to complete LM4.2 and thus gaining zero points, is still guaranteed a spot in the semis by virtue of his fastest win in the tournament in LM4.1, thus ensuring that he wins any countback. BirdBrain can overtake him with a second in LM3.2 which would give him 3 points and certainly 3rd spot in the semis. Alas, with his recent backstabbing by Quinns, this is looking more and more unlikely. Hence, it looks like Rick for 3rd, and Tweety will then battle it out for fourth with Mobius, assuming he wins LM3.2.

        This scenario leaves just one position remaining, with Max Webster, Keygen, and Quinns vying for the final spot. With none of these players winning a game, the countback will be decided by who lasted the longest in a game. Don is currently up to turn 202, so the last spot looks like his.

        The first semi-final will be players 1, 4 & 6. The second semi-final will be players 2, 3 & 5. I was going to have 5 & 6 the other way around, until i realised that technically, Semi-final 1 would be more difficult, as it would theoretically have the best players. Alas, i am now exposed to the highly dangerous Mobius, so here's hoping that he wins faster than my bunny, BirdFace did Speaking of which, at which turn did you win LM3.1, BirdMan? An apolyton search doesn't list the old threads, so i need someone to tell me! BTW, what turn is 3.2 up to?

        The likely semi-final match-ups are:

        Lungmatch Semi-Final 1
        Max Webster

        Lungmatch Semi-Final 2

        The players will commence in the same order due to the first player's higher standings. The semi-finals, unlike the preliminary rounds, are sudden death! The winners of each SF gain automatic entry to the Final, with positions based on fastest win. The 3rd position in the Final will be decided by the non-winning player who lasts the longest.

        May the best bloodthirsty meglomaniac win!


        • #5
          Rick announces his intention to not play in the Lungmatch finals!!!

          Alas, it seems Rick is following my retirement path, yet taking it further by actually not playing!

          This opens up the field once again, with another spot up for grabs! Now Keygen and Quinns have a chance to sneak into the semis, and hence a shot at the title!

          In further news, it seems BirdMan has lost his battle and taken third place in LM3.2, yet may still capture third spot on the list with Rick's departure!

          If any players can remember some vital statistics of their games i.e what turns they died on/won on, please let me know.


          • #6

            A search through the archives reveals that Quinns has already surpassed Keygen by a few turns, so has already beaten keygen on countback! Of course, with Quinns staring down the barrel, it seems he only just made it


            • #7
              Whew That was close! See what a good solid back stab will get ya?


              • #8
                Further searches have revealed that TheBirdMan won LM3.1 on turn 105 (if only thanks to Shavlor), thus already finishing ahead of Mobius on countback, even assuming that Mobius will now win LM3.2. Hence, the likely semi-final match-ups will be as follows;-

                Lungmatch Semi-Final 1

                Swissy (1)
                Mobius (4)
                Quinns (6)

                Lungmatch Semi-Final 2

                Lung (2)
                TheBirdMan (3)
                Max Webster (5)

                As far as i can see, the possible changes to this can only occur if Mobius doesn't win LM3.2 or Quinns lasts another 70-80 turns


                • #9
                  Lunmatch 1.2 has finally been won by Lung. Apparently i went under the name of "Boonie the Indomitable", after the legendary Australian cricketer and pisspot (for more info on the great Boonie, go to )

                  The final placings for the semis can now only be influenced by proceedings in LM3.2.


                  • #10
                    Seems like the semifinal2 could be called David against Goliath(s) aka Max and Max - or The Rabbits and kangoroos inc. against The Mad Maxs
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #11
                      Quinns has conceded against Mobius in LM3.2, fulfilling my predictions about the semi-final match-ups as follows:-

                      Lungmatch Semi-Final 1

                      Swissy (1)
                      Mobius (4)
                      Quinns (6)

                      Lungmatch Semi-Final 2

                      Lung (2)
                      TheBirdMan (3)
                      Max Webster (5)

                      I will create the semis within the next few days. For those of you who were here at the beginning (2 years ago now? More? ), you're first turn will be turn 1, as i do not create the game as a scenario.

                      The settings are friendly as befitting the kind Lung-god

                      Map size: Large (Medium? 2nd smallest, anyway) -- Randomized
                      Difficulty: Er, Prince? Emperor?
                      Barbarians: I can't remember - ruins only?
                      Ruins: On
                      Doughnut World
                      Bloodlust ON!! DUH!!!
                      Pollution On
                      Number of Civilizations: 3 human

                      Wet/Dry 80/20
                      Warm/Cold 20/80
                      Ocean/Land 40/60
                      Island/Continent 0/100
                      Uniform/Diverse 0/100
                      Few/Many Goods 0/100
                      One Settler (default)
                      100 Gold (default)

                      I'll try and verify the original settings, although they may be too old even for the archives. I would like the settings to be identical to ensure consistency.
                      Last edited by Lung; September 8, 2002, 22:40.


                      • #12
                        Lung, is Don active?


                        • #13
                          Actually a good question Keygen.
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #14
                            With him, Demos and Faded probably out, I guess I remain as the only available participant

                            Who knows, perhaps I make it to the semis


                            • #15
                              Don is inactive at Apolyton, but active nonetheless. Personally, i thought you were worthy of a semi-final spot, as you were only beaten by Swissy, albeit twice.

                              Alas, the players starting second seem to have had the worst draw, although i can't imagine how much of a difference starting second as opposed to first is At any rate, the middle players always seemed to come second (Don, Keygen, Quinns), so there must be something in it. I could always have made it three preliminary rounds, but that would have meant another year before the semis.

                              Bad luck, Keygen, but i do appreciate your commitment and persistence

                              Hang around though, Keygs, as someone's sure to drop out as soon as the going gets tough

