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Monkey 1 - part VII

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  • Hey guys im back and readhy to play .....

    Tho I will be very busy tonight. Some f.ckin punks decided to brake into my shed last night. Steal my old Toilet, and place it in my driveway. Then several of them took ****s in it !



    • Damnit Saddam !!! You had to come back, just when I was about to gift myself a heap of gold and techs.

      Turn 211 Sent


      • lol, i knew i should not have trusted you

        ok really now, there , I have sent some tech to you fraze. Important knowledge, Explosives and Oil refining were given to the scots as requested. This knowledge is merely to help proctect your peaceful, yet antiquated, nation.

        now about the spy
        Official Statement from the Peoples Republic

        China accepts full responsibility for the spy. Several seasons back, Saddam spoke of this spy in a Free-Radio adress. He has once again condemned the use of spys against anyone. Tho there are several chinese agents at work in the world. These are merely 'observers'. they are Observing large-troop movements and are reporting back, growing pollution trends of foriegn companys. All of there work is legal and for the greater good of the proleteriat.

        As for this certain case, Saddam has only pointed the blame toward that fool, Emperor Yeti. The man who let China decay into a nation of nothing...But China has a new leader now. His works speak louder than his words. He has increased Chinas wealth and has boosted our international Rank whilst increasing production prowess and foriegn trade.

        Workers of the world, Unite behind Comrade Saddam and overthrow the Capitalist moneylovers!


        • Sorry Saddam but I haven't read this thread for awhile. My fault.

          Anyhow the American people forgive the Chinese nation for their act of tresspassing. Everybody spies, the thing is not getting caught. When you catch somebody you make lots of noise, ship the culprit back or shoot him whatever the case and life goes on. In this case we expelled him back to his homeland. We don't appreciate spies within our borders and will search our territory relentlessly looking for spies or other units of their ilk. We do appreciate the fact that the new Chinese leader mentioned that such a unit was present in our territory.
          Last edited by Max Webster; July 16, 2001, 20:58.


          • lol, he could not have escaped, so he was sleeping for about 15 turns rescue was planned either..This was probably due to the awesome array of 3 battleships stationed in the Northern America Taskforce


            • Originally posted by Saddam
              ..This was probably due to the awesome array of 3 battleships stationed in the Northern America Taskforce
              Uhmm, how far north is that "Northern American Taskforce"?
              "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


              • Turn 211 to Swissy.

                My pioneers on a newly discovered islands tells me, that another american city is found.

                He also told me, that it seems like the amecians is a very powerfull nation too with many cities around the world. More than 40 large cities actually - large enough to be named by numbers as suffix.

                Surely, the romans still want to keep a peacefull attitude against such a great neighbor. I can assure, that no roman spy will be found in any foreing territory.

                Senator Maximus.
                Last edited by TheBirdMan; July 17, 2001, 00:11.
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • Turn 211 to Don


                  • Chairman Saddam is pleased to report to Comrade Swissy(and all the greenpeace protesters) that a recycling plant will go up in Beijing, this turn!

                    As for my scottish friends thanks, I can only say that I give my allies good paychecks , as you have found out.

                    Saddam called an urgent meeting of the politburo...The meeting was broadcasted on closed circuit television. The only men who saw the proceding's was senator maximus and his Assembly. Apparently, rumours are flying about. Trade deals, War, negotiations? Only one thing has been confirmed. A large truck with a recycling symbol left Fuyang heading towards Virconuim! Perhaps the Chinese are going global with there attempt to save the world against polluters?


                    • America is pleased to come to an agreement with Roman leaders over Island territory between Roman and American lands. We assure that yes we do have several settlements within our empire but we try to establish colonies that have something to offer our empire, we don't settle just for the sake of settling. We are fairly large empire but we are no threat to our neighbours and strive for peaceful relations.


                      • Turn to Swissy.

                        Riots - anarchy - soldiers unwilling to do their duty?!

                        Have I gone too far, pushing to the peoples democratic sense?

                        The nation is short of liquid capital, most are tied up in buildings and on my great colony-project.

                        Well, I have to act - now when it's summer. The senate is off for vacation, so are many of my most conservative generals. It's now or never!
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • Turn 212 to Don


                          • Don, I got the turn returned as undeliverable with this message:
                            The original message was received at Fri, 20 Jul 2001 15:27:21 -0400 (EDT)
                            from []

                            ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

                            ----- Transcript of session follows -----
                            554 5.0.0 MX list for points back to
                            554 5.3.5 Local configuration error
                            Do you have an alternative address where I can send the turn?


                            • Hi Paul

                              I do not have an alternative address. So could you try a resend again after a few hours. I guess my ISP is having another server hiccup.


                              • Turn sent again.

