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Giant Bird part II

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  • Turn 71 to Stavros.

    I have asked for an exchange of maps with the Assyrians.

    The reason is obvious for me - assyrian are settling still closer to russian territory. I think they should know how close.

    Until now I have no real objections - not even to the settler just northwest of the assyrian city Nimurta, who is now very-very close to russian cities.

    Furthermore, I would ask the assyrian leader to continue the farming from north of Nimurta --> east towards and passing the possible new assyrian city. From there, I can take over again. It was my intend to do this myself until the city Nimurta was established only little time ago and prevented me from continue this great engineerwork.

    IWAN, leader of Russia.
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • great leader of Russia we shall definately review our maps at the first possible moment. We thank you for your patience.


      Turn 71 sent to Franses
      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • Turn to Stavros.

        Yet another civilization found.

        A medium sized city was spotted on an icy-coast down south.

        We welcome this unknown civilization, hoping for a friendly attitude. If allowed, we shall establish embassy with this new nation, and we will be willing to give a helping hand to them, letting them out of their isolation - unless their leader has choosen it this way, just as the leader of Egypt has.

        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • Turn Sent


          • Turn sent 73 to Franses
            “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
            Or do we?


            • Dear Iwan, leader of Russia,

              Be assured that we like your country as well as its inhabitants but please have patience with my people that thought for so long they were alone on this world and now face three (yes, we met people from a third civilization just now) foreign civilization.
              Your diplomat that is running over parts of Egypt really confuses my people a lot. They are not used to the wodka that he shares with us and he talks about matters our people have never heard of. Therefore I ask you again, please have patience and order your diplomat to return to Coptos. In due time we will provide him with an embassy there and learn him some of the knowledge we acquired lately.

              With kind regard,


              Dear Assyrian leader,

              Me, Franses, ruler of upper and lower Egypt welcome your people at the border of our country. Feel free to roam about a tile or two but as I already mentioned earlier to our Russian friends, our people are not yet ready to mix with other civilizations. I therefore ask you to accept our meal and beer and after enjoying it to return to your own country.

              With kind regards,

              Franses (like Ramses).


              • turn sent


                • Turn sent
                  “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                  Or do we?


                  • Turn to Stavros.

                    While I am waiting for a ship with an educated diplomat to reach the deepfrozen nation, my diplomat in Egypt is going more and more drunk.

                    As far as I can see from his reports, the egyptians are doing this with purpose - giving him too much food and wine - I simply can't get to know whether the mainland of Egypt is a mini-continent or a part of our continent. Sometimes I even have to get a doctor to read his messages - I can't! Such a bad handwriting.

                    I think I better believe in the messages, that my captains are sending back.

                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • LOL

                      Well, that explaines a lot regarding the rumours I have heard about your diplomat. The more reason to make him return to Coptos. We will take care of him there.
                      Franses (like Ramses).


                      • No Turn received. Please resend...


                        • Hi there, this is your moderator speaking.

                          I haven't heard anything from this game for quite a while, and I am getting worried.
                          Since I don't have a recent file, I cannot next anyone.
                          My hands are tied.

                          Get this game moving, please.
                          veni vidi PWNED!


                          • MM (moderator Maestro) ,

                            The last thing I received was a message from Darth Viper saying that he had sent turn 76 to Thor.
                            Franses (like Ramses).


                            • Turn 76 for King Thor is also the last turn I received.
                              So, turn 77 sent to Birdman.

                              Originally posted by Stavros
                              No Turn received. Please resend...
                              Steve, which turn were you referring to ?
                              Was it turn 77 already ?
                              veni vidi PWNED!


                              • 74 was the last I received, so I presume we're talking about 75...

