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Gigantic Game Part V

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  • Gigantic Game Part V

    Gigantic Game Part V

    Old posts are at Gigantic Game Part IV.

    Moderator : Zobo []

    Players of the game:
    1. Pin as Romans
    2. BlackIce as Assyrians
    3. Stavros as Australians
    4. Krash as English
    5. Maestro as Americans
    6. Martock as Native Americans
    Last edited by ZoboZeWarrior; September 15, 2001, 11:24.
    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!

  • #2
    Turn received from Maestro.
    Now turn is to Martlock.
    Zobo Ze Warrior
    Your brain is your worst enemy!


    • #3
      Turn resent to Martock (he had to play to the end of the weekend or he Martock will be sub on monday morning, French hour)
      Zobo Ze Warrior
      Your brain is your worst enemy!


      • #4
        my stupid computer is misbehaving again so it looks like for now i'll have to have Zobo play the turn out. it looks like i'll have to re-install CTP on this computer. besides the patch, did we have anything else installed?? if not, i should have it back to normal by monday.

        Matt (martock)


        • #5
          No problems Martock. Thanks for warning us.

          You have to reinstall the patch + the mod or the scenario of each
          game you play.

          Martock turn played and sent to Pin.
          Zobo Ze Warrior
          Your brain is your worst enemy!


          • #6
            Turn sent to Steve 157
            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
            Or do we?


            • #7
              turn sent


              • #8
                Turn 157 sent to Maestro!


                • #9
                  turn 158 to Pin


                  • #10
                    Turn 158 to steve

                    War baby the hut is mine!!!!
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • #11

                      Our spies have heard rumours of you invading the Hut Nation. If this is true! We will have to activate our alliance with the Hut Nation and help them in this time of need!

                      This mean make use of our new advance Quantum Physics, and its advantages. We now have the A-Bomb, and we will use it against you unless you recal youre offensive towards the Hut Nation.

                      This is an 1 time threat who will be carried out unless our demands are met. I expect an answer before the turns bounce back to me!


                      • #12
                        Turn sent to Maestro!

                        This is a dangerous world these days!


                        • #13
                          Good to see an allied like Pin !
                          Zobo Ze Warrior
                          Your brain is your worst enemy!


                          • #14
                            Oh my, do the Romans really need nuclear weapons to control such a tiny nation as the Assyrians ?
                            Or are they just too eager to use their weapons ?

                            turn 158 -> Martock
                            veni vidi PWNED!


                            • #15
                              We are already on an crusade to rid the world of pirates and other backstabbing nations.

                              So to prevent other nation from gaining benifit from this situation we WILL retal any attacks upon our allies with an swift use of tactical nuclear weapons! Soon we will also have the ability to deliver forces from long distance, yet to establish when.

                              This situation of us using nukes dont have to arrise if the Assyrian states they will stop theire invasion and recal theire troops from the Hut Nation soil. This threath is an 1 time threat and we will not use it as an empty threat, this will be carried out. Remember we also have bases on Assyrian soul who can deploy fast moving tank units very fast!

