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Monkey 7

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  • Hold up ...

    Max I read the your post in IMH thread.

    whats up


    • Nothing special than NukeBoy is used to send turns to me in a couple of games - but he is not supposed to do that in this game. A mistake I think.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • turn 234 to Paul
        Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


        • Turn 234 to Don.

          Several Russian trade routes were pirated by Jamaican submarines. This is of course totally unacceptable, so we have declared war on Jamaica.


          • Out of turn.

            The BigOnes are going to play now - duck you sucker !
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • This good news indeed

              Maybe now we can place a wooden stake in the Jamacain agressors heart so we can tone down his arrogance a bit



              • Official PRC Statement

                Capitalists be damned!

                This turn one of our Battleships stumbled upon somthing sinister. 2 English Troops ships in range of the city of Rome, esccorted bye the English airforce. Even stranger, was the sight of several English Battleships steaming south to meet up with the troop ships. We had to act, with the authority of the Revolutionary Guards council ; I gave the go ahead to use Nuclear weapons. With the real threat that one of our Roman allies might be attacked...I had to act. All English ships were sunk and the threat to rome has be nulified.

                Also 4 jamacian ships were sunk with relative ease, and a spy was executed on the baltimore road. What this spy thinking? So easy to find him on a one-sqaure inlet.

                In other news jamacain expeditionary forces foolishly moved there tanks towards garloch. General Chungs Western army group hammer immediately surrounded them for iminent destruction next turn. Chinese troops also liberated Falkirk ; tho resistance was dogged and progress was slow as the Scottish army made there last stand in the central corridir!

                Concerning the Jamacain attack on the Russians. Swissys actions against Honorable paul surely proves agressive intentions.

                Comrade Saddam,


                • Brought to you bye the Chinese Propaganda ministry

                  btw swissy how do post a picture like that? Everything I try is too big or in BMP format
                  Attached Files


                  • I have only one transport troop, so I don't know how you could sink 2
                    Anyway this transport troop was in English water and he carry only a settler and a musketeer. Please be sure that this action will be punish
                    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                    • Slamp you lie through your teeth

                      It was within striking distance of Rome 6 tiles away! how can this be considered English waters?????

                      And under escort of Aircraft? Oh you cant lie your way outta this one...


                      • Besides I had to be sure

                        I could not allow Rome to be destroyed in 1 turn by losing there capitol! I gambled...but I know I am right. I know you were going to attack max, and it was thwarted. You dont assemble those kind of escorts and ships to escort a just dont!

                        Turn to max


                        • One moment please, I'm trying to attach an image
                          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                          • 6 squares from Rome. Excuse me but YOU ARE THE LIER !
                            Take a look on the image bellow. I count 4 squares from Newcastle and 8 squares from Rome.
                            Anyway I will not attack Rome, sure.
                            You're funny how could I attack with 1 transport troop against nukes... pfeuu

                            Attached Files
                            Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                            • Sorry, I had to cut the image in 2 parts. Bellow the second one.
                              The full image is post on ctpmonkey1@yahoogroup web site (section photo)
                              Attached Files
                              Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                              • Propaganda!!!!!

                                Pure and simple

                                And it is 6 squares from rome. Mariens could land on that farm and easily capture the city.

                                3 squares right.....2 squares down and one square right. There is Rome. The true Destination of your Transports.

