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Alien Seed - first thread

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  • Alien Seed - first thread

    The players:

    Paul - Dutch -
    Blackice - Canadians -
    Frazer - Welsh -
    Saddam - Assyrians -
    Don - English -
    Swissy (Swisshawk) - Native Americans -
    TheBirdMan (Maximus) - Romans -

    The game is going to be rated. All players except Blackice will be rated.

    All players start with two extra settlers which will both be about 3-4 squares away from your first settler. You also start with theses six advances: agriculture, toolmaking, mining, bronzeworking, stoneworking, shipbuilding. Other start settings are the same as normally on deity level.

    This game will use the 24-hour rule. That means that you must play your turn within 24 hours after it has been sent to you. In order to enforce this rule it is important that you all post your turn updates in the Apolyton thread for this game (I will start the thread when I send out the first turn). If you can't post at Apolyton, you should send a turn update via email to all players.

    If you are going away for a short period (one or two days) we can temporarily put the game on hold. If you are going away for a longer period you should find a substitute player. It is probably easiest to assign a permanent sub who will always play your turns when you are away, but you can also look for a different sub every time you have to leave.

    If a turn was sent to you but you didn't receive it, you should email the player before you and also post on Apolyton. That way the other players will also know what's holding up the game. If you don't play your turn within 24 hours and also don't post that you didn't receive the turn, you will be nexted. The player who sent the turn will post that you have been nexted and that the turn was sent to the next player.

    If a player has to be nexted for three turns in a row, he will be immediately nexted (without waiting 24 hours) for all following turns until he lets us know that he can play his turns again. Or if the player has assigned a permanent sub, the turns will be sent to the sub instead.

    If a player doesn't have a permanent sub, we can also look for a temporary sub if a player is missing for a longer time. If we don't hear from a player for more than a month we can start looking for a permanent replacement player. If there is a permanent sub, he will have the first right to take over.

  • #2
    Turn 0 to Blackice


    • #3
      Over the horizon we spot land, mountains and rivers. We shout at the captain to sail to the shore he agreed as we made at best happy discontents throughout the long voyage.

      As we loaded our gear in the way boats our minds filled with the excitment of a new land to explore. Aliens I thought, aliens from a distant shore come here to plant our seeds of life. Are we the first to step foot here I ponder. I toyed with that idea the entire row to shore, time will tell. We must start our search for signs other life immediately I conclude but first we must build villages.

      Once on the shore we were unsure of our footing like we had drank our entire supply of grog. Our bodys had become used to the steady rocking of the ship.

      We like this land it has lots to offer, good thing Kibus is here. He is the only one amoung us with the knowledge to build mud huts. In this land we will need his abilities to survive. We must hurry now to build these huts It will be a long night without them.

      Blackice of the Canadians
      1/1/4000 bc

      Turn 0 sent to frazer

      Good gaming all... and happy hunting
      Thanks for the Game Paul.
      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • #4
        It is hard to conceive how such a generation of strong and wise, men and women were born of the wild barbarian tribes of pre-history. It is said that Frazer was building walls of stone only 12 moon cycles from his wild birth. Such a leader was he that even at the tender age of thirteen years he led the finest of his kindred to a new age of mankind.

        Shunned by wild families who could not understand their genius, Frazer and his 200 followers, who called themselves the Welsh, travelled far through forest and ice in search of a place to settle.

        It was Frazer’s fine brother Taff who first spotted the river that would bear his name for many millennia. The legendary poet and story teller, who had kept all amused and happy on the long and arduous journey, immediately saw the beauty of the clear fresh water and many wild beaver in the surrounding forest.

        Frazer decreed that this was the place to settle, and so the City of Cardiff was founded by the river Taff. Many a Welsh mother would name their first born son Taffy in memory of this moment.

        And there were many welsh mothers, and many sons and daughters, for under Frazer’s guidance the Nation of Wales began to grow. And before long, there where two Welsh cities, as Swansea was founded.

        This is where the story of the Welsh begins.

        Turn 0 to Saddam


        • #5
          Saddam looked around. "Excellent" he said to himself. What beautiful land had betrothed his eyes. A plush valley, a river with water flowing pure and true, massive fields for whatever they could be used for.

          Many Assyrians were in awe, as they began building, what would soon be, the great city of Baghdad.

          ps. Land is Awessoooooome . This may be my best game yet .

          turn sent don


          • #6
            er didnt want to create a new post

            thought I hit edit

            Anyway, do we have a yahoo groups like MK1? I think we should...


            • #7
              I have jungle. I have a river. I have jungle on my river

              We come upon a small group of travellers, They are trying to push a large cart drawn by oxen out of the swampy ground. We help them, and the elder agree to bestow upon us the knowledge of how to find the meaning of the symbol.

              We serach for good ground to start our cities, two spots are found but the third group continues to search.

              Turn 0 to Maximus(The Bird Man)
              "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


              • #8
                No rivers but English settlers have found after a bit of a search some pretty blue ocean. The area is sure plentiful with beaver, so that is a nice bonus. A colony called London has been established, hopefully in the years to come more colonies can sprout up from the wilderness that surrounds us.


                • #9
                  Turn 1 to Blackice. Not much to do until my first unit is built. Maybe next time I should also give a free warrior so that we can do some exploration in these first turns.


                  • #10
                    Turn 1 to Paul.

                    Romulus, Remus and Maximus meet each others under the warm sun. The weather was wonderful and all the birds were singing under the sky.

                    We decided, that the lazy one of us (Romulus) should start to settle were we stood, Remus settle to the north and I should walk south.

                    Romulus did a wonderful job. He founded Rome near the sea. Close to the city, a long river run through the forrest and in that river, the beavers had a large colony. This city will be the greatest on earth we all assured ourself.

                    Remus founded then the city of Pompeii. The location was not as good of those of Rome, but in short time, he would be able to supply this new nation with ivory.

                    I should move west and south until I came to a place where I would like to settle my city - Antium. During my walk over the beautiful grassfields and open forrests, I found a lot of big rocks. They were placed in a strange way, not as Mother Nature would have placed them. As allthing seems quiet and peacefully here, I camped for the night - and the I suddenly realised what this was - A holy place for worshipping the heaven. Rocks were pointing at some of the biggest stars - this I have to take a closer look on later. And I am sure, we have something very usefull here.
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #11
                      Looking for a place for a third Welsh city the band of settlers have chosen a suitable place, unfortunetly they passed it by hopeing for better, wasting valuble time. Still the place is only a few days march back down the trail. We will have a new city soon.

                      Turn 1 to Saddam


                      • #12
                        The Gods have seen to it this day that Assyria would prosper! Out with the old nomadic customs, of a time forgotten. The people of Baghdad are the first to not build there house on sand. Rather, they have settled in permanently.

                        2 other bands of Assyrian nomads. One to the east, and one to the west. Soon they will set up villages as soon as suitable places are found along the mighty Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.


                        • #13
                          Turn 2 to Paul.

                          After rested most of the day also - it was to hot to move on - Maximus changed his mind. Go for the sea, it's close - I can smell it. Antium has to be placed close to the sea.
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #14
                            Turn 2 to Blackice


                            • #15
                              Mountains and parch land, mountains and parched land another one of many slow starts for the Ice clan. Turn 2 sent to Fraze
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?

