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Hey CtPers!

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  • Hey CtPers!


    I was curious how people found Apolyton, so posted a poll...

    Now, I know how the Civ IIers like to think they can look down on us, so I think as many of us should be represented as possible.

    Vote here!

    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

  • #2
    You just got my.
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #3
      I put in a good word for pbem, too

      This is my bestest, favest, most excellent site in the whole world and i'm going to come here forever!!! (Noooooooo!!!!! i hear you all cry )


      • #4
        After I bought my computer I heard about a game called civ2. Started punching it in Search engines and eventually made my way here. Not long after that, ctp came out and I bought it and when the patch came out I started nosing around in here and joined a PBEM game.

        Crying is an understatement lungster


        • #5
          Has anybody here tried a Civ2 pbem game, it doesn't have the same cool PBEM setup that ctp has. I would love to get into a game of that sometime.


          • #6
            I would love to, Don dude! I never played Civ2 pbem, but i did download an unofficial hotseat program which i attempted to play, most unsuccessfully. However, it did not include pbem, and i asuume that the only way to play pbem is to have the Civ2 gold edition. Unfortunately, i never bought it because it never sold at a reasonable price in Australia.

            It's ****ing ridiculous that even after 5 years, you cannot buy Civ2 in Australia for an unexorbitant price It's far too old to pay more than a few clams for it, yet they treat it, and it's ancient graphics, like it went on the shelf just last week.

            Anyway Don, why didn't you post your comments on the OT forum as per Mobius' link? Perhaps you did, but i didn't check


            • #7
              A Civ2 PBEM game would be nice if I had it. I managed to play the game for some months from my hard disk but after a while I had to delete it to free some space. Never bought it after that as SMAC and CTP came out short after.


              • #8
                Solver was here!

                Lungster, ya see, I was here, and the thread is still open. I must be sick...
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #9
                  lol Solver

                  Ya about 4 yearsa ago I got Civ2. But I had no knowledge of Apolyton. Then about 2 years ago when I got CTP. I wondered into apolyton. Did know about forum. But did download some mods, and made some entrys in the now-non existant- guest book. I played alot of MP/LAN. But I lost interest...then about last november I saw a CTP2 television ad. So i got the game and started typing in civ stuff on the search engines. I redisocevered apolyton, learned about the CTP2 mods and things. Got the patch,Registered at forum.

                  edit- learned about PBEM from quinns in Activision server.

                  Lung- How much trinkets/Shilling does Civ2 cost?

                  Here at K-mart, it is 3.99$ lol

                  gold edition is even cheapers


                  • #10
                    WHAT?!! $%&#!!

                    I must admit that i haven't checked lately, but the last time i saw it, it was about $40 Australian (which, BTW, used to be about $50 US, but is now less than $20 US. Floating the Aussie dollar was surely the single most stupid political decision ever made in this country ).

                    For chrissake, i bought Total Annihilation for 20 bucks a year after its release and loved it, yet Civ2 costs a squillion years afterwards

                    Perhaps it's time i checked again, as it has been quite a while, but i doubt it


                    • #11
                      God I love capitalism

                      So many cheap goods

                      Lung thats alot of money for an old game. Honestly, if you want Ill buy Civ2 with my pocket change and send it too you


                      • #12
                        The cheap Aussie dollar hits us twice with software. We pay double because games are developed overseas, and our best developers work in the U.S because they make double the money, so there's no hope of ever paying normal prices for games

                        Actually, i checked again and ToT sells for 20 bucks now, but MGE is nowhere to be seen. Now i'm not even sure if they ever released it here, as only a couple of hundred games even make it here Suprisingly, i saw Civ3 on pre-order sale for less than $80 Australian, which is a lot, but it was feared to sell for over 100.

                        What thread is this again?


                        • #13
                          I can get it for only 99 - maybe cheaper if I really look for it.
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #14
                            Bah, me thinks the world should all adopt the american currency . Or merge them all into a super currency

                            Max if im not mistaken denmarks currency is the Euro and the duestchmark???

                            I could be wrong


                            • #15
                              Dannish currency is Euro & Densk Kroen. Soon to be just Euro, of course, when everything gets replaced by those.
                              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

