"High Priest-King Constantine found today in his palace in Athens a letter. There was just only a sentence: "Turn 37 to Athens". So the great King played his turn at once and sent his messegers to the neighbor Assyria to deliver Turn 37 with the distinction of urgent!" 
"Another message arrived to my royal hall today from the great Zulus. It was in their nature language (accually German) and due to the lack of a translator we couldn't know exactly its content. But we could understand. It was the answer to our maps exchange request. There was no Zulu maps in there! We now know that the Zulus are not friendly toward us! I hope they don't underestimate us. That would be a great mistake. And if untrust is the answer then I can assure the Zulus that we the Greeks are a friendly nation and do not like to create problems with our neighbors in this cruel world."

"Another message arrived to my royal hall today from the great Zulus. It was in their nature language (accually German) and due to the lack of a translator we couldn't know exactly its content. But we could understand. It was the answer to our maps exchange request. There was no Zulu maps in there! We now know that the Zulus are not friendly toward us! I hope they don't underestimate us. That would be a great mistake. And if untrust is the answer then I can assure the Zulus that we the Greeks are a friendly nation and do not like to create problems with our neighbors in this cruel world."