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T.N.T. Part II

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  • Fuzzball,

    You are wrong. All your accusations towards Vitolg about giving your hard work to the rest of the world are wrong. Vitolg didn't give me a thing for nothing. You also do not seem satisfied with my knight's behavior. My knight is far away from your cities, and let him explore the unknown land.

    And what diplomatic options are you talking about???


    • Originally posted by Fuzzball
      Hmmm Mayan advisors scream conspiracy as the tech which separated our civ and our friendly neighbours from the rest of the world disappears..........
      Turn 46 to Vitolg and Keygen.
      This would be the turn that I found all the tech I had passed to the Hebrews had been passed by them to the rest of the world. Although I did gift the Americans myself. I sent regards and request for peace when our civ's met Devil, which you ignored. I'm not argueing about it....just stating fact. No need to get your knickers in a knot. And the lands you are moving your knights around ARE very close to my civ.....The settler in the north would have told you as much many turns ago.....I can quote the turn I requested you not to follow the settler also. Instead I ended up heading off that knight with phalanx anyways. Again, no question needing reply here Devil, just a simple statement of fact.
      Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


      • Hebrews are very sorry that glorious Mayan leader seems to have became a little bit tired of ruling the nation and lost sense of reality as a result. Lamentably, Fuzzball of Maya extends his political troubles with particular nations on those traditionally friendly. No doubts, it would not contribute to strengthening good relationships. Especially regrettable is the fact that political ambitions affect elementary considerations towards possible gains, as we, finally, have not asked for any gift but proposed mutually profitable exchanges.

        We wish Mayan leader forthcoming recovering from "superstar desease" that seems to catch him up after Mayan good power graph progress.

        Turn sent.


        • Superstar disease? wtf? This is getting out of hand here.... I don't pay any attention to the powergraph, I stated that alot earlier...I hate how people become obsessed with that piece of rubbish. I'd like to point out also, that although the Hebrews now offer "mutual exchange" of science, we freely offered up our tech to them for several thousand years, expecting (and getting) nothing freely given in return....We will maintain our current political stance, as to not allow the Hebrews to play both sides of the coin here, for the Romans ignored our diplomatic requests from the start, and encroach upon our lands now. Enough subterfuge....The Hebrews will receive no assistance from Maya until they have proven THEIR goodwill to us. We have proven ours to them time and again. The Romans have done NOTHING to prove their goodwill, and indeed have done much to prove otherwise, by following my settler into the mountains with your knight, and playing cat and mouse trying to gain access to my civ, whilst ignoring my envoys. Don't try and make this personal with rubbish like "superstar disease" etc. I'm merely stating what's happened in the game.
          Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


          • State of Hebrews
            Ministry of Foreign Affairs


            Mayan leader has just proved that Mayan known attitude towards great Hebrew people has not been sincere as Fuzzball of Maya has been constantly hinting that he "expects freely given in return". We deeply regret for the Mayan leader's decision to use tongue of menaces and pressure, which we believe will not be of benefit of the Mayan people. We believe that good attitude towards Hebrews people is crucial for Mayan prosperity, and any hints of "expecting freely given" is at least inappropriated.

            It is especially highlighted as Mayan leader is trying to mislead the world community, passing over in silence about Hebrews' gifts in the past.

            We remind Mayan leader that Hebrews DO NOT HAVE TO prove their goodwill to any side. We also expect that Mayan leader will finally start using diplomatic language in his messages to world leaders, leaving words like "rubbish" to Mayan martinets.


            • Hmmm, is a weird silence about the "gifts" from the Hebrews...mainly because there has been NO "GIFTS" from the Hebrews.....they have requested exhanges upon occasion.....but the words "Hebrew" and "gifts" don't fit together here....For want of a better diplomatic term, it's "rubbish". The Mayan attitude is naught BUT sincere, whether openly aggressive, or openly friendly. We haven't exorted to the subterfuge exemplified by the people's of Roman and Hebrew origin.

              The "key to Mayan prosperity" has very, very little to do with the Hebrews, but alot to do with the hard work of the Mayan people's.

              Recent events only seem to enforce Mayan military advisors opinions that the Romans and Hebrews have been conspiring against us for some time.

              Let us recount a few things here....Maya has provided many many technological advances to their Hebrew neighbours. Instead of offering anything in exchange, the Hebrews give the Mayan knowledge of gun powder, cannons and others to the Romans...whether this was in exchange for anything of benefit to the Hebrews, we cannot be sure, but we can be sure that straight after we gifted the Hebrews with tech's, it ended up directly in the lap of the Romans........All this only a few turns after the Romans ignore Mayan diplomatic envoys, as well as the post/request not to follow our ward/settler, and instead follow them into the mountains and play cat and mouse with their knight for the following several hundred years. Therefore Maya can only surmise that under the guise of friendship the Hebrews have conspired against us.
              Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


              • Vitolg, turn wasn't recieved.
                Resend plaease.


                • Turn re-sent.


                  • Turn 57 to Nuke Boy.


                    • I now it's not my business, but while I read Fuzzball's I think I neet to say something.

                      The Romans and the Egypcians share their knowledge in the same way Mayan did with Americans and Hebrew. So, in my point of view it's not fear to accuse the Hebrew for make only 2 exchanges with Romans that maybe Mayans also get benefit from it.

                      As I remember Egypcians (me) had 1200 SCI tech when I leave, so 1 tech 1 turn and all the science that Mayan think were for their own, maybe now it's for all the players.

                      If my predecesor take the right path, maybe Romans and Egypcians now have the communism or other moder techs that Mayan will have in too many turns.

                      Message from Quetzalcoatl, at the death world


                      • Originally posted by berXpert
                        The Romans and the Egypcians share their knowledge in the same way Mayan did with Americans and Hebrew. So, in my point of view it's not fear to accuse the Hebrew for make only 2 exchanges with Romans that maybe Mayans also get benefit from it.
                        No, we don't benefit from this, and yes, it isn't really any of your business Berxpert. But that's not the point at all. The point is that the Hebrews play both sides of the coin, that's why I refused maps and tech exchanges. That's all. They can continue to get support from the Romans.
                        Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                        • Turn 57 to Blackice
                          Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                          • Lol how much did you pay for the ticket... you went for some ride lol... diplomacy...

                            Turn sent
                            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                            Or do we?


                            • Turn sent to fuzzy


                              • Woe Woe Woe, what a sad tale it be.....
                                It seems that the captain of our ship of the lines in the bay of Etzna never stopped the tequila bender after the last feastday....even worse though, he has encouraged such behaviour amongst his crew also...alas, after the tequila ran dry, the captain seemed to acquire a rather peculiar aversion to hebrew fisheries...following this regrettable event the Mayan bureaucracy went absolutely haywire...the few beaurocrats willing to hear out the Roman peace envoys seemed to be in a much similar state as to our recently enrolled AA captain...and although we cannot account for the entire of the courtiers confesses to hearing the bureaucrat in question muttering the words..."I hope you floss your teeth, you're about to kiss the eye..."....One can only guess at the meaning of such a statement. Somehow the people's of Maya are unperturbed by the whole affair and continue quite merrily about their daily tasks.

                                Btw..turn 58 to Vitolg only, as Keyen is on holiday.
                                Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.

