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Love Conquers? Part VIII.

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  • #76
    Turn to Madrid.

    My Children,

    The sun rises over yet another cycle of utter tranquility and bliss in 'The Holy Land' yet I am deeply worried for the long term prosperity of my disciples. The appalling increase in Global Pollution puts the live's of every man, woman and child in gravest danger. I plead with my illustrious neighbours to put their knowledge of Recycling into effect before it is too late! Though France could be forgiven for feeling especially bitter at this, unpossessed of any source of toxic emissions as she is, our thoughts are merely of seeking ways to save human life.

    I would enquire of my dear friend, Chairman Thor, as to why he has decided to encroach upon French territorial waters? Just at a time when Franco-Incan relations were improving to such a welcome degree such an action can hardly be regarded as helpful.

    I am also deeply concerned that the Welsh ship of state continues to appear rudderless. I appeal to King Constantine, and his Regent, to urgently tackle this problem for the potential long term damage to Welsh prosperity is great indeed.

    Blessings upon you all,
    St Jon, Self-Denial in a World of Self-Indulgence.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #77
      Tomas de Torquemada wishes to apologise to the Welsh, however it has been stated earlier that all correspondence of a personal nature must been sent direct to his excellence...

      Unfortunately this communique was overlooked as a consequence.
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #78
        Originally posted by MOBIUS
        Tomas de Torquemada wishes to apologise to the Welsh, however it has been stated earlier that all correspondence of a personal nature must been sent direct to his excellence...
        Yes I remember that but it is kind boring to both post and send an email everytime I want to inform everyone for something. It is the appropriate think to do in case I haven't received the turn but you could just forward the turn after you had post in the thread as my post was already there. So read every single post Mob .

        Anyway, don't forget to send the turn(s) that will be played and sent within the weekend to be sent to Swissy ( also. Email has been sent as well .

        Turn 155 to Rick.


        • #79
          Turn 155 --> Comrade Thor

          Having received reconnaissance photos of the location of the French-held island of Le Palais, the Greek government finds itself quite surprised at the actions of St Jon and France. For the island is clearly within the city limits of the Welsh city of Llangollen!

          St Jon, to have settled this island, your settler had to sail past the French border, past the Spanish border, past the Welsh border, and then travel far into Welsh territory. Surely you must recognize that this cannot have been seen by Wales as anything less than a bold incursion into her territory?

          Having now seen the degree to which France has entered Welsh sovereign land, we can only hope that Paris will withdraw all French citizens from the island, leaving it to its rightful owners, the Welsh!


          Spain is to be congratulated for all recent her work at lowering pollution. But fears that it may be "too little, too late" are evident, as politicians living in coastal Greece are suddenly taking extended trips to the mountains!


          Farmers in Rafina were startled to notice workers of an unknown origin toiling in the Greek city. Upon closer inspection, it became apparent that they were Inca citizens! Great Comrade Thor, have you perhaps left the decision of where to settle your new cities to one less wise than yourself? Perhaps there is some way to move this city?


          Finally, a great multinational naval traffic jam seems to have clogged the waterways near Strausbourg. Perhaps more modern navigational aids are required in the area? Or perhaps it is merely some sort of festive flotilla, of which we are unaware? Greece would be willing to send naval vessels to the area to help end the confusion, if requested.



          • #80
            Turn to Jon


            My Greek friends, which city is it that you speak off? If our citizens have wandered into your land, I'm certain you will recognize that they did so innocently.

            However, the same cannot be said of your agent that was spotted deep within Incan territory. With the help of our counter intelligence agency he was discovered and immediately deported. It is only our close realtionship with your nation that saved his life. Tell us , noble Zenophon, why must you send a spy into the land of a friend? Could you not have simply asked for us to share our maps with you? We are deeply offended and hurt by this act and have begun to question the extent of your commitment to the Incan Republic.

            As for the environment. Bah! This is nothing but a silly hoax. What are these ecologists going to predict next? Big fire breathing dragons will come and devour us foul polluters? Only a fool would listen to the mindless yammering of those brainless morons!

            Lord Thor, Chairman of the Incan Republic
            King Thor


            • #81
              No Turn Received - Please Resend.
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • #82
                Jon.. your email bounced!

                It said:
                This message could not be delivered to the following recipients:

       does not like recipient.
                Remote host said: 550 Command RCPT User not OK
                Giving up.
                King Thor


                • #83
                  Please send to
                  “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                  - Anon


                  • #84
                    KT - Email received successfully but you neglected to attached the Turn!
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #85
                      Turn to Madrid.

                      Beloved Children,

                      I fear that the dire predictions of my ever-steadfast Greek friend, Xenophon, have come to pass. There might just be time to avoid a yet worse cataclysm if the the World's premier polluter's were to divert some of their Production from weopons of mass destruction to the construction of Recycling Centres!

                      Xenophon, though you may be more precious to me than my own heart, French foreign policy decisions are not part of the remit of the Governor of the Greek speaking World. Please confine yourself to discourse upon subjects of which you have some knowledge.

                      Chairman Thor, your Destroyer is a serious impediment to further fruitful Franco-Inca relations. Please return it to port so that the happy congegation might return to their nets rather than stand in line to join the Holy 'Maritime' Militia!

                      My Dearest Tomas, I trust that you do not take the increased French border patrols as in any way a sign of distrust in my surety of your good faith, I know you to be as honest as though you were the fruit of my own loins, but French territorial integrity must, at any cost, be preserved. French Troop movements outside of your own ambit should likewise be ignored as they represent no threat to Spain.

                      King Constantine, I beg of you to think long and hard upon your next move. France will not sit back and allow her citizens to be murdered. At a time when medical science is advancing rapidly and the average life expectancy is rising Wales may well find that this trend is not reflected in her own census.

                      I take this opportunity to remind you all that France remains 'At Peace' and has still declined to recruit an Army. Furthermore, France still is unpossessed of a single Polluting Improvement and has her worst City ranked outside the 'Bottom 20'! I remain the leader of an entirely passive and agrarian people with no imperialist tendancies.

                      Love unto All,
                      St Jon, Faith in a World without Belief.
                      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                      - Anon


                      • #86
                        "St Jon, the fact is that you have brutaly violated my territorial integrity and all your attempts to convince the rest nations for the opposite have failed.

                        Wales is not an aggressive nation as you like to present it but a fair one. We haven't pirated you caravan though we could and that is a proof that we fight for our rights and not for opportunism or profit as you do.

                        Besides it is you who have being poisoning with lies your citizens to convince them to settle the island.

                        Disband Le Palais and I shall overlook your earlier aggression!

                        Chairman Thor, I will ask you to withdraw your division one tile back to create a buffer zone between our troops. Your recent gathering of two modern full armed divisions incuding battalions of marines on our borders despite the opposite announcement that you would withdraw them from there put our friendly relations in great risk and the officials in Cardiff are greatly troubled by your recent stance regarding the French-Welsh quarrel.
                        If your military gathering continues with additional divisions you will give me no chance but to reinforce my troops in our borders with more modern weapons than the already existing muskets and cannons.

                        Citizens of Pontypridd are celebrating the construction of an amazing wonder, the Internet! King Constantine and many official were present in the opening. They were all amazed by its huge abilities! We made a successful connection between our larges urban centers and the King himself enjoyed chatting with the mayor of Cardiff and playing chess. Soon we shall establish connection with Athens where King Constantine will discuss with Xenophon cultural and economical subjects and play backgammon. We shall soon establish connections with all the other nations so everyone be able to enjoy the ability to freely and with low cost communicate from distance with each other.

                        We thank the Greeks for their magnanimity of dropping the parallel construction of the Internet and gave us the ability to joy its fruits. May god bless you and protect you from your enemies forever!"

                        King Constantine

                        Turn 156 to Rick.


                        • #87
                          Turn 156 --> Comrade Thor

                          The Inca city I speak of is Ancon1, Comrade Thor, which was built so as to overlap upon the Greek city of Rafina. Are you unaware of its existence? As I suggested, perhaps a less competent underling is decreeing where new cities should be founded in Inca. Regardless of how it came to be, I trust that with your new knowledge of its existence you will be able to formulate a solution for its encroachment...

                          As for the Greek "spy", he was but an overzealous member of a fringe environmental organization, bent on observing the extent of pollution damage in Inca. That he took it upon himself to travel in secrecy, and thus put friction to our friendship with you is regrettable, and he shall be dealt with, now that you have so magnanimously returned him to Athens! I hope you will be understanding, and forgive us for having been unable to prevent this transgression!


                          St Jon, it is not true that Greece has no knowledge of the situation at Le Palais. Satellite photos have made the situation all too clear.

                          Neither is it true that it is is none of our business. Greece does not wish to see a war so close to our own shores. Therefore, we strongly suggest that no nation engage in any sort of attack upon Wales. There would be serious consequences, should such an attack occur. Please notice that we do not single out any one nation in this statement...


                          As the merry naval celebration continues near Strasbourg, Greece has sent a rickety old SOL to the edge of Megara's harbour, so as not to feel left out...!


                          Our congratulations to the Welsh on their completion of what will surely be dubbed the "Worldwide Welsh Web". Greek citizens are already waiting with bated breath to see the much-talked about Cow-cam, and other useful internet tools...

                          (at this point, Xenophon begins muttering something about deja-vous, and something called Swissy2, and wonders off to get a drink...)


                          • #88
                            Turn to Madrid.

                            My Children,

                            Yet again France finds her name tarnished by the hideous lies and distortions of the facts spread about by those of malicious intent.

                            We are accused of brutality and aggression when from the beginnings of time unto this very day no French gun has been fired in anger! Can either Wales or Greece make such a claim? I think not!

                            I accept that my beloved Spanish neighbours were forced into their war but where can the rest of you find your excuse? An unholy pair of pigs with their nose's firmly in the trough that was the dismembered corpse of the Australian nation! There was brutality and unprovoked aggression if ever it was to be seen. Wales and Greece cannot even dignify their actions by claiming to have been seeking to aid an ally, as can the Inca, as they both waited until the issue was decided and then simply moved in for some easy pickings.

                            All France has done is to peacefully colonise an unoccupied island, not part of any continental land mass, and set her brave pilgrims about establishing a Crabbery. No military was despatched and even the vessel was an old SotL that represented no threat to anyone. That did not stop the Welsh from sinking it however!

                            Wales must know that if they wish to they may destroy Les Palais, it cannot be captured, but I will never order it's disbandment. Let King Constantine know that he will have aquired an enemy for life by such a course of action and that whilst retribution might not be swift it will still arrive as certainly as the sun doth rise. If he is prepared to toss aside centuries of Franco-Welsh friendship for one Tile of Grassland then he surely cares as little for his people as he does for honour!

                            Blessings unto all.

                            St Jon, Selflessness in a Selfish World.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • #89
                              Noble Constantine,

                              The modern military divisions near our border have been deployed as a safegaurd that if open war did break out between your nation and France, we would have adequate defence against the 'war time' troops.

                              We support the French in their colonization of their island, and fail to see upon what basis the Welsh claim it as their territory. Every man on this planet will tell you what a free and open plebiscite (sp?) on that island will yield. The vast majority of the people on that island are now French, and they undoubtedly want to remain under French rule.


                              Saintly leader of the French people,

                              Moving the destroyer will be a threat to our national security for we have noticed that you have a navy of considerable size nearby. We must protect our port. Please pass on our heart felt apologies to the displaced fishermen, they have our best wishes.

                              Chairman Thor of the Incan Republic.
                              King Thor


                              • #90
                                Whilst Spain has professed her previous neutrality regarding the 'Le Palais' incident, she will not sit idly by if any other nation seeks to make capital from it by attacking either of the nations involved...

                                Spain asks for France and Wales to come to a suitable arrangement and calls upon Inca and Greece not to muddy the waters by supporting either faction - only by standing back and engaging in diplomacy with calm and clear heads will the righteous path of peace be followed...


                                Tomas de Torquemada
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

