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R2_Islands Part 3

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  • #61
    OK, Frazer, you'll be punished now. You'll have to read MY story . Oh, and turn to Frazer.
    Solver was resting in his palace, when he received another report from his people. Here he had two reports, and the first was from his loved Sancho:
    "Your Highness Solver, King of the Spanish,
    We are now in the Incan forests, tasting their nice fruits, and looking at the wonders they have developed. However, my scouts recently reported that there's a small village called Huari in the way. It seems that people of the village aren't very loyal to the Great Inca Frazer, but we're pretty peaceful, and aren't going to pillage this small town. I'll keep on moving to tell you of more wonders I see in these lands.

    The second report seemed much more vital, it was from Alvarez:
    "Solver the God, King of the Spanish,
    I'm currently guiding my forces through some cold places that are on the Incan lands, but now our further movement to the south was stopped by a row of Incan phalanxes marching in our direction. After a short moment of doubts, I followed the advice of my people not to harm those wild people. I will wait to see what the group of hopiltes does, and will continue our movement to the rich Incan forests, if they decide to withdraw. If not, we will act as you command me now."

    Solver quickly took two decisons. First, he sent archers, commanded by his former palaceman, Juan de Garzia, to close with Alvarez's legions, to provide support, in case the Incans decide to attack. If they don't attack, forces of Juan and Alvarez shall stay on guard to be ready to face an attack at any moment.
    Also, Solver wrote a letter to the Great Inca of the Incans, Frazer:
    "Great Inca of the Incans, mighty Frazer.
    As we can both see, your people guided by Thlankda are currently blocking the small peace of land, not letting Alvarez and his men pass to your forests, where beer no longer run. Now bears tend to run there instead. If you order Thlankda to turn away, this will all be resolved easily - I shall proceed with exploring your rich lands, while you will have everything as it used to be.
    If you, however, decide to refuse this, be aware that I want to move south, and I will do it, when I want to. And, I have people of Juan de Garzia currently approach group of Alvarez, byt I do not desire blood of our people to come and make your tundra red.
    Solver, Wise King of the Spanish".

    Quinns, keep reading. What do you think of an idea for a contest of best role-playing CtP PBEM game? Then I'll compete here along with Frazer .

    Solver the "Running Beer" -
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #62
      Alright Solver Running Beer... and who will be the judge of this role playing contest? And will be the prize?


      • #63
        Theoritcally, I can get many to be a judge. And prize could be easily something of Apolyton. Markos doens't want to give everything away, but OK, that's not so important. But I like the contest idea.

        Solver the "Running Beer" -
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #64
          Turn Sent, no time for anything more just now, but watch this space.


          • #65
            Turn 64 > Quinns


            • #66
              Turn 65 to Solver ---

              Alright Solver, go ahead with the contest. I will make an attempt at the role playing as well.


              Running Wolf and his friend Fishes Like A Bear were just coming back from a day of fishing the waters near the Native American shores of Inuit. They had a good catch today. Their fathers would be pleased. It was then that their friend Talks Way Too Much ran up to them on the shore and began a long story about how he heard from his older brother that the Incan Nation was preparing for war with Spain.

              "It's true! Why would I make that up?". The two other boys looked at each other and then back at him. They had heard his "stories" before, and he HAD made up many of them. "No, I mean it this time!" Talks Way Too Much was beginning to get irritated with his friends. "My brother overheard it from Chief Big Foot himself! I'm not lying!!"



              • #67
                Without a story, turn to Frazer.

                Solver the "Running Beer" -
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #68
                  Turn 65 > Quinns


                  • #69
                    Turn 66 to Solver


                    • #70
                      turn to Kralj

                      As Kuljeet and Amar sat on the cliff's near Delhi looking out into the ocean they talked of whether they should also enroll in the military academy that had been setup in all the cities across the nation.

                      'Frankly, I think we should wait a while. I really dont know what the Maharajah is so paranoid about. Who are we defending ourselves from anyway?', spoke Kuljeet as he tossed a rock into the air and watched it arch and then fall into the sea far below.
                      'I dont know. Perhaps it is to protect us against the Barbarians' suggested Amar
                      'Barbarians? What barabarians?', there was a slight note of annoyance in kuljeets voice, 'Everyone knows that the Babarians were all wiped out or civilized during the early days of the Empire. There remains no threat to us, yet the Maharajah is pouring money into building great walls aorund our cities and armies to fortify within cities'
                      'You grow too bold to criticize Maharajah Thor like that, he is much wiser than you and knows things that you do not. I am sure he has his reasons', Amar's first reaction to Kuljeets criticisms was shock, that feeling was immediately replaced by anger. After all, he thought, who was he to criticize the Maharajah? A lowly peasant questioning the wisdom of our great king? Preposterous!
                      Kuljeet sensed the anger and decided not to reply. As he threw another rock and watched it fall, something on the horizon caught his eye
                      'Hey Amar, look at that. What do you think it is?'
                      Amar squinted to get a better look, he could see it too. 'I don't know. Perhaps its a ship of sort'
                      They both suddenly stared at each other, and knew they were both thinking the same thing. They got up dusting their Shalwars and ran toward the city taking the shortcut down the mountain......

                      King Thor


                      • #71
                        Turn to Frazer.

                        King Solver is hungry and angry. Newest reports from Alvarez tell him that the Incan wild men with shield aren't going to let the Spanish forces through. Solver called one of his advisors, to ask for a good advice of what to do there.
                        Advisor told Solver that the peace treaty they have pledged has already expired by now. Thus, in fact, there's nothing preventing Spanish forces from attacking he Incan men, diplomatically. An evil grin appeared on Solver's face. Well, time to show them our might, Solver thought. Now, if they don't remove their pesky forces voluntarily and immediately, it looks like ordering an attack is the only thing I can do about them. Wish I had some missionaries there, to save sould of those wild men, but this time it's hopeless. Let's prepare for the great actions, and our exploration of the souuth Incan lands.
                        And what happens about the Native Americans, Solver wondered. I've heard nothing of them ever since their wise men tought us the secret of how to build great ships, with great capacity and speed. I'd be very happy now to see a small token of their friendship, to be sure that they haven't forgotten my name.
                        Much happier, Solver moved on to the west part of his palace, where the food usually is.

                        Solver the "Running Beer" -
                        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                        • #72
                          Extract From ‘For the Glory of The Inca - the memoirs of a Veteran’

                          The 24th Incan cohort marched long and hard across the ice and snow. At the front the Centurion Graal, friend and confident of Frazer and respected leader of men. Behind him the loyal brave and dutiful men. We resisted the shivering in the extreme cold by singing the tradition songs of the Incan military. I was proud to be among such a fine body of men.

                          Shortly after midday just as Graal was signalling the order to halt for rations and a short break from unceasing toil of the march there was a shout from our forward scout as he came running back towards the front of the short line of marching troops. He was a young noble man Xenalos, well known to be favoured by the ruling high priests of Cuzco. The excitement was a high and word was quickly passed round, he had spotted what we had been looking for , the rumoured 2nd legion of Solvers army.

                          It was reported that enemy army looked strong and better equipped than our modest force, but we were proud and eager to serve our country. The men in the ranks spoke excitedly about the prospects of battle.

                          A messenger pigeon was sent forth to give word of our position to our Holy Council in Cuzco. We encamped and built great fires to protect us from the cold. The atmosphere was one of tension and excitement. Much music was played and some wine that had been taken from a nearby peasant settlement was drank.

                          Perhaps too much was drank for when morning came many were sick from the bitter peasant wine. So when the message bird returned brining news that Frazer had ordered a retreat, many of the men, who had spoken strong and angry words of war the previous evening, were now quietly glad not to have to fight. In fact much later when Frazer got word of his men’s conduct in this matter he introduced much stricter laws to prevent the soldiers of a manoeuvring Incan army to drink alcohol….

                          Turn to king Thor


                          • #73
                            You probably have to join the role-playing contest with this game.

                            Solver the "Running Beer" -
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                            • #74
                              I will next King Thor if nothing happens in the couple of hours.


                              • #75

                                Originally posted by Fraze on 05-02-2001 02:50 PM
                                I will next King Thor if nothing happens in the couple of hours.

                                But! But! But! I sent the turn out sooo long ago!!
                                King Thor

