hi everyone.
this is the thread for my 8 people email game featuring
myself, quinns, Hatschy, gumpold and Joseph Sirucka from the forum and 3 local german players: Oli, Tobi and Tina.
anything about this game goes here. lets see if i can get the 'new' players to post here occasionally too.
STATS of the game:
Difficulty: King
Barbarians: Restless Tribes
World Size: Gigantic
World Shape: Donut World
Bloodlust: Off
Pollution: On
Ruins: On
Wonders: On
World Measures:
Wet - Dry: 50%
Warm - Cold 50%
Ocean - Land 30%
Island - Continent 50%
Uniform - Diverse 100%
Good Count 80%
Use of "Farm under City" Bug allowed and encouraged.
Seat / Leader / Civilisation / email address
1.) / ricketyclik / Chinese / ric@actewagl.net.au (formerly Tobi)
2.) / Dimytes / Indian / jerker.a@telia.com (formerly Tina)
3.) / Oli / Indonesian / oliblack@gmx.de
4.) / Hatschy / Canadian / hlern@gmx.net
5.) / Joseph / Australian / jsirucka@connectingyou.com.au
6.) / quinns / German / quinn2084@msn.com
7.) / gumpold / American / jkl620@sbcglobal.net
8.) / Rainer / Dornheimer / mathemagician@gmx.de
24h limit for each turn.
moderator is me, until we find someone else.
end edit
this is the thread for my 8 people email game featuring
myself, quinns, Hatschy, gumpold and Joseph Sirucka from the forum and 3 local german players: Oli, Tobi and Tina.
anything about this game goes here. lets see if i can get the 'new' players to post here occasionally too.

STATS of the game:
Difficulty: King
Barbarians: Restless Tribes
World Size: Gigantic
World Shape: Donut World
Bloodlust: Off
Pollution: On
Ruins: On
Wonders: On
World Measures:
Wet - Dry: 50%
Warm - Cold 50%
Ocean - Land 30%
Island - Continent 50%
Uniform - Diverse 100%
Good Count 80%
Use of "Farm under City" Bug allowed and encouraged.

Seat / Leader / Civilisation / email address
1.) / ricketyclik / Chinese / ric@actewagl.net.au (formerly Tobi)
2.) / Dimytes / Indian / jerker.a@telia.com (formerly Tina)
3.) / Oli / Indonesian / oliblack@gmx.de
4.) / Hatschy / Canadian / hlern@gmx.net
5.) / Joseph / Australian / jsirucka@connectingyou.com.au
6.) / quinns / German / quinn2084@msn.com
7.) / gumpold / American / jkl620@sbcglobal.net
8.) / Rainer / Dornheimer / mathemagician@gmx.de
24h limit for each turn.
moderator is me, until we find someone else.
end edit