Turn to Lung
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Lung's FAST! pbem - Part IV
Sorry, guys. My stupid ISP said it was upgrading the mail server, so i couldn't download my turns until this morning. However, i will be away for 48 hours, so Tweety, please send my turns to Gwilym at gwilym@sherekan.freeserve.co.uk as well as myself.
On the war front, Ian Thorpe the Awesome wonders whether the Dutch conquest is worth the effort, as their cities crumble under our might, while their soldiers hardly even fight back. The Dutch even strangely sent an Australian slaver (or was it a diplomat?) home, instead of making an example of him. Brigadier-General Lung has advised Ian Thorpe the Awesome that the Dutch appear entirely unwilling to fight. One of Brigadier-General Lung's Generals even suggested that perhaps the entire Dutch population were all women, but he was corrected that it was simply the case that their men were just a bit effeminate
Brigadier-General Lung raised the suggestion that perhaps channels of discussion should be raised with the Dutch, with a possible view towards peace, for the Dutch barely provide our soldiers with battle practice! After fighting the Dutch, they might be ill-prepared to fight any other would-be invaders!
Turn 106 to Stavros.
What ho!
These little outings of mine are good for the old Lumbago...
Nothing to report from Australia except business as usual...
Now for some tiffin and a good cup of Darjeeling out on the verandah!
Tally Ho!
Brigadier-General MOBIUS (retd.)
Turn to Lung
The head of the 2.nd taskforce are being landed on the dutch shores in these moments.
This should be sufficient to sucure our peaceloving neighbour to live within secure bordes - guarded by brave roman troops against babarians and other hostile natives.
Senator Maximus.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Good show Maximus!
Rest assured, if we spot any barbarians or restless natives in our neck of the woods - we'll give them a good old fashioned birching!
That should stop the blighters!
Brigadier-General MOBIUS (retd.)
Maximus old chap!
I have pleasure in opening an embassy with our great friends...
Do not worry about my diplomat, he is to head immediately south to be whisked away by boat!
As for your forces on the Australian/Dutch border...
Whilst a welcome sight, we ask that you turn all away save the diplomat next to our diplomat. He is on the outskirts of the fair city of Wattanobi and is most welcome indeed to pop in for a spot of tiffin and set up an Embassy...
Now, I've got a Bible to read!
Brigadier-General MOBIUS (retd.)