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Lung's FAST! pbem - Part VII

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  • #76
    Sorry Paul, but it's just the same and I have seen it often enough before to know that it's Replay, Next, AI or Sub. I would greatly prefer the former so I would be very grateful if you would replay the Turn and see how it goes from there.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #77
      A few times, I have seen the same in the World Scenario game - sometimes my pc locked up when ending the game, sometimes only CTP crashed.

      At the beginning, I replyed the turns, but lately I have just forwarded the turn anyway and next time, the turn got to me everything could be perfectly normal again. I have had no complaint from the other players, so I do not think it is a serious problem.
      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



      • #78
        Turn 185 replayed and sent to Jon


        • #79
          Oh Tweety, you didn't tangle with a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo, did you?!?? Heehee, those buggers BITE!!!

          Hey, if you get 'em young enough, you can impress your friends by teaching them to say a few choice words

          You just wait until they start skawking at all hours of the night


          • #80
            Sorry for the delay but Turn finally Played and Posted.
            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
            - Anon


            • #81
              They are certainly in family. And yes, it screams a lot.

              And saying: Hallo søde pige (sweet girl), godnat (goodnight) and more. But it only loves my girls - not me. Right now it is starring at my back (and my ear?).

              BTW - turn to you some hours ago.
              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



              • #82
                Let me guess - it's a male, right? If it's a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo, the males are territorial and often dislike male humans (they can tell) BTW, what the hell are you doing with a protected Australian species? Anyway, i think it's time for a parrot joke

                Did you hear the one about the parrot with no legs?

                This guy goes to a pet shop and asks for a special pet, but he's not sure what he wants, so the attendant tells him about this fabulous talking parrot that is so intelligent that he can recite the news from the TV and have real conversations with humans. Anyway, the bloke is impressed and demands to buy the parrot.

                "However" says the attendant, "he doesn't have any legs".

                The guy asks how the hell the parrot stays on his perch, and the attendant replies that he has no choice but to use his little parrot penis to hold on. Unperturbed, the bloke takes the parrot home.

                After he gets him home, he sets up the bird in view of the TV, and heads off to work. When he gets home, he asks the parrot what had happened during the day. The parrot tells him all of the days news, including the all-important sports results, and the proud new owner is mightily impressed.

                After a couple of days, he decides to give this amazing parrot a task. "Parrot", says the owner, "i want you to tell me everything the wife does today, as i suspect that she's having an affair!"

                "No worries, boss" says the parrot.

                Later that day, the owner comes home, eager to hear what the parrot has to say. Before he could ask, the parrot says "You wouldn't believe what happened today!!" The owner asks him what happened, and the parrot replies "Well, i'm sitting here, minding my own business, when the doorbell rings. Then, your wife comes downstairs wearing nothing but a flimsy negligee'! She answers the door, and it's the milkman. Without uttering a word, he goes the big pash on your wife!"

                "Then what happened?!!" asks the owner incredulously.

                "Then" says the parrot, "he slips the tongue in and goes the big grope on your wife!"

                "My god! What happened next?!!!" cries the owner.

                "Then, they move back into the house, and he starts ripping her clothes off!!"

                "Then what happened?!!!!!" asks the owner once more.

                The parrot looks sheepishly (as parrots do ) before replying "Well, i dunno. I got a hard-on and fell off my perch!!!!"

                (or, the Australian version - "I cracked a fat, and fell of my perch!" )

                Sorry about that

                In side news, Australian Fascists captured the Indian city of Raingkot (whatever), while destroying an entire fleet of Indian battleships Now the Indians are confined to one last peninsula of defiance, but the end shall surely come soon.

                Er, somehow we're at peace with the Romans! I assume this is because of the gift of Recycling we gave you?

                So, are we at war or aren't we? I even held off destroying a few stray Roman units!! Let me know, BirdMan, so i can resume the feather-plucking

                Turn 186 to Stavros 11 hours ago.

                It's good to see Apolyton working again


                • #83
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #84
                    Turn 186 to Jon


                    • #85
                      Turn to Lung.

                      Only more from me.

                      Remember the english evaquation from France in WWII. and how it was going later
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #86
                        and pigs might fly, Tweety


                        • #87
                          I hope not, but you can't tell - think of the size of s... they can drop.

                          But it could be worse if elephants also was able to fly!
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #88
                            Turn 187 to Jon


                            • #89
                              Another quiet turn for the Aussies. We'll just have to be content in the knowledge that our flocks of Aussie birds are making Tweety's life hell at the moment

                              The net is closing on the Indians, with heavy bombardment of possibly the last remaining large Indian fleet, resulting in the sinking of an unnamed Indian battleship It is presumed that other ships in the fleet suffered major damage as well in the assault.

                              Meanwhile, the cleaning up operation on the Australian mainland resumed with the elimination of a battalion of Roman marines and the sinking of an ancient Roman trireme which has incredibly withstood the ages ! Until now, that is With any luck, it was carrying troops, although if they had already landed on the mainland, it shall make no difference.

                              However, the Romans by and large have been quiet, so are obviously lurking somewhere. Come out and face the music, BirdBrain!!


                              • #90
                                Turn to Lung.

                                "Sire, your orders to evacuate cities, that cann't be defended are close to be completed. One or two lucky runs more, and we have saved most, that is worth saving.

                                The australian just think they got a trireme. Maybe their pilot should be grounded when he cannot recon the difference between a trireme and a longboat."

                                "Very good my son Brutus.

                                Have our scientists had any breakthrough about this fancy new tecnology, they are researching?"

                                "Yes Sir, they expect to have the first trialunit ready any minute now. Then we should be able to take the australian aircrafts down without doing anything special - and without aircoverage, an australian assult would be very costly for them. Our troops are fortifying themself and we are ready to build fortress in the open to delay the fastmoving units, that the enemy might use against us. Thay have no chanche doing to us what they did to both the dutch and the indians".

                                "Good. Please send this message to the indian leader:

                                Dear Chairman Jon.

                                I think the best for you now is to pull your fleet home and protect our cities and refugeecamps. I will coordinate this with active landdefences in a very short time.

                                I have arranged it, that you now should be able to use some roman facilities to produce food for your people. Pls be free to use facilities and other rawmaterials, that we do not occupy. I will let my engineers give your people a helping hand.

                                Signed by

                                Senator Maximus of Rome."
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


