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New Dutcheese thread

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  • #46
    Goodbye cruel world

    Thx for letting me in, it have been some very interesting turns.

    Keep posting - letting us know how you manage your future.

    As I promised, I have a few "secrets" and considerations from this game, that I will reveal later. As you probably know, the "privat" diplomacy had been much more active than the public
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #47

      We're very happy to anounce that the war is over ! Viking were
      conquered by Russians, Irish and English by Mayans.

      I was very happy to play with Jon, The Bird Man and Frazer.
      Thanks again Frazer to setup this game.

      Now the players are
      - Klair, French
      - Blackice, German
      - Don, Canadians
      - King Thor, Russians
      - Slamp, Mayans
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


      • #48
        Moscow Public TV:

        We have just recieved word that the war is over. The wolrd has been rid of Communism and finally every man in this world can experience freedom and justice. CEO Thor when question about his visit to the Viking city to meet with the ex leader of the vikings said "He will be allowed to live in his palace and will be given all the priveleges of a Russian citizen should he wish to stay here. A similar offer was extended to Chairman Bird and Chairman Jon, though no word of their whereabouts has reached Russia.

        The CEO has also expressed his concern over world wide pollution and has pleaded with the Russian people to take notice of this threat. The entire resources of Russia Corp. will now be devoted to the purpose of cleaning up the planet. The readiness of the Russian security forces will also be decreased to peace time levels.
        King Thor


        • #49
          turn 164 to Klair
          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


          • #50
            Now that the World war has ended, Russia Corp. has taken it upon itself to begin clean up operations on a scale never seen before. Already, more than 25,000 public work units have been poured into the "Russian Ecological Protection And Industrial Responsibility" (REPAIR) fund. The REPAIR fund has also been allocated another 15000 public work units in the future, for its clean up work.

            We urge all nations to join us in a world wide clean up effort so that the damage of the Nuclear Holocaust can be repaired.

            Russia Corp. is also interested in knowing when the organized partitioning of the liberated lands will begin, so that it can allocate the appropriate funds to begin cleanup operations there as well.

            CEO & Chairman , Russia Corp.
            King Thor


            • #51
              turn 165 to Klair,

              I'm building a lot of PW to clean the planet.

              We could exchange some cities, why not ?
              Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


              • #52
                turn 167 to Klair sent yesterday evening
                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                • #53
                  turn 168 to Klair
                  Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                  • #54
                    turn 170 to Klair.

                    Rankings for turn 169
                    Between () the evolution since turn 159

                    1) Klair, Frenchs (=)
                    2) Max_Webster , Canadians (+1)
                    3) Slamp, Mayans (-1)
                    4) King Thor, Russians (=)
                    5) [Blackice], Germans (=)

                    TheBirdMan, English => eliminated on turn 163 by Russians
                    [Fraze], Viking => eliminated on turn 163 by Mayans
                    St_Jon, Irish => eliminated on turn 163 by Mayans

                    Russians, Mayans, Frenchs and Canadians were allied
                    Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                    • #55
                      Though I am eliminated, something new has to be posted here.

                      First. Reply to Slamp's post 6th. june. The Spy. Who can be accused of spying, when you are asked for it??


                      Read now (some is deleted, as this has to be a secret between me and my ally). Newest post first:

                      Good, I saw that you had been spotted myself last Turn as I ran into a French Destroyer, vision range 2, close by. Just make sure that your Transport is out of range of my Sonar Buoys and Ships as I want to send a jpeg of the offense to everyone to justify my self-defence action.

                      We really are working at the edge, look at my Tech and demand what you want, I need you to get a lot stronger PDQ as all hell will break loose when I hit Slamp again. --- deleted --- they know I can hit back, but they may go for you with conventional forces so make sure that you have 'Happy Vikings' and plenty of muscle near your North Coast or England could disappear before I could send a single WW to help you. --- deleted ---

                      Max Reiff wrote:

                      Don't worry. I know what I am doing. I just want to be sure I can make my evil deed in one turn and then disappear (spy and ship!)I couldn't do it last turn, as a russian aircraft had spotted me, therefore I went down close to your coastline.


                      -----Original Message-----
                      From: Jonathan Furderer
                      To: Max Reiff;
                      Sent: 14-01-2001 19:02
                      Subject: DC - Spy Mission.


                      I need your Spy to do his deed at Uaxatum rather than the Irish
                      mainland. Nobody will believe that Slamp could get a Spy across that Channel undetected with the sheer number of ships roaming around.

                      I'll see him, I've got a Diplomat there, so when he's done his deed I'll just expel him back to you.

                      I need the excuse to attack very urgently as France is getting frisky and even the Germans have appeared on the scene.

                      --- deleted ---


                      Comment to above:

                      I disbanded my ship and my spy immidiate after - but was unfortunately seen by a mayan spy the turn before.


                      Then something new - a public reply to Don:

                      Of course I want to see you drowning Don - I have been doing a hard work, trying to achive this!

                      Tweety (new nickname - probably meant as a present from Lung).


                      From Don:

                      Cheeky bugger BM is , trying to drown us all and he wants us to let him watch


                      From me to ctpdc group (mostly to Klair).

                      Hi Klair.

                      Could you pls send me your turn, the one where the "disaster" starts - I do indeed wish to see what my and Jon's "foot-work" in earlier turns at last brought over your sinnfull heads :-).I did what I could to let it happend earlier - but unfortunately......



                      I have (at least) a couple of things more. Also some from a russian "diplomacy" mission.

                      More is to follow later.

                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #56
                        Turn 176 sent to Don
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • #57
                          I thought so. Except from our always present Blackice - only dullies back in this game. No fun. No posting. Just......dull......
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #58
                            I liked reading DC. I enjoyed Jon and BM's post's. But now all is dead, no diplomacy, no chatter.

                            I hate the lame ' Turn to x ------->John doe' and nothing else.

                            Well, atleast I still enjoy reading Swissy2

                            (btw sorry for interupting, didnt look like any action anyway)


                            • #59
                              The reason there is no diplomacy or chatter now that BirdMan and Jon are gone, is because there is absolute peace and harmony. Everyone of us is just busy doing our thing, fixing the dead tiles, etc. All the remaining civilizations are allied to each other and there are no conflicts at all.

                              Part of what made dutcheese so much fun was the way Birdman, Jon and the Vikings had made an one aliance which was almost as strong as the northen country alliance (France, Russia, Maya, Canada). The Germans were neutral although they did join the northern alliance.

                              That period was especialyl fun because of all that diplomacy that took place as a result. No one was truly certain who was stronger and there was all this scheming and plannign going on.

                              Right now, there is nothing. Probably wont be much until the end, I think we're headed for an alien life victory. Especially now that the Canadians have began work on the Gaia controller.
                              King Thor


                              • #60
                                Kill them(!) before they kill you.

                                The alian are some nasty bastards.
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


