Call to Power -- Play-by-Email Ratings and Rankings
Last Updated: 22-AUG-2001 (updated every other week)*** New Rule ***
The rated status of a game will be determined at the end of 9th turn mark, (before turn 10 begins), rather that at the beginning of a game. This means that the first Power Graph rating calculation will take place on turn 19, instead of 9. This rule goes into effect immediately, (1-SEP-2001), but does not affect already rated games.
RANK P NAME................... RATING WIN. LOSS NAT.TR
0001 . KLAIR.................. 24.032 0044 0000 FRA...
0002 . SWISSY................. 23.194 0037 0003 USA.IL
0003 . RICK_ELKINS............ 22.225 0038 0014 USA.NY
0004 . FUZZBALL............... 21.966 0026 0012 AUS...
0005 . MOBIUS................. 21.503 0052 0010 GBR.EN
0006 . DEVIL.................. 21.451 0019 0007 LAT...
0007 . MAX_WEBSTER............ 21.286 0033 0018 CAN...
0008 . LUNG................... 21.247 0044 0023 AUS.SW
0009 . PN..................... 21.146 0033 0020 GBR.EN
0010 P GAVRUSHKA.............. 21.000 0000 0000 GBR.EN
0011 . RUBBDUCK............... 20.970 0017 0001 GER...
0012 . SLAMP.................. 20.928 0035 0017 FRA...
0013 . THEBIRDMAN............. 20.697 0131 0100 DEN...
0014 . BILHQ.................. 20.688 0012 0004 INA...
0015 . KRALJ_MATJAZ........... 20.595 0063 0022 SLO...
0016 . NOTUNCOMMON............ 20.150 0024 0015 DEN...
0017 . 420.................... 20.103 0032 0023 USA.IL
0018 . KEYGEN................. 20.025 0033 0028 GRE...
0019 . THE_TRUE_DEMOSTHENES... 20.012 0013 0058 GBR.EN
0020 . JPWW................... 19.922 0032 0026 USA.GA
0021 . QUINNS................. 19.850 0089 0067 USA.CA
0022 . BERXPERT............... 19.738 0090 0026 MEX...
0023 . VITOLG................. 19.703 0010 0016 ISR...
0024 . DUGRIK................. 19.682 0031 0033 USA.TX
0025 . STAVROS................ 19.619 0101 0070 GER...
0026 . FRAZE.................. 19.544 0041 0049 GBR...
0027 . ZOBOZEWARRIOR.......... 19.410 0032 0014 FRA...
0028 . KRASH.................. 19.017 0021 0023 GBR.EN
0029 . ARTHUR................. 18.901 0020 0049 USA.UT
0030 . PAUL................... 18.783 0040 0069 NED...
0031 . KING_THOR.............. 18.516 0059 0112 USA.FL
0032 . MAESTRO................ 18.513 0006 0015 BEL...
0033 . NUKE_BOY............... 18.387 0058 0052 USA.FL
0034 . FRANSES................ 18.351 0039 0034 NED...
0035 . DUCK_HUNTER............ 18.300 0007 0020 USA.FL
0036 . SADDAM................. 17.711 0027 0031 USA.WI
0037 . ST_JON................. 17.518 0063 0097 GBR.EN
0038 P HUNTER................. 17.335 0004 0003 NZL...
0039 . CUAICH................. 17.218 0007 0015 CAN.ON
0040 . SOLVER................. 17.064 0020 0064 LAT...
0041 . EOHIAN................. 16.991 0003 0016 USA.CA
0042 . PHOENIXCAGER........... 16.934 0014 0035 SGP...
0043 . DARTH_VIPER............ 16.711 0025 0074 NED...
0044 . SYORIS................. 16.573 0008 0025 GBR.EN
P = Provisional. Player has had less than 10 power graph results.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become rated? Simply post, to this thread, the highest level of victory that you ever attained, (Chieftain, Warlord, Prince, King, Emperor, or Deity), in a "single player" game of Call to Power, along with the Nation and Territory that you presently reside. That's it! You'll see your name appear on the above list within a week.How do the ratings change? See the below CTP Ratings Links section for an in depth discussion.
On whose turn should the Power Graph be reported? It doesn't matter because the Power Graph remains the same during the cycle of the turn. However, we recommend that the 1st player (blue) always report the Power Graph results.
Current Rated Games In Progress*:
(Turn rating started in parentheses)1. R2_Islands(0) - Solver, Fraze, King Thor, Kralj Matjaz, Quinns.
2. Love_Conquers?(50) - St Jon, Mobius, (Keygen), Stavros, Rick Elkins, King Thor.
3. Eagles_at_War(0) - TheBirdMan, Solver, Kralj Matjaz, Notuncommon, Fraze, Krash, Arthur, Quinns.
4. Lung's_Fast(86) - Lung, Stavros, Paul, St Jon, TheBirdMan.
5. Do_Some_PBEM(49) - Solver, TheBirdMan, (Blackice), Paul, Krash, (Stavros).
6. Fixed_Game(30) - King Thor, Stavros, (PN), Keygen, Quinns.
7. Team_Horses(0) - ZoboZeWarrior, Darth Viper, (Blackice), Quinns, Franses, Nuke Boy.
8. Monkey_1(187) - (Yeti), (TheBirdMan), Swissy, (Nuke Boy), Slamp, Paul, (Max Webster), (Fraze).
9B. ** Open **
10. Conquer!!!(23) - Bilhq, TheBirdMan, (SADDAM), Stavros, Paul, King Thor, (Jafo).
11. Giant_Bird(29) - TheBirdMan, (Stavros), Notuncommon, Franses, Darth Viper, (King Thor).
12. Dutcheese(119) - (Fraze), TheBirdMan, Klair, Duck_Hunter, Max_Webster King_Thor, Slamp, St_Jon.
13. Youngbloods(0) - Hunter, Darth_Viper, Kralj_Matjaz, Phoenixcager, BerXpert, (Blackice).
14. Fly High(29) - TheBirdMan, Notuncommon, Krash, (Fraze), King_Thor, (Arthur), Hunter.
15. Team Spirit(29) - Stavros, Franses, Keygen, Arthur, Maestro, TheBirdMan, Swissy, King Thor
16B. SkullCrushers(0) - Rubbduck, Jesumi, (Hunter), (DeVil), (Dattler)
17B. ** Open **
18. Youngbloods Gathering(0) - Phoenixcager, (Blackice), Rubbduck, BerXpert, Dugrik, (Saddam)
19. Another World(0) - Darth_Viper, Syoris, Rubbduck, Nuke_Boy, Dugrik, Saddam
20. Lungmatch 2.1(66) - Max_Webster, Lung, Arthur
21. Lungmatch 2.2(0) - Keygen, Solver, Swissy
22. Strife(0) - ZoboZeWarrior, PN, Dugrik, (Blackice), Nuke_Boy, Cuaich
23. Lungmatch 3.2(8) - The_True_Demosthenes, Mobius, TheBirdMan
24. Swissy2(238) - The_True_Demosthenes, Mobius, Lung, (Moral Hazard)
25. High Voltage(0) - PN, ZoboZeWarrior, (Blackice), Dugrik, BerXpert, Eohian
26. T.N.T.(0) - Fuzzball, Vitolg, DeVil, Nuke Boy, (Blackice), BerXpert
27. Face of Earth(0) - Nukeboy, Solver, Fuzzball, (Aeroprinz) ? (not sure of order)
28. Aint No Fun(0) - Keygen, (AeroPrinz), Syoris, PN, Nuke Boy, Fuzzball
29. Happy Killers(2) - berXpert, jpww, TheBirdMan, Fraze
30. Alien Seed(0) - Paul, (Blackice), Fraze, Saddam, Max Webster, Swissy, TheBirdMan
* A player in parentheses is unrated in that game.
Related CTP PBEM Ratings Links
TENPL639_AM --- Rankings for Apolyton Call to Power Play-by-Email (PBEM).
TENPL641_AM --- History of Ratings for Apolyton Call to Power PBEM.
TEN619_AM --- *9th Turn Game Results for Apolyton Call to Power PBEM.
RATINGS FORMULAS --- Formulas Used in Determining Ratings Calculations.
PBEM LADDERS thread --- Early Discussions on the Foundation of the CTP PBEM Rating System.
POPULATION GROWTH TABLES --- CTP City Population Growth Tables.
POWER GRAPH INTERPRETED --- Discussions on Call to Power's Power Graph.
COMPANY, BATTALION, BRIGADE, DIVISION... YIKES --- Discussions on the Standarization of the Groupings of Military Units in CTP.
TENPL639_AM Report Legend:
NAT.TR - Nation and Territory of Primary Residence.
PBEM RATING - Starts with an initial value depending upon the highest CtP AI level ever honestly defeated: Chieftain=14; Warlord=16; Prince=17; King=18; Emperor=19; Deity=21. This rating changes by winning or losing to other rated players, (at the *9 turn mark every ten turns), while playing "rated" PBEM games. See the CtP Multiplayer topic "PBEM Ladders" for details on how this rating change is calculated.
TEN619_AM Report Concepts:
Win/Loss - A Win counts by having a "higher" Power Graph rating at the ten turn mark during a "rated" game. For example, in a five player game, at the ten turn mark, each player will receive four results - 4 wins and 0 losses, or 3 wins and 1 loss, etc.
Delinquency - 24 or more hours late counts as a delinquency. Each delinquency deducts -0.1 ratings points from player's rating.
Inactivity Adjustment - Players will lose 5/100ths of a ratings point (-0.05) for each month they go without a ratings adjustment, (i.e. remain inactive in the ratings for an entire month).
Elimination Rule
If, in a rated game, a player:
a) resigns;
b) changes status from "rated" to "unrated";
c) gets annihilated; or
d) gets "next turned" for three turns in a row
e) has been found to be using bug utilization tricks,
then every remaining player in that game "DEFEATS" THAT PLAYER THREE TIMES (as measured by the normal ten turn phase defeat).
For example, in a 5 player game, the first person who gets "eliminated from the ratings in that game" would be "defeated" 12 times (as measured by the normal power graph 10 turn defeat), (3 multiplied by 4 remaining players.) This equates to an average decrease in ratings of about 2 to 3 points for the eliminated player. The second player eliminated would be defeated 9 times (3 multiplied by 3 remaining players), ... etc.
In the case of resignation or three consecutive "next turns", then that resigned player's civilization will be "next turned" until a replacement player, (either rated or unrated), takes over that civilization's control.
Alien Life Victory Rule
If a player wins by completing the Alien Project, then that player defeats every remaining player three times.
Rating Change Table: - (example +2 to -2)
IN RATINGS.. CHANGE (+ for winner, - for loser)
+2.0 ........ 0.083
+1.5 ........ 0.118
+1.0 ........ 0.167
+0.5 ........ 0.222
=0.0 ........ 0.250
-0.5 ........ 0.278
-1.0 ........ 0.333
-1.5 ........ 0.382
-2.0 ........ 0.417
Please post all of your turn *9 power graph results to the latest CTP Ratings thread (this thread). (I don't look at all of the game threads in progress.)
Also, a reminder that all APPLICATIONS FOR NEW RATED GAMES need to be posted here with:
1. Official game name;
2. Player list (in turn order) of all players' APOLYTON HANDLES (no nick names please). Place players that wish to be "unrated" in parentheses;
3. All desired rated players must have a current rating -- (please state their initial rating if they do not have a current rating).
4. The current turn number;
5. The turn number you want the game to become "rated".