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Fixed Game Part III

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  • #76
    Turn 46 to King Thor ---

    All builders in the world working hard... but what are they building, plows or swords?


    • #77
      Turn -> Shaka of the Zulus.

      Russia for one is not building plows or swords, but instead banks and stores so that we may keep all our gold in a safe place.

      Our emissaries continue their seemingly endless journey south. But they seem to be holding up well.

      King Thor


      • #78
        Turn to Keygen.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #79
          Turn 46 to Quinns.


          • #80
            Turn 47 to King Thor --

            St Jon of the Japanese,

            Would you be so kind as to allow my diplomat to set up a permanent embassy in your city? He is very weary having traveled so many hundreds of miles without an escort. It would be most appreciated.

            Quinns of the Assyrians


            • #81
              turn 46 sent on 13th


              • #82
                Turn to Shaka of the Zulus

                Great leader of the Zulus people your embassy in our land is most welcome. If you wish we can save your diplomat the ardous journey back home by employing our instant teleporationg technology.

                Our diplomat will establish an embassy in your fine nation next turn, please do not teleport him back home, for he will be proceeding from there onwards to the lands of the Assyrians.
                King Thor


                • #83
                  Turn Yesterday to Jon..

                  Shaka happy that we have embussy with neighbours.


                  • #84
                    Turn to Keygen
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • #85
                      Resend request.
                      I haven't received the turn.


                      • #86
                        Turn 47 to Quinns.


                        • #87
                          Turn 48 to King Thor of the Russians --

                          Assyria hopes that the other nations share the same Barbarian Free State that the Assyrian people are fortunate enough to enjoy. It seems we have suppressed the last of them in our region.

                          Quinns of the Assyrians


                          • #88
                            Damn! You did discovered my little secret intrusion .
                            Well, my little fellows with the big metal things got scared alone in the dark watching that big and mysterious black fog in front of them and tryed to light it up and find some company .
                            OK, OK I'll pool them back. No sweat.
                            I wish sometime Shaka visits Athens, seats in our big round table in our palace, drink our finest wine, eat our wealthy food and take off his bag his valuable maps and show them to us and we happily show ours!


                            • #89
                              Turn 48 to Keygen.

                              Welcome to Japan my Greek friends.
                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon


                              • #90
                                Shaka confused.

                                This Keygen fellow made border proposal a while back.
                                Now he got troops with big pointy metal things on the wrong side of his own proposed border.
                                Shaka knows Shaka not a diplomat, and still having a few trouble with the concepts, but Shaka think something seriously wrong here.

