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Love Conquers? Part IV.

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  • #16
    All is peacefull

    turn to rick


    • #17
      Ouch! Had i known that alcohol was now prohibited in Wales, i would have worked for the Spanish for nothing! Money AND alcohol! Mmmmm.....alcohol....


      • #18
        I can't believe Mobius the Great would leave his entire civilization under the control of a DRUNK! HEY LUNG... SOBER UP MAN (or "WOMAN" according to Jon), THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!!

        By the way, Rick, please send the next turn to me at --- Sorry, again, for the inconvenience.


        • #19

          Turn 67 --> Quinns

          Just when we think it is safe, the plague returns to Greece, with 2 happy cities stricken with riots. It is said that drunken public orgies are a quick cure for these maladies, so we will experiment...



          • #20
            Rick, please send the turn to --- If you can get it to me in the next half hour, I won't have to wait another 15 hours before I play it.


            • #21
              Turn 68 to ---

              Thanks for the turn Rick!

              What in the world is Australia and Spain doing "At War"?? Is it time to rock and roll? I'd better ramp up before I get swallowed up...

              Incan Generals shining up their swords with glee... Yee Gads!



              • #22
                Uh-oh! Did you say WAR?

                Well, tally-ho, lads! To the front, i say!! (wherever that may be). Well, it looks like General Lung is gonna earn his moola!! Evil Australians, i'm commeth to smite thee!!!


                • #23
                  Turn to Madrid.

                  Brothers and Sisters,

                  What is this that I hear of War? Know you not that 'Love Conquers All' regardless of all the spite and bile in the the World?

                  My congegation in Tours are somewhat anxious at the sight of just so many Spanish Cavalrymen. Brother Tomas was to be trusted but can the same be said of the 'Loathesome One'?

                  Dearest Xenophon, beloved unto to my heart you may be but you have stationed a Diplomat, I forgive you for he is only an unarmed man, well to the South of any proposed Greek City Radius. This is productive land, and my disciples need to eat, and must not be wasted by any border disputes.

                  Greek, Spanish or Inca, I care not which, have established a City opposite Strasbourg. This is an ancient French City and her productive radius is sacred and this is not open to any form of negotiation.

                  Blessings unto you All.
                  St Jon, Good Tidings in a Life of Ill News.

                  BTW. Please only post to as I rarely even look at any other a/c.
                  “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                  - Anon


                  • #24
                    St Jon of the French,

                    It is I, Quinns of the Inca, who is responsible for the city opposite of Strasbourg. I tried to place the city as far away as possible from any Greek or French city without overlapping city radii. The overlap that you refer to covers only one tile, and I see that you already have a worker on that tile. Obviously, I have no intention of claiming that tile, as you were there first.

                    I'm sorry if this displeases you St Jon, but we Incans needed a port on this body of water and we built it in Incan territory on the area of least city radii conflict.

                    May the good Gods also bless you and your people,

                    Quinns of the Inca


                    • #25
                      Turn 68 ==> Stavros

                      It seems that Wales is once again behind the times as we have no information telling of war between Australia and Spain.



                      • #26
                        Why are you b.....s so jumpy? Talk about knee jerk reactions. Here we are, just testing out the capabilities of our army, doing a bit of war training and such, and you guys are ready to proclaim Armagedon... Don't worry, any nation that hasn't laid claim to part of our land has nothing to fear.

                        Breaker Morant
                        "Shoot straight you bastards"


                        • #27

                          Turn 68 --> Quinns

                          Beloved St Jon, surely a lone Diplomat relaxing in no-man's-land cannot perturb you! He stands in no cities radius, so he cannot prevent your hungry people from eating!

                          And we hope the "war games" of the Australians will not become anything more.



                          • #28
                            Turn 69, I trust there are no immoral thoughts, to Madrid and Cardiff.

                            Beloved Children, there is the smell of saltpetre in the air and I fear for the lives of many innocent souls, who even though they live in darkness, deserve a better fate.

                            Ponder long on your decisions, my dearest Breaker Morant and Loathesome Regent of Spain, for this headlong rush to 'War Readiness' can only mean tears from the widows that you will leave behind. Remember the sorry orphan's cry as she mourns the lot that life has bestowed upon her:

                            Pale, thro' pathless ways
                            The fancied image strays
                            Famished, weeping, weak,
                            With hollow piteous shriek.

                            Let love embrace you all and happiness abound amongst all of God's creations!

                            St Jon, The Light in a Darkened Room.

                            BTW. I've sent the Turn on to Demos as Lung said he would be away for the weekend.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • #29
                              Turn 69 to St Jon ---

                              "Knee jerk!" I thought you DID NOT want peace Mr. Breaker Morant! And that Peace is just for the lovey dovey sissies of the world. Why for are you worried about WAR? I thought you wanted to go to war with everyone, you antsy bas**ard! And I see you also created a city that overlaps with my existing city radius. See St Jon, I'm not the only one who makes colonization mistakes! I had to occupy the tile in question to enforce my right to this region.

                              (Ratings Turn... Inca and Wales bringing up the rear again!)


                              • #30
                                (Out of turn)
                                Breaker Morant asks himself why people are so unkind?

                                It is true, War is the ultimate in self actualisation. An ends unto itself. You can only truly define yourself through your actions in vanquishing the enemy.

                                I will forgive your building of a city so close to where I had planned a city, and not include you in my short list of teritorial transgressors. This makes a fine oportunity to define a border. I had done this with your predecessor, but it seems that you wanted a more cozy relationship. I get that a lot

                                btw... what does antsy mean? I've heard it used, but never realy got down to the real meaning. I presume its an Americanism.

