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The Dutcheese Game Continues Here

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  • #61
    Russia Awakens

    So, it appears the words of the wise man have finally been fulfilled. Russia, the sleeping giant, has finally awaken. Its mighty industries filled with the most skilled of workers, its enlightened scientists bringing knew knowledge to the world, and pushing the boundaries of science and human understanding.

    Russia has begun finally begun its unstoppable climb to become one of the world's superpowers. General Thor's skilled government has finally turned the Russian economy around. From the sprawling metropolis of Bratislava, to massive industrial complexes of Moscow, everywhere people can see the great change that has come about.

    Long Live Russia,and may her people prosper.
    King Thor


    • #62
      turn 140 to Jon

      A Mayan embassy will be establish next turn in an Irish City.
      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


      • #63
        Turn to Klair.

        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #64
          turn 141 to Jon

          When I ended my turn, I saw that someone spied Irish. It's not me because it will be stupid at one turn before Irish will give me back 2 cities.
          Moreover, I have no eyes in my map. I will send it to Don, my allie and I could send my map to anyone else who wants to verify it.

          I hope Jon will not use this to attack me.

          Slamp, head of Mayans

          Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


          • #65
            Turn to Klair.

            Statement of the English:

            We do keep quiet as we do not want to get involved.

            Peace and negotiations are going on between my nation and the vikings, slow but going on.

            Chairman Bird
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #66
              General Thor spent several hours on the phone with Slamp of the Mayans and Chairman Jon of the Irish. He was hoping to calm both sides and make them try to reach an agreement in a peaceful civilized manner.

              Chairman Jon of the PDRI has expressed his approval of an offer made my General Thor some time back to send a peacekeeping force to patrol the land between Maya and Ireland.

              Here is the plan we propose. Ireland will return all the cities it has taken from the Mayans. and move all ships out of the waters between the Mayan land and Ireland. All Irish troops will return to Ireland.

              The Mayans will also move all ships away from the Irish coast and remove all troops from that land. A token force of no more than 1 marine per city will be allowed in the cities that the Irish will return.

              We will place land units on the Land the Irish will return to the Mayans. Also 1 spy will be placed there to make sure no foreign agents come to the land and also they will look into any Mayan city on any turn to confirm that no more than 1 marine unit is being placed per city. A carrier navy will move into the channel between Maya and Ireland to protect both nations and no ships from any other nation will be allowed into the channel.

              We hope both leaders find this arrangement to their liking.

              - Foreign Miniter, Col. Chekov.

              ================================================== =

              We are giving England a final warning to admit to its hand in the recent act of espionage commited against the Irish. Our intelligence agencies have confirmed that only England could have commited such a cowardly act.

              Chairman Bird, your plan of causing a nuclear war between my friends and then hovering over them like a vulture picking out the dead meat will never come to fruition. As long as Russia has its might you will never see the day where you will be able to feed off others like the parasites you are. We demand that you pay reparations to Ireland and Maya to the tune of 2000 gold each and publicly admit your act of espionage and apologize to both the Irish and the Mayans.

              You have been warned English vulture... accept your crimes and apologize to those you have wronged.

              King Thor


              • #67
                turn 143 to Jon on friday 26th
                Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                • #68
                  Turn to Klair

                  This night, the vikings crossed our border, annihilating two english cities.

                  One of those was clearly on english land, the other just on the other side of the "borderline".

                  During our negotiations, the vikings wanted 200 gold each tile I occupied of "viking land". I offered a gift of 300 = more gold than the viking leader asked for.

                  Therefore, there was no reason for the vikings to attack me. I have lost a few units - but this is nothing to drop any tears for.

                  The viking leader proposed peace after his assault - I have rejected that.

                  I can only say this: I don't want this war - but I need time to think what to do now.

                  Chairman Bird.

                  Below the negotiations between me and the viking leader from 5.january to
                  the 16.january 2001.


                  Sorry about the slight delay. In response to your offer, If 150 is you
                  starting price I would like to push that up to 200 or maybe 150 and an
                  advance. It would also be nice to know exactly where you are planning to
                  place your Cities as there barely seems room for three.


                  Subject: RE: Turn 139

                  > Thanks - I am withdrawing now. A little puzzeled about your sleeping settler, I did not expect one there, as there is only a wast forrest (I know all about that). Think he would do better a little further to the east (see below).
                  > I need (almost) all the forrest southeast of my present border for 3 new cities. Leaving a security zone to you of 2 to 4 tiles and more than enough place to make a road/railroad between your cities. About 20-25 tiles all together for me - you keep all the shores and more than that.
                  > If the prise is only gold, my starting offer would be around 150 gold/tile.
                  > And the right for you to keep the goods you already have - including the beaver colony, I just left (suitable for a settlement).
                  > If you want some knowledge - please ask and give your suggesting to how many tiles that knowledge "represents". If I have it, we should surely find a compromise.
                  > A diplomat would be welcome - making our dialog easier.
                  > Chairman Bird
                  > Sent: 13-01-2001 18:46
                  > Subject: Turn 139
                  > Dear Mr Bird,
                  > OK no excuses now, please withdraw and let me know what you want and are
                  > willing to offer.
                  > Cheers,
                  > Frazer

                  Hi Bird,

                  It way my mistake I should have realised you were pined down. I will accept
                  your intention to move in good faith.


                  Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 6:58 AM
                  Subject: [ctpdc] Turn 138 to Klair.

                  > Sorry - Fraze. Couldn't move all you wanted.
                  > Bird.

                  Dear neighbor

                  I am glad you have chosen to do this in a peaceful way rather than building cities and taking territory without my consent. First you must take action
                  to move your troops out. There was never any need for them to be so deep into my territory If you want up to date maps of my land you only have to

                  As you now have done your reconnaissance, you have the information you need and so you are free to make a proposal as to where you want a new city and
                  what you are prepared to offer. I will be very reasonable in considering any offer as good relations between us are important to me.

                  I must urge you to consider and make you request soon, as I also have a some citizens in the area who are looking for a new place to construct a city.


                  Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 8:40 AM
                  Subject: DC. English/viking border.

                  > Dear neighbour.
                  > We both know, what did happen in the past. I do not want to get involved in another war with you.
                  > I have not (yet) settled byond the borders of the socalled agreement. I have stated, that I will NOT attack the vikings - and I repeat this.
                  > What I do need is more land. I have been forced to settle on ice and that is not that funny - I would like very much, if you would give a helping hand
                  to a neighbour by giving up a little of "your" zone of the forrest.
                  > I am willing to pay an amount of gold for each tile - I think we could find a suitable sum. I'm willing to develop the forrest myself. I will allow a
                  diplomat of yours to patrol my borderzone closest to viking territory - just to keep you informed of my peaceful attitude.
                  > What do you say to this?
                  > If agree, I will call back the fortified troops between New Odense and Goteborg.

                  [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited January 30, 2001).]
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #69
                    Russian Naval vessels are already on their way to the Waters between the Mayans and
                    the Irish. The first of which shall be arriving next turn. Over the following 4 turns
                    more naval vessels will arive, along with land troops in Irish Occupied Mayan land.
                    Once russian Naval vessels are in place, no foreign ships will be allowed in the
                    region, with the Exception of Irish troop ships which will be transporting units
                    back to Ireland.

                    Russia is not concerned by the break out of war between the English and the Vikings.
                    Our first instincts were to enforce peace in the region ourselves. However we are
                    already preparing a peacekeeping force to help end the Irish-Mayan conflict, and
                    a war between two of the world's weakest nations hardly seems to require our attention.
                    However, we warn both nations to confine themselves to using only conventional weapons.
                    We are unsure of whether either nation posses weapons of mass destruction... but
                    incase Ireland has helped either one or both of you (considering both enjoy good
                    relations with Ireland) develop nuclear capability, we hope you have the good sense
                    not to use them. A nuclear exchange will result in direct intervention from Russia.
                    King Thor


                    • #70

                      I will be away from february 3th to february 12th. Don will play for me. I hope a peace treaty will be signed by Mayan and Irish, so I will be able to take back mayan cities when I will come back from vacation.
                      Apolyton QuickStart for CTP PBEM


                      • #71
                        PDRI Official Statement

                        I write this statement to the World in great sadness for the PDRI has
                        been forced to follow a path that she would rather never have embarked
                        upon. Last Turn we discovered what was clearly a French Invasion Fleet
                        grouped around Rennes1, destined for whom we did not know, but this Turn
                        all became clear.

                        Two French ships were sighted within one Tile of Liverpool and the aim
                        was clear. We could not permit a major City of our Ally's to fall into
                        French hands and therefore acted and sank these vessels. As Rennes1 was
                        clearly the centre of operations and lacking conventional forces within
                        strike range we were forced to take unilateral nuclear action. The City
                        of Le Mans, also a useful staging post for anti-PDRE coastal cities was
                        also targeted, but we stopped short of any strike upon major population
                        centres. Two other potentially hostile French Fleets were also engaged
                        with one utterlly destroyed and the other severely damaged.

                        As a peaceful, and peace loving, nation words cannot describe how
                        devastated we are to have been forced to take this action. However, the
                        World persists in the misguided belief that Ireland lacks the will to
                        put words into deeds and that an Alliance with her means any more than
                        the paper upon which it is written. This not so!

                        We hope that this will bring the World to it's senses and that all we
                        recognise the PDRI as being sincere in all her dealings with other
                        nations, be they friend or foe! It is to be hoped that recognition is
                        made of the limited nature of our actions and that peace will be
                        restored for we now stand upon a knife edge and making the wrong move
                        could plunge the entire World into a darkness so deep that all will
                        return to the Bronze Age.

                        Chairman Jon, PDRI.
                        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                        - Anon


                        • #72
                          Dutcheese is now officially "rated". Thanks, Slamp for your information.... FINALLY!



                          • #73
                            If someone approached you, asking to buy your car, you’re a weedy guy, the potential buyer is also a weedy guy, but he’s got a heavy friend. You talk about a price, but your not sure, you like your car, you don’t want to sell, but you say maybe I’ll sell if you give me so much money and a bit more.

                            Then you say I’m not sure, I’ll think about it.

                            The following night the guy steels your car and leaves a envelope of money in your mailbox.

                            This is theft no doubt about it.

                            I will not be bullied.

                            It’s better to burn up then fade away, and all that kind of self-destructive sentiment.

                            Unsurprisingly the English have now taken two of my cities. I only declared war to take back what was rightfully mine, and then I made a peace offering. I had no intensions of invading English territory.


                            • #74
                              Turn to Klair.

                              To the viking leader.

                              Who did you think you could fool with the 2 maps you sent me earlier?

                              The border west of your city Bergen was different - much different - on the two maps. Maps you claimed was agreed upon by you and the former leader of the english. I saw it immediately when you send me the second map - but I didn't make you mistake public to everyone. I did not see any reason.

                              I did not want this war - first of all because I did fear a war comming from another direction, secondly because it looked like we had reached a form of understanding. Now I know better - and you shall have what you want

                              Chairman Bird

                              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                              • #75
                                PDRI Official Statement

                                It is to be assumed from the Viking analogy regarding the purchase of motor vehicles from 'one weedy guy by another weedy guy' that the 'heavy friend' is an allusion to the PDRI. This is unfair for Ireland is not 'heavy' in her dealings with other nations and has sought only to further peace and reconciliation throughout the World.

                                Please note that Ireland is a friend of the Vikings and always has been. Indeed the Viking/Irish Alliance is close to 100 Turns old and Ireland has only ever sought to help and support you. It is very difficult for me when a War is waged between two Allies and the only honest policy that can be adopted is one of strict neutrality. Should any nation, other than the PDRE, have been involved in this conflict we would have intervened on your behalf.

                                However, if as suspected Trondheim no longer wishes Irish friendship we need just be told. Ireland is a loyal and generous friend to 'weedy men' everywhere but will not force her friendship upon them! The PDRI had neither foreknowledge or suspicion of your attack upon England, for we would have sought to disuade you, but still have tirelessly strived for peace on your behalf.

                                It also should be noted that the Maps referred to by Chairman Bird have indeed been studied by the Politburo and he speaks no word of a lie. These documents are clear forgeries and never were the basis upon which any previous Anglo-Viking Peace Treaty was signed.

                                Please Frazer do not force Ireland to take sides, accept the English Peace Treaty and retain your capitol! Severed in two and racked by civil disorder you risk your entire nation by this stubborness.

                                Chairman Jon, PDRI.

                                "And I declared that the dead who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun."
                                “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                                - Anon

