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  • #31
    Originally posted by Max Webster
    btw.. I like your Avatar Jon, there is an interesting contrast between yours and Saddams.

    I wonder if you can get a bit of insight into other posters personalitys by looking at their Avatars.

    I am a man of peace who seeks only to be left alone No really I swear

    When have I fired shots in anger at anyone?
    When have I nuked anybody without warning?
    When have I ever broken my promise or a treaty?
    Have I ever sent a slaver towards anyone?

    the answer to all of these is no...

    yes don nice LONG post

    I would respond..but i have a long day tommorrow


    • #32
      Originally posted by Max Webster

      Your religious rant is totally bogus. Religion has it's positive sides and its negative sides, but to take a very wide paint brush and paint religion like you did is wrong. Total crap, I say, Total crap.
      Well said, Wayne and Garth

      Why would the Russians agree to that? What's the purpose in that. They also have had a increase in Criminal activity since communism fell.
      How ridiculous! What is the world coming to, when you can just send your prisoners overseas because you've got too many? Oh, wait a minute, that's us You know, i find it very interesting that in a nation formed mostly from a population of criminals, we end up with the same amount of criminals as every other country. Sure, socio-economic factors have a large bearing on crime, but i think it says a lot about society and the fact that some people rise to the top, and others drift to the bottom. Still, i hardly think that because wealth is desirable, it somehow translates to being a virtue.

      Well get used to the Prisons Saddam, there will be more before there are less. Governments have to put the non-elite, dysfunctional, human trash, anti society, criminal types somewhere. Its easier to address the symptoms than it is the cause.
      That's because the cure is infinite resources. If only...

      If I were the Brits or Irish I wouldn't expect a whole lot of help in the way of the IRA. Didn't Clinton get involved with this affair, what happened, did he make a difference? Some Americans want to help others in the world but even more Americans could care less and unless in it concerns Americans directly they don't want anything to do with it. In some ways I understand this attitude but in another way I find it elitist, selfish, and just plain dumb.
      This appears to be a case of "damned if you don't, damned if you do". Of course, when they interfere, it would help if they did it right

      Its amazing how much money Americans have, but its also interesting that in many areas in the States they have third world conditions.
      Why must it be one extreme or the other? Too much welfare, and people just sit on their arses. Too little, and we drive people into desperation, and the easy way out of desperation is crime. Surely the sensible approach is somewhere in the middle? It's ironic in a way that the Yanks are guilty of letting ideology get in the way of common sense. Of course, the Yanks aren't the only ones. Personally, i think that ideology is the opposite of reason, and therein lies the cause of the problems of the world! People simply shouldn't think too much

